All About Preparation

AO: Slippery When Wet QIC: Staubach 18 Wonderful Pax learned a valuable life lesson today. Preparation and practice is the key to success. I entered the the morning well rested with a perfectly timed and orchestrated plan that both started and ended on time. Many Pax will say Staubach got back from Atlanta very late, had less than 3 hours of sleep and had over 2 hours of exercises planned for the 45 minute time slot…. [Read More]

Merkins, Merkins, Merkins, and more Merkins

Yesterday evening I was perusing the weather forecast, workout options and Q-sheets….ok, yes, I was Q-Shopping a bit. About that time, Yoga Mat posted that Bluewater would be running the show here at FWD in the morning and I immediately decided…THAT is where I’m going!!! Shortly thereafter, I got a call from Bluewater advising he would not be able to make it and asking if I would fill in for him. [Read More]

True HIM Tribute

Just a bit moist & slippery – maybe it’s the perfect conditions for Slippery When Wet…. Wow – pulling in the parking lot, Flacco’s light bar blinded & spotted a few good men already there….. & then they just kept streaming in via car, EC run, or rescue boat it seems…. FNG was briefed on the F3 disclaimer 1:1 – he & his dad in for the weekend up from Florida with other family to support Liverpool. [Read More]


Pre-Blast 11+1 for bridge work at FWD Wonder bread appeared out of nowhere The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Run to the circle, weave the balls, 1 lap each backwards run, karaoke in and out. Circle up for: GM, WM, runner’s stretch, Achilles stretch, plank hold (10 sec around the circle). The Thang Run to the bridge. Stop twice along the way to plank hold (10 sec around the circle). [Read More]

Bringing Sally Up

A F3 mentor taught me long ago to only Q what you can do. A nice catchy phrase and one that I have tried to adhere to. I believe as the Q it’s important to lead by example in attitude, effort and execution of all exercises called. When a man volunteers to lead other men he wants to be his best on that day in every way he can. Ideally all of the above falls in place for every Q everyday. [Read More]

Last Minute Q-Omaha

13 PAX gathered, and some were hoping for a Squatter Q. Others got the Slack message the Squats would be resting up for the Maynard and YHC would be jumping in with quotes and 100’s and other fun stuff. Several (I believe 5) for pre-run. No FNGs. Thang - Jog to Chanticleers for a standard warm-up and some merkins. Then for some light pole fun. 3 hand release merkins (signature move! [Read More]


Peek at Google maps + Skipping EC for Recon = An excellent plan for SWW. Term Paper didn’t let me off thaaaaat easy though! Props for that EH into a .8 mile EC to catch the EC 6. Here we go! No FNGs (but a few new faces for YHC). FOLLOW ME. Quick lap around the parking lot and weave through the basketball court to the greenway entrance lot. Circle up for: [Read More]

19 Murphs in 2019 (3 of 19)


  • 11 HIM for the third of 19 Murphs (in 2019) at SWW.
  • 1 for EC
  • 2 for EC + EC
  • 8 for Coffee with Oofta (post Murph)
  • Stronger backs, stronger hearts in 2019.

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at flag.

  • Run to the playground, circle up for a few GMs, SSH, Merkins.

The Thang

  • Do a Murph (run out and back .5 miles).
  • Run back to the playground
  • Mary: H2M, Side Plank Star Crunches


I would have stayed in bed, but...

It was a brisk, dark, chilly morning at Flirtin’ With Disaster. One stalwart HIM, Chipper, got in a little EC run while the rest of us slowly made our way to the parking lot. Well, most of us were slow, one of us were late. Everyone loves that late guy! It’s 5:30 AM and we slow mosey out of the park across the street and into the large Lowes parking lot for: [Read More]


AO: Slippery When Wet QIC: Staubach It was an honor to do my VQ with this great group of men. I am very appreciative for F3 and all that is has done for me in my life. Thanks to @bluewater for getting me out there last June. Here is my VQ backblast: It was pretty nice, about 40 degrees and a little damp. My nerves were high as I headed out for my VQ. [Read More]