Memorial Day Tribute

On a day set aside to remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice 57 HIMs made a statement of gratitude, respect and admiration for the fallen by way of sweat, tears and even a little blood. First things First: 10 brave HIMs participated in an EC Murph at 0600. Pierogi, Hermes, Oofta, Ollie, Banjo, Old Maid, Squatter, Captain Kirk, Joe Smith, Tecumseh, WWW, Sky Blue and Michelob. Excellent work gentlemen! [Read More]

New Grounds and a Signature Sunrise

Strava: 3 miles Got to nab the Q from Hi-Liter this week. It’s becoming tougher and tougher to get a Q spot if you don’t plan more than 2 weeks in advance. That’s something Carpex can be proud of! Something else to be proud of is to leave the pax breathless at COT and better than where you found them at the start of the day! Let’s see how we did! [Read More]

4 x 4's

YHC arrived a few minutes early, excited to Q in the gloomiest gloom in Carpex on a Friday morning. I looked around and didn’t see a guy in a hockey mask with a machete, but I did see an FNG named Daniel, so he got the F3 disclaimer. As we got closer to 0545 I saw lots of PAX but no site Q’s. Finally Oofta rolled up, but without the flag. [Read More]

Ode to the Hate

We had a May the Fourth workout last week… so let’s follow with a May the HATEth workout! It’s all about the Hate today. FNG Check Mosey over to the Kids Together playground for our warmup. Half the pax do figure Hates around the playgrounds. The other half works on cadence GM, Cotton Pickers, and CDDs. Gather up, and Indian Run back out to Thurston. Turn right and head to Cary Parkway. [Read More]

Meow Miles at Krypto

YHC logged onto Google street view to check the logistics for the Regency loop before Q’ing Krypto for the first time (don’t worry, I’ve posted here more than twice). A solid group of 11 Pax arrived in the Gloom, some “complaining” that the 42 degrees needed to be a touch warmer. Don’t fret, my pet, we’ll warm up. No disclaimer, and we’re off onto the Regency Loop which included: Warm ups in the first lot (quick feet sorta stuff… high tempo) And then we just ran and stopped along the way for stuff including merkins, squats, planks, dips, etc. [Read More]

Slippery When Wet 4/27/18 -- The 2000's

12 PAX braved the weather for a 2000’s beat-down. Shakira, Lady Gaga, and Beyonce joined us on the trek though they were not favored by the PAX present. Nonetheless, YHC truly enjoys workouts better when the tunes are humming! Jog around the pickle to circle up for Warm-ups. Warm-ups Side Straddle Hop, Imperial Walkers, Good Mornings, Merkins, Mountain Climbers Jog to the baseball field. Thing 1 Partner up, 3 rounds of one partner either People’s Chair or Balls to the Wall the other partner bear crawls to 1st base, lunge to 2nd base, bear crawl to 3rd base, lunge home. [Read More]

Flirting with Disaster 4/24/18 Day 2 -- The '70's

The week of Smokey continues with the music of the 1970’s. Joining us on this rainy workout were Aerosmith, Kansas, Stevie Wonder, Ram Jam, and many more. The songs inspired both singing (well, you could call it singing) and chanting from the PAX. It was an experience though only 8 of us braved the weather to enjoy it. We started with a brief run to the front circle for warm ups. [Read More]

Anniversary Kegger

April 10, 2018 It’s been one year since YHC first tasted the Gloom at FWD in April 2017, and YHC felt a little celebration was in order. But how best to mark the occasion with a touch of class and sophistication? Would the PAX prefer a tasteful platter of dry-roasted, unsalted, Whole-30-reminiscent almonds? Or mayhaps a pre-breakfast kegger? After unsuccessfully /polling the PAX on Slack (better watch your back @Slackbot) and then successfully polling the PAX on GroupMe (long may it reign), kegs beat almonds and YHC knows that the first rule of partying it to give the people what they want. [Read More]

Time to Get a Little Spooky

Click here to set the mood. Finally making it back to Slippery When Wet to pay Q respect to the site Q who bailed me out 6 weeks ago… when my 2.1 was born! I’ve been back to SWW once in the last 6 weeks, but I’m ready to execute at least part of the plan that I had half-hatched for that fateful day… with a spin. After all, today is Friday the 13th. [Read More]

No worries - I got the Q and the flag!

It was Monday night and I get a text from Hermes asking if I will be there tomorrow. I thought “of course.” Text him back and quickly get signed up for the vacant Q and get solo site Q duties. No worries. Fortunately I have been to a few F3 workouts so I poached off ones I enjoyed. Warm up SSH, IW, GM, Plank Jacks, Merkins Thang 1 (Thanks Michelob and Whiplash) [Read More]