Time flies when you're having fun

Fresh out of Q School was feeling ready to run a clean workout. Hit the snooze a few too many times today causing site Q’s Imp and Rooney begin formulating a backup plan. Thankfully traffic was light (imagine that) and YHC arrived in time to give the one minute warning. No FNGs, give a disclaimer-ish and we’re off.. Warm-up Mosey 3/4 of the way around the soccer field track to the parking lot SSH, Merkins, Runners Stretch, Merkins, Imperial Walkers The Thang - Tour de Apex [Read More]

5 PAX 2 Vests...

More firsts at Rush Hour for YHC. First, this was my first Rush Hour Q. Second, this was my second Q in the same say. Third, this was the first time I wore a 20lb vest through part of the workout. Lastly, this was the first time I wore a 20lb vest while Qing the workout. #acceleration I was not the only one wearing a vest. There were two vests, thanks to Theismann, that rotated through the Pax throughout the 94 degree beatdown. [Read More]

The answer to Life, the Universe and Everything....

YHC didn’t sleep very soundly the night before Q-ing at Phoenix, and wasn’t sure why - perhaps the anticipation of clocking another year old and wiser (?) or perhaps the gnawing feeling of a half planned Q. Whatever the reason, I found myself wide awake at 5, so used the time constructively to complete the Q plan and put in a solid 45 minutes of EC around the beautiful Bond Park……by 06:25 there were only a couple of other PAX beginning to form a rather anaemic looking circle in the senior center parking lot…. [Read More]

Modify the Modification

Wednesday, June 12, 2019 Vesper Runners and Boot campers headed their separate ways. Bootcampers mosey to Community center for warm up of various exercises and good mornings led by Nature Boy. Mosey to the kiosk. Modified 11s, iffin you can call it that. 10 prom night merkins at the top, 10 dips at Sertoma, Burpees, 1…….11 each time you pass the kiosk Run to top of the Hill, around pole, prom night merkins, back to kiosk, burpees, to Sertoma and around the back end, dips, back to kiosk, and repeat. [Read More]

Get a Bowlful

Thanks to the 32 PAX who showed up for my VQ today. I think overall it well. Started with Intro/ Disclaimer… no FNG’s Pledge Follow me down to the Thales School parking lot for warm ups Warm-ups Good Mornings Imperial Walkers Side Straddle Hops Merkins Thang One 2 lines and Indian Run from Thales over to the Town Hall Diamond We did a Plank Hold while we waited on the 6 While still waiting on the 6 we did a squat hold. [Read More]

There's a fine line between Mumble Chatter and just plain whining.

Because sometimes 0500 is too late, our EC today started at 0450. YHC, Snots, Sub, Parker, Water Wings & Jiggly Puff got dizzy running circles around the track. Welcome to Carpex (from Wake Forest) Kid Rock and his 2.0 Hank Williams Jr. Run to the basketball court to circle up **Warm Up **Good Morning, Windmill, Cotton Picker, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Clap, Overhead Clap, Moroccan Night Club, Steve Erale [Read More]

Six years in the making!

The 6th anniversary was such a big day for Carpex, 3 Q’s were lined up to ensure events would proceed smoothly. Against the odds, a cluster was avoided. Welcome FNG’s Ya Baby and Cradle. Here’s what went down. Warm Up: Shared among the Q’s with SSH, cotton pickers, hillbillies, merkins and yes, you can now go and have a great day since you had a good morning Main thing #1 - Burt: Over to the soccer field, we sprinted back and forth, doing exercises at each end. [Read More]

Return of the Sharknado

24 Pax gathered round the flag at the Skate Park to join Rooney & Imp for the quarterly fitness test known as the Sharknado. Water Wings began the tradition and it was carried on by Parker and GTL. Now Rooney and Imp are your site Q’s at BH so the tradition will continue. After the disclaimer was given, we moseyed over to Apex Town Hall. Warm Up - Rooney led us in 15x SSH, 7x Good AM’s, 15x Mountain Climbers, 5x Burpees OYO, 5x Diamond Merkins, 5x WW2 Sit Ups, 5x Standard Merkins, & 5x Scorpion Dry Docks [Read More]

Ode to Memorial Day 2018

53 strong came out to the Memorial Day Convergence in 2018 at the Field of Dreams site. Many of of those 53 will tell you the first thing that comes to mind when they recall that workout are the battle scars they bear on their elbows left behind from one particular exercise. In the past year I’ve only seen that exercise called one other time and it wasn’t warmly received then either. [Read More]

Mystery Grab Bag

Today the PAX took fate in their own hands with a game I like to call: Let’s Run Over To Some Hills And Randomly Pull Out Exercises From A Bag Written On Sheets Of Paper And Do These Exercises At The Top And Bottom Of The Previously Mentioned Hills or LROTSHARPOEFABWOSOPADTEATTABOTPMH for short. EC Runners included Sub, Hanson, GTL, Freebird, Orphan and YHC Disclaimer given to our FNG and we circle up [Read More]