Do It Again

No this is not a backblast inspired by the popular Chris Brown/Steven Furtick worship powerhouse. And no, that is not the same Chris Brown. Come to think of it, there are some theme ideas cooking there. Maybe we’ll see those come out in the next couple weeks. Probably not though. 7 PAX joined YHC at the darkest AO in West Cary on a Monday morning… and per Sub’s assessment, it was at least 6 degrees colder than in Raleigh. [Read More]

RIP Mamba...

I am not the biggest basketball fan, but I am a sports fan. The tragic passing of Kobe Bryant as well as his 13 year old daughter and the other 7 people on the helicopter that crashed transcends basketball and sports all together. I played JV basketball in 10th grade (the only year I ever played in high school) and I vividly remember that I wore Kobe’s shoes that season. [Read More]

Going the distance

Gran Torino has become one of my favorite AOs. It draws a wide variety of pax, and those that come are tough customers. Today was no exception. As my first post there this year due to travel and work, I was eager to set a good example, especially as co-site Q’s @largemouth and @chanticleer were present. 5 for one EC run, a few others for another, and even more for EC PYPs, meant pretty much everyone was warmed up at go-time. [Read More]

There's nothing wrong with a little vanilla now and then

23 PAX showed up on a beautiful Thursday morning for a little fun and some exercise. On the run in to the AO YHC was still working on the plan for this morning. Here’s what was come up with: Warmup: One FNG, so the typical disclaimers given, but YHC struggled to remember the mission statement on the spot, so we pledged allegiance and off we moseyed to the community center. [Read More]

Dora Blimps

A spectacular evening of mid-60 degree weather in January. And the rain had stopped. What more could you ask for. Warm-up Mosey w/ High knees, Butt kickers, and Left / right shuffles Circle Up for: SSH x15 Hillbillies x15 Sir Fazzio Arm Circles fwd x10 bwd x10 Seal Clap x10 Overhead Clap x10 Michael Phelps x10 Thing 1 BLIMPS around the campus (add a letter at each station: start/finish and corners)* [Read More]

Figure 8 and some healthy competition

Who doesn’t love to get pushed by their brothers? 16 HIM pushed and pulled each other along at GT. Warm-up: Mosey to the greenway parking lot for some cadence-counted Good Mornings, Hillbillies, Calf stretches, Merkins, and Side Straddle Hops. Thang 1: Burpee-intervals, with the winner of each interval earning the chance to rest and pick up the six. But mostly we saw Beaker’s back. Then a group run to the figure-eight flagpole. [Read More]

Ultimate Frisbee!!!!!

After seeing a post about starting up a sports AO, I was inspired to lead an ultimate Frisbee workout. Luckily I own an LED Frisbee, so we can play in the dark, add a few glow bracelets for team identification and were good to go. After gathering in the parking lot and a pretty poor recitation of the disclaimer for the FNG, we mosey to the frozen tundra of flying circus. [Read More]

12 months & counting

19 HIM celebrated my 1-year anniversary of joining F3.

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Mozy around church pickle


  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Sir Fazio Arm Circles
  • Good mornings

The Thang: Modified 11’s… now called 12’s. Consisting of:

  • The Wolverine Burpee
  • LBCs

Total distances: ~3.5 miles (with pickle)


  • Box Cutters
  • Low Slow Flutter

Have a Nice Day & COT

Bears and Hills

A warm December morning with some light rain made for a perfect day at the gloomiest of Carpex’s AOs. A small but dedicated group enjoyed good company while with attempting to leave each other for a bear to eat up the hills of Park Village. Warmup: Good Morning Too-many Sir Fazio Arm Circles Seal Clap Overhead Clap Calf Stretch Runner’s Stretch Murkins Thang 1: Mosey to the Park Village Hill for hill-based Bear Runs (single file, but don’t be last in the the line). [Read More]

Leg Day

One of the things I am known for is being a tougher Q than Prodigal. Actually that is true for all the P-named Qs: Parker, PBX, Pierogi, Pa Bell, Pow Pow, PWERTY, Pisco Puck, Pater Wings, Pquatter… The list goes on and on. So when I Q I know there is a certain standard I need to shoot for to inspire those guys. Claymore on Christmas Eve was originally supposed to be Q-ed by Pred Pryder. [Read More]