A Whippersnapper Steals the Show

YHC turned 50 on 6/7/2019, the date of this workout (yes the Backblast is late). Half a century on this fine earth and feeling all the better for it! After a truncated EC run with a few of the regulars, 26 of us circled up for the pledge and a Birthday Q. Warm-up Quick jog around the lot, then circle up for Good Morning, some Side Straddle Hops, a sloppily Q’d set of Hillbilly’s and some Michael Phelps style arm stretches. [Read More]

What no Mary

It was the spring morning we missed in sprint at flirting with disaster with 18 paxs. The exercise started off with a lite run to the park for some warm ups. Side saddle hops Merkins Calf Stretches Runner strectches Imperial walkers Then we did a run toward the bridge stopping at the intersection to some quick LBCs At the bridge Ollie really wanted to bear crawl across the bridge so we did our best. [Read More]

Battle Rope Monday

Two weeks ago, Squatter busted out a battle rope at FWD. I loved how much I hated it, so I ordered one for my home gym (aka, 8 square feet in my garage, usually covered by tricycles). Fast forward to my VQ. A-Team leans problematic, and I suspected the VQ trainwreck might draw some additional bodies, so I tried to brainstorm some ways to corral the masses. I settled on Battle Rope Monday. [Read More]


Today is my birthday. I signed up over a month ago for this workout, not knowing what I’d be doing the preceding few days. This was a mistake. In hindsight, fartsacking would have been a great idea. However, I’m not one to back down off a commitment! I said I was going to do it, so I’m going to do it. I will note, however, that my body was in sever protest after yesterday’s 12-Mile ruck, Murph Convergence, and full day of actively working outside in the heat. [Read More]

Once you get it, you can’t put it down; also, partner up to know your Brother

AO: SWW Date: 5/24/19 PAX: Adjacent, Beltway, Blue Water, Captain Jack, Denali, Honeycomb, FNG Keebler, Kitty Litter, Oofta, Joe Smith, Smokey, Stetson, Wonderbread, WWW The design of the workout came to mind when I met up with Hermès to pick-up approximately 200 decorative bricks. It was a workout loading them into the bed of my truck. Those bricks were of perfect coupon weight to challenge the HIMs. Time to party … brick party that is. [Read More]

Bass Ackwards

Slippery When Wet, May 17, 2019. 18 pax. 1099, Banjo, Captain Jack, Chanticler, Chipper, Denali, Grease Monkey, Greenbo, Hermes, Joe Smith, Kitty Litter, Michelob, Oofta, Quiver, Smokey, Stetson, Titanic, Whirlie, YHC is proof that tenure means nothing when executing a perfect Q. Unlike Frisco, who stole the show on his first ~5~ 10 VQs, YHC has learned next to nothing on how to operate the F3 Q machine. But if catching it on the chin from fellow pax is a sign of respect, boy did I get it today. [Read More]

"Are we doing that Clock Thingy Workout?"

So this is the fourth time I’ve pulled out this workout, but It has yet to get a name that has stuck. Term Paper remembered it and yelled out the above quote as we did our warm up run, but I don’t think Clock Thingy Workout is the one. Today I Googled “Circle of Fitness” and two things happened. First, this random guy’s image came up, and two, I saw something that read “Wheel of Fitness. [Read More]

Lt. Danger reporting for duty

A balmy 71 degrees this morning did not scare off several EC runners including YHC, Largemouth, Michelob, Chanticleer, Chipper, Ooofta & Staubach. All familiar faces this morning, so off we go for a little traveling warm up around the lake. Stopping a few times for Good Mornings & Windmills, then again for Imperial Walkers and SSH, then again for Mnt. Climbers and Merkins. Final stop was the start of the bridge where we walked on our hands (feet on top of bridge) across to the other side. [Read More]

Flirtin' with The Murph

Hi-Liter asked me to step in for the FWD Q this week, I was honored! Leading up to the Q, I thought to myself, What would Hi-Liter do? I figured it had been at least 4 or 5 days since his last Murph, so it must be time for another Murph, right?! But the famous Memorial Day Murph convergence is right around the corner. Now FWD is strategically placed .5 miles from Cary’s flagship pedestrian bridge, which is irresistible to YHC with the Q. [Read More]

YokoZuna was MIA

I pulled my first Riptide on my last Q and never wrote the back blast for FMJ where I earned by first Q-zie. I am also hi-jacking one back blast to write about another AO briefly. I feel like I am committing all the sins of Carpex at once…okay I feel absolved for my sins - I said 3 Our Fathers and ran 3 Miles. Was looking forward to my first Q at Kryptonite and had put some thought into what I wanted to do. [Read More]