Six years in the making!

The 6th anniversary was such a big day for Carpex, 3 Q’s were lined up to ensure events would proceed smoothly. Against the odds, a cluster was avoided. Welcome FNG’s Ya Baby and Cradle. Here’s what went down. Warm Up: Shared among the Q’s with SSH, cotton pickers, hillbillies, merkins and yes, you can now go and have a great day since you had a good morning Main thing #1 - Burt: Over to the soccer field, we sprinted back and forth, doing exercises at each end. [Read More]

Just Warming Up!

26 HIMs posted the fine morning of Saturday, May 25th first the first of my Birthday week Q’s. Technically, my birthday falls next week but with Memorial Day and Century Day, my Q possibilities were limited. It was warm, humid, some might even say a bit moist outside for this workout. I had to make it warmer! Warmup: 20 SSH 20 Imp Walkers 10 Good Mornings Runner Stretch Partner up for Catch Me If You Can through the woods to the rock pile doing 5 Merkins each time your partner catches you. [Read More]

The Triple Nickel Strikes Again!

The last of my official Birthday Week Q’s, and while still feeling a little tired an a little sore, I was ready to get it this morning. I just Q’d at Bond Park a few days ago and wanted to keep this a bit more fresh. With the Crazy Train coming up, and folks getting more focused on BRR training, I figured we get a little hill work in, and make it a little exciting at the same time. [Read More]

Why Murph

“In an interview, Daniel Murphy said that he was not surprised to learn about his son’s actions. ‘What Maureen and I always worried about was that he would put himself in danger to help someone else, which turned out to be true,’ he said. " If you’re not familiar with the story of Micheal Murphy and his final heroic acts that ultimately cost him his life I invite you click below: https://www. [Read More]

It looked good on paper

It seemed simple enough. Run around Bond Lake and stop and do exercises every tenth of a mile. I’m just not sure where my calculations went wrong. Was the warm up too long? Was the PAX too slow? Was the rampant Mumble Chatter too mumbley? Perhaps it was the shared fear of tripping over a tree root or coming in contact with poison ivy. Maybe it was having Disco Duck’s recent copperhead snake warning ringing in our ears, trying to figure out who was going to carry Liverpool out of the woods if he gets bit again or was Grease Monkey’s silent protesting slowly spreading through the PAX. [Read More]

17,884 days down; 1 to go.

What a great morning! We had EC runners & ruckers; ME boot campers, ruckers, stretchers and rehabbers; 2 FNGs; visitor from New Bern; and a wide spectrum of guys who have been with Carpex from its earliest days to those who have been posting for just a few days. As it was stated often today, “Who has it better than us?” On the eve of my 49th birthday, it’s safe to say that I am in the best physical, emotional and mental shape I’ve been, in a long time. [Read More]

Core Principal #1....We Need More Core!

YHC’s goal for the SNS beatdown….don’t stop moving, and engage the core! My challenge to the PAX and future Q’s is to engage the core, and step up the numbers….it doesn’t have to wait for Mary! Though a fine 6-pack…this is NOT what we are talking about! Warm up Quick jog to the community center parking lot, backwards run in a circle to capture the 6 SSH Merkins Calf Stretches w/wide-grip merkins enough…. [Read More]

No Merkins Today, Boys!

After yesterday’s chest and shoulder Kitty Kluster at Sippery When Wet, YHC decided it to be leg and abs morning. With the Brave and Mighty Oliie posting for a solo 5-mile EC, the remaining 23 less motivated PAX assembled for the pledge and headed out on a mosey across High House for a warm up. Let it be noted that Pet Sounds posted, fresh from RDU and red-eye from Cali! [Read More]

And We Ran

YHC felt a little Gumpy this morning, so I took advantage of the opportunity at Carpex’s finest High-Tempo bootcamp to get our run on. Warm-up: Good Mornings in honor of the missing Nature Boy SSH The Thang: One line of 9 for an Indian Run towards Mo-Ville Parkway One Stop for a set of WW2’s Back to Indian Run Continue on to corner, turning right on Mo-Ville Parkway after a set of merkins, then WW2’s Back to Indian Run Run towards the sun, stopping for a quick set of LBC’s, merkins, and WW2’s Back to Indian Run We found ourselves a dam with very tall grass, and an opportunity to do control freak incline partner sit-ups, truly a fun time. [Read More]

Entering AREA 51

Thanks to you guys, I’m a better man at 51 than I was at a decade or two ago. That’s an understatement, to be sure, but I won’t bore you with details. Just wanted to say that my body is sore but my spirits high, and I attribute most of that to the excellent group of HIMs that I’ve come to associate with. Fight the good fight, finish the race, keep the faith. [Read More]