The Pax Shilted Themselves

15 PAX showed up for the third installment of YHC’s Q week. Rumors of Sharknado swirled (pun intended), but an audible was called, and a beatdown then delivered. The McCants Warmup: Jog, backwards run and bear crawl around the pickle, Derkins, Dips, Urkins, walking balls to the wall, lunges, walking balls to the wall, gorilla walks Thang: 11s on the field with burpees and CCDs, Suicides with recovery on People’s Chair and Balls to the Wall [Read More]

Hills for days (or at least 45 minutes)

17 men showed up on the least gloomiest of mornings in hopes that their Q shopping choice would pay off. But let’s be honest, when your choices are Largemouth or YHC, it’s not pretty either way. Warmup: Quick jog around the pickle to the wee-man’s basketball court. Homer to Marge out the gate (Yoga Mat’s gotta a date week with M), 51 SSHs (HBD CD), 10 penalty burpees (as YHC missed CDBDQ), hackey sacks (never again), GMs (just because), and FMs (YHC loves random Mary). [Read More]


14 Men showed up to celebrate my 51 st Bday. At 5:45 we did a slow jog to the bball courts to warm up. We opened with a moment of silence for Cheech and his family. Sorry Ma Bell I didn’t see that we were supposed to do that by the flag at 5:45. I also challenged the men to reach out to someone that we might owe an apology to and also to reach out to someone and say I love you. [Read More]


15 men descended on BO for YHC’s 2nd Q of the week, no music this week, but a good selection of sleeveless tops kindly offered round to PAX… 5:45 rolled around Burt made a short announcement about F3 Cheech before we set off. Warm Up: Warm up run, via a scenic route (long way round) to the Fidelity circle…for 4 x SSH; 0 x Merkins, followed by a variable numbers of good mornings; cotton picker; mountain climber; plankjacks intended to add up to multiple of 40’s…. [Read More]

Animal Kingdom

13 PAX circled up on a perfect morning. Sun was shining, shovelflag was planted, and the PAX were ready. (disclaimer: this workout happened 7 days ago. My memory is very rusty, so what follows is probably only about 70% accurate) WARM UP Jog over to Booty Sea for Good Mornings, SSH, Merkins, Imperial Walkers, then jog to the Taipai 101 lot for… THE THANG Two groups, one bear crawls to the end of the lot, second group squat hold. [Read More]

47 is a wonderful number

As soon as the pax started grumbling about the time, circle up I yelled - What here? Now? Blah, blah blah. YHC quickly established who was in charge First exercise Good mornings, x 4, Followed by Good mornings x 7 SSH - x47, Sir Fazio 15, 16 reverse and 16 overhead (yes Ma Bell 15+16+16 does equal 47) Run through wooded trail (usually too dark but it is nearly the lightest day of the year), to the bottom of the stairs - platform [Read More]

New Hampshire Sunrise

23 Pax for Shaken Not Stirred,4 Pax for Vesper, 5 Pax for Insomnia Q - Hermes, YHC Insomnia ran about 4.5 miles or so, I really don’t know exactly. I have no idea how far Vesper ran, but they did swing by New Hampshire and they were late for COT, I assume they covered at least 6.5 miles in the 46 minutes. SNS: Run down to trail to parking lot, circle up for some typical warm up: SSH, Sir Farzios, Hillbillies, Good Mornings [Read More]

Aristocrat Does Not Know Jack

Terrific late spring morning. Low 60s. Dew Point of 45. Couple of Shovel Flags planted. 21 of CarPex’s dudes came to Danger Zone to get stronger. At 5:35 there were only 2 cars in the lot…one of which was in my usual spot. Not a big deal since it was Tecumsah who is relatively new to Danger Zone, but not F3. He is a beast. At 5:45 20 dudes were ready to roll and then in rolled Marlboro. [Read More]

Little Frisbee Toss Anyone?

Insomnia included YHC, Wonder Bread, Large Mouth, and Shut In for a nice 4 mile loop. Next Up SNS - Warm up jog where I learned we had an FNG. Whoops. Flip Flop wanted to stop things right there but we went on. Warmup Side Straddle Hop 20 IC **Late disclaimer by Flip Flop - nice work Good Mornings 10 IC Willie Mays Hayes 10 IC Imperial Walkers 15 IC Plank Jacks 10 IC Merkins 10 IC The Thang [Read More]

Mutual Birthday Q - Can you smell what the ROCK is cookin'

Eagerly anticipating my VQ, I awoke at 4am and couldn’t go back to sleep. Birthday VQ, co-Q with Ma Bell, our illustrious Nan Tan. Rolled in to Bond Park about 15 minutes early to setup cones for the workout in the parking lot; realizing I could just of used the parking lots lines instead. Live and learn. Already waiting for mumblechatter regarding what the cones were for. Got my rocks set up and placed a record sized Weinke under said rocks. [Read More]