Ladder of Unknown Height

QIC: Parker Date: 10/18/2019 PAX (bootcamp): Largemouth, Torpedo, Sooner, Snots, One-Four, Biner, PBX, Gibraltar, Michelob, Big Red, Doogie, Parker. PAX (Ruck): The Departed, Ezekiel, One Direction, WWW, Bartman, Geek Squad. 12 bootcamp PAX and 6 Ruckers gathered in the 43 F gloom at Gran Torino. Last time I Q’d at GT was BRR Friday, and hi-tempo bootcampers were slim. Happy to see a slightly larger group this time. WWW had a look in his eye about the planned Rucker Q, so all PAX were on edge. [Read More]

Murph 16 of 19 (in 2019)


  • 13 and then 12 and then 11 at #ao-tues-fmj on a crisp Tuesday morning.

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at the flag.
  • SSH, GM, WM, ‘Mericans

The Thang

  • Run around the school, 2 laps on the track, exercises at the playground, 2 laps on the track, back around the school to the flag.
  • Side Plank Star Crunches.


Post Odyssey Krypto

If it’s after a weekend event that is likely to have worn the PAX out, it means YHC has signed up for the Kryptonite Q. Did the post-BBR Q last year & had signed up for the post-Carying Place Q this year as well. So nothing different this year with the Odyssey just behind us. A nice easy Krypto to bring the legs back is just up YHC’s alley. But then last night I got to worrying that with most of the guys avoiding Flip’s Krypto Q last week for relaxation with Franklin there could be a pent up demand for miles and miles. [Read More]

Wild Thangs

31 posted at Apex Nature Park this morning. 16 heard YHC had the queue and chickened out of Dante’s Peak and did some sort of Soft Pax challenge or some alternate interval pull up stuff, I wasn’t entirely sure what was going on but I knew we couldn’t do a Murph with Theismann commandeering the pull up bars. Let’s Get Started Disclaimer - I am a professional. . . software engineer so follow at your own risk and modify as necessary Pledge of allegiance Let’s mosey! [Read More]

An Ode to Angry Elf

Two years ago today, YHC stumbled out of a slumber to visit Fred G. Bond Park in the heart of Cary. Known prior to that fateful day only as Kyle John Montgomery (save “Daddy” to a couple of kids, and “Skolnick” to a group of college buddies), this sad clown was drawn to a mysterious gathering of men, looking for a good workout…and an adventure. As soon as he jumped out of his car, he was welcomed with a warm yet equally obnoxious, “Hey, what are you doing here? [Read More]

Changing of the Guard

The time has come for the guard to change at Wolverine. Bogo and Pivot completed their time at the helm. They did and amazing job, continuing what Hi-Liter and Biner so graciously began two years ago. The workout and transition went something like this. Well, maybe it was a little more American. Maybe not quite that patriotic and brave. More like this. Yes, the workout today was based on the GHHS Color Guard conditioning routines which are set to music. [Read More]

Unexpected Hurdles

I’ve posted at a few other AOs, but I’ve mostly been coming out to Wolverine since I live right across the street. I’m definitely still learning the ropes and so when Pivot asked me to VQ I took the chance. I didn’t feel ready at all but I figured I’d better jump at the opportunity otherwise I’d never volunteer to do it. We had 20 PAX in attendance and there were no FNGs. [Read More]

My Buddy & Me

On Tuesday, YHC examined the Q-sheet for Bounty Hunter and noticed no one had signed up to lead the beatdown this week. I hadn’t Q’d in a while, other than the Sharknado co-Q with Rooney, so I decided to pick it up. 16 pax showed up. I Pity the Fool was already drenched from an EC run. Orphan ran in from Shepherd’s Vineyard and Bad Company and Scorpion King ran up Hunter Street. [Read More]

Happy Labor Day

8 PAX out this Labor Day Morning to put is some work before the Caring Place 5/10k Run Callahan showed up late so we all joined him in 5 Burpees No FNGS Pledge Warmup Mosey run towards the neighborhood playground and stopped at small parking lot for a warmup Windmills Merkins Good Mornings SSH Indian Run to the playground and did 20 burpees The Thang (2 rounds) Indian Run from playground to Jenks Carpenter Road and back to playground- When back at playground we did 25 pullups/ 50 merkins/ 75 squats waiting on all to finish in plank position Indian run back to starting parking lot for Mary [Read More]

Two for the Price of One

YHC woke up and immediately checked the forecast. The predicted rain was GONE! 45 mins of rain, not a big deal. 90 mins of rain…a bit much. YHC also drove to the AO the day before to scout a rock pile spotted on Google Satellite (and DM’d Sub for recommended rock piles). The Google one was perfect so we were set! Upon arrival at TGM a cool breeze came as a shock. [Read More]