10/5/18, The Liuzzo Scale of Magnitude of Vanillaness

5 for 7800° EC 3 mile run around the glorious Symphony Lake. 22 were there for the start of the standard issue vanilla boot camp, one could not handle the pressure and had to leave early. After the Pledge of Allegiance, we jogged to the parking deck for a standard Shut-In warmup followed by 70 LBCs in Cadence. Then went down the stairs and got in position for BTTW 5 count down the line and back, then we did some more LBCs, then we partnered up for Dora 1,2,3 with 100 Merkins, 200 calf raises and 300 LBCs. [Read More]

The Rise of Netscape.

Warm-up 2 Laps - Brisk jog around the famous pickle 20 x Side Shuffle Hops 20 x Hill Billies 20 x Cotton Pickers 20 x Shoulder Taps Main Workout We started out with an old fashion Indian Run - Two Lanes to the infamous Bridge. The heart of the work included a Bear Crawl to center of bridge, then followed by Lunges to the other end. 20 Merkins, then Lunges back to center of bridge, followed by a Bear Crawl and finished with 1 Jump Squat (Explosive Squat). [Read More]

Route 101

Pre-Blast 19 HIM gathered at the premier CarPex AO that meets at MD Park on Tuesdays to do some work. And so we did. Hermès was there. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run the pylons, mixed run around he circle four times. Circle up. 5 Good Mornings 10 Windmills 10 Cotton Pickers 101 SSH 101 Merkins (completed on the way to the bridge) Run to the bridge The Thang [Read More]

The role of Largemouth will be played by his understudy

With just under 12 hours on the clock before the start of Kryptonite, the call went out that Largemouth was dealing with a stomach bug. So I dusted off the script, prepped for the part and took the stage as the Q for a morning performance. And although the audience was visible upset, no one left the theatre and demanded their money back. We mosey across the street (hold up, car right) to the parking lot. [Read More]

Crossing the Busy Road Twice

YHC always try and start his BB listing the number of Pax. It seems the past few Qs that’s been a feat of its own. We had 21 when we left the flag. We had 20 when we got back and we had 21 again when we got to our cars. Let the Q explain (and tell ya what we did!) 0530: Intro and Disclaimer (there was an applause of sorts even. [Read More]

Dora Murph for Virgin Q

Great morning for my Virgin Q. Adrenaline was flowing The Warmup: Mosey down the road to Lochmere Stores parking lot, Do quick feet, backwards run and butt kickers on the way 20 SSH 20 Imperial Walkers 5 Burpees OYO 10 Runners Stretch, each side 10 Good mornings Thang 1: Mosey down to bridge underpass and back to Playground and continue Pearls On A String 20 Monkey Humpers 10 Burpees OYO Thang 2: [Read More]

The Forgotten Q

In case you haven’t heard BRR is coming up soon. Like next week soon. Like you won’t have to hear about it anymore for a while soon. Many, many moons ago Hermes suggested we all take Q’s this week and do running/hill repeat type work outs which we were all enthusiastic about signing up for. Come today and YHC forgot that he signed up to Q FWD. Fortunately someone was kind enough to ask me what we were doing that day which started the conversation of how I was the Q today and so on and so on. [Read More]

We didn't spell anything, but we ran and did stuff

Perfect morning for a workout, good crowd, 1 FNG (EC’ed by the elusive Navin who did not show) Warm up Mozy to one of the adjoining lots – wait Navin has arrived SSH x 15 Merkins IC x 10 Plankjacks IC x 10 Low plank hold - 5 count around the circle The Thang Form small squads for Indian Run so that each group has someone with a headlamp Route – greenway to Kildaire Farm, and then follow road back into the park, cut behind 2nd baseball field to office park and then back to shovel flag. [Read More]

Watch Out For The Dog Jogger

3.5 mile EC run with YHC, Hermes, Build-A-Bear and Largemouth. No FNGs, but I meet Titanic and Daisy (as in the B.B. gun) Rolling Stone was supposed to make an appearance, but when we started there was no Bartman to be found. Later in the workout, a strange and mysterious light kept appearing on the bridge. Some thought it was a walker, or a biker, others a runner, still others a dog jogger. [Read More]

Wow! That's a long hill!

What’s a good way to prepare for the BRR AND enhance overall stamina and endurance at Flirtin’ With Disaster?? The hill on Cary Parkway, of course. But you can’t just run the hill, you’ve got to throw in some exercises as well. All FWD regulars are intimately familiar with this hill, and it shows up in probably 1/4 or more of the workouts, and normally stopping at designated lightposts for Merkins, or Burpees, etc. [Read More]