Met up at the ‘flag’ with a collection of both new and old faces for measure twice. No headlamps needed. Full moon is tomorrow Measure the First: Run 45 minutes. Covered about 5.5 miles in a brisk pace but not so brisk that conversation was impossible. Enjoyed catching up with Mayflower, Torpedo, One Four and Mr. Safety. Squatter grunted once, so I suppose that’s a win. Back to the ‘flag’ right on time. [Read More]

Oh my God! They Killed PBX

Preamble OK, everybody just calm the F down. PBX is fine. But there was a period of time where we didn’t know that. “What happened?” you ask? Here’s the way it went down. All statements herein have been verified by multiple sources. The morning began like any other Friday at Gran Torino. Elite EC runners at 0500 followed by a rag-tag group of blue collar EC runners at 0505. PBX was one of those blue collar guys, along with Biner, Water Wings, and YHC. [Read More]

No Mehs

Warm-Up Mosey over to the bank and circle up for warm-up. Hard to recall all of them but I’m pretty sure we did 4 burpess and 20 arm circles. The Thang Mosey safely across Chatham Street and make our way down Academy Street doing five monkey humpers at the odd light poles and ten merkins at the even light poles. Sevens at the Art Center, V-ups at the bottom of the stairs, bear crawl up the stairs, LBCs at the top, mosey down via the ramps on the sides. [Read More]

Zip it

5:22AM: Arrive at El Cap. See Prodigal sitting in this car mentally preparing for the joy to come 5:22 - 5:28AM: Short run to validate that it is bright enough on the greenways to not need a light. Check. 5:29AM: Share the good news of “no lights” needed with Saban and Ramsay. Ramsay ignores me. 5:29.30AM: Receive Naturday from Burt. Build-a-Bear gets his too. 5:30AM: Pledge 5:30.45AM: We’re off 5:31 - 5:37AM: Brisk run in direction of Wendy’s. [Read More]

Green wave at FOD...

Great morning at FOD – always a good crowd and fun men to be with! But holy crap the site-q’s are doing a terrible job keeping the pollen down…. couple of times it was tough to get the cadence out with a headfull of green dust. That however, did not slow down this fine crew of men! Here’s what happened according to my recollection… gather at the flag (someone mentioned it’s a bit short, but that’s not everything in life, right? [Read More]

Rush Hour in the Rain

I just realized while working on this backblast that Rush “Hour” is only 45 minutes. I’m sure I’m late to the party on that one… YHC is on a Q quest this year. I’d been toying with Qing in Carpex for a few weeks, but was hesitant to “break the seal”. Ragnarok was my first Carpex Q, but Rush Hour was the first Carpex Q that I scheduled (after The Trudge asked me to release this morning’s Q in Raleigh). [Read More]

I'm sorry

Every now and again, you say something that is mean or hurtful or just plain not nice. Today was one of those days. Ten guys got together this morning at Hunter Street Park expecting 45 minutes of what F3 does best: joyful camaraderie. Instead, an ill-tempered roast busted out. And YHC is squarely to blame. After a mosey the long way around to the lady’s parking lot, we warmed up with some SSHs, Burt Jacks, Merkins, Plank Jacks, Supermen and some other stuff. [Read More]

Missed Shots and Merkins

Field of Dreams. The name just conjures up so many positive thoughts. YHC has spent a lot of time in this park, not related to F3. Many baseball and softball games have been played/coached/umpired out here. And it’s a great site to move around and travel. So we’re going to do a low mileage, core-heavy, sorta March Madness themed workout. Warm Up Pledge of Allegiance, and disclaimer. Do a mosey lap around the parking lots. [Read More]

PHAT Tuesday

22 brave men and 2 brave dogs assembled in beautiful downtown Cary on the most glorious evening of the year. Warm-Up Mosey around the parking lot in front of Page Walker, past the pocket park, to the parking lot next to the tracks and circle up for various warm-up exercises. I think one of them was burpees. The Thang Mosey safely across the street to the little hill behind the Chamber of Commerce for 7&7. [Read More]

Bear with me...

33 degrees, gloom, and a light mist greeted the men at Gran Torino today, and didn’t that was the weather that got FNG Back Porch out to his first post…at a High Tempo bootcamp. After a short mosey, we got loose with a pretty standard workflow of side-straddle hops, calf-stretch merkins, mountain climbers, hillbillies, and treadwindmills. Down the stretch we formed up into two lines for a bear run: back runner overtakes the leader, and after each cycle of runners drop to 10 bear crawls in cadence, twice around the double field. [Read More]