Coming Home and a Whole Bunch of Nickels

Preamble When Respect Week was announced, I immediately signed up to Q BO. You see, BO was where YHC’s first post occurred and where Ma Bell was born. Make no mistake: the couple of other so-called Ma Bells across F3 Nation are but impostors. There is only one Ma Bell. But I digress. Anyway, it is for this reason, as well as the fact that this is the best AO in CarPex in terms of variety and history, that I have an emotional attachment here. [Read More]

Pearls on an Elastic String

It was a beautiful, crisp morning in the gloom. Eleven men set out to exercise. Much to the disappointment of the younguns, there were no respects wearing Depends. The younguns thought it would be an easy workout and they’d get a real workout later. They would learn differently soon. The rule of the day was if you arrived at the meeting spot before the Six was in, you were to circle back to Pick Up The Six so that all the PAX would arrive together. [Read More]

Long. Hard. 11

Short. Sweet and to the point. Start with the Pledge. Warm Up: Bear Crawl the circle then… Mosey to the satelite parking lot for… Windmills IC Good Mornings IC Side Straddle Hops IC Break into 2 groups “slow and fast” for Indian Run to the bottom of the ramp leading up to the bridge. The Thang: 11’s: 1-Jump Squat at bottom of the Bridge Ramp Run across the Bridge to the other side [Read More]

Orpheus in the Underworld

Build-a-Bear relinquished his Q yesterday. I assume he built a submarine, so that he could run up and down the continental shelf. YHC was glad to step in. 2 for EC (Oofta and Staubach) and 2 for 10-Mile ECME (Lookout and Chops). Mosey the long way to Lowes Foods parking lot. Warm-Up. Lots of stretching, inspired by (our boy) Bluewater last week. Thing 1: Santa’s Ladder From the Exicon: “Pick a spot in the distance. [Read More]

Swinging Pipes

Beautiful crisp morning. YHC always trying to mix it up a bit and try new things and working to incorporate more stretching and mobility to keep me of the IR . Most of the Warmama was using PVC Pipes to get upper body loose for the Merkins and Pull Ups that awaited the PAX. Some liked it, some looked confused. Warmarama (5) Side Straddle Hop 12 Hillbillies (Hip Opener) 12 [Read More]

Gut Check

“Can’t ask of others what you aren’t willing to do yourself.” Someone, somewhere Warmup: Good Mornings Windmills Imperial Walkers Side Straddle Hops Mountain Climbers The Thang: 4 - Corners and a Center Escalator Work out. Corner #1 - M’uricans Corner #2 - Frog Ups Corner #3 - Squat Corner #4 - Star Jump Center - With Cinder block do an 8-Count Rock ya body or a Burpee Starting with 1 rep and adding 1 rep per rotation up to 10 reps. [Read More]

Back in the Saddle

I’ve been trying to decide when i was ready to Q again and noticed a BO opening so figure that would be a great opp to get back in the saddle again. Solid group of 19 gathered in the parking lot ready to do some work. Burt recites the abbreviated version of the F3 mission and we are off. Mozy to random parking lot near the train tracks for a brief warm with no merkins, but with a on point Nature Boy Good Morning call. [Read More]

Flirtin' with Q School

Eleven (+1 Runner) PAX made it out to Flirtin’ with Disaster last Tuesday morning for a “Choose your Q” kind of Tuesday. Hermes offered up his Fall Semester of HQS and I offered up the summary below. At 530 AM, PAX made their picks, said the Pledge, and off we went. Warm up Jog over the parking lot near the rock pile Side Straddle Hops Good Morning Calf stretches Arm Circles (Front/Back, Big/Small) First » Rock Pile Grab a partner and a rock…. [Read More]

A nice jog and some other things 08/25/20 FWD

Does anyone else have problems Tagging names in this Wordpress? I crank through the list of pax hitting the enter key after each name and inevitably about 25%-50% are mysteriously deleted. How irritating is it that in 2020, there is not a technology available that allows someone to simply create a blog post. At least that dadgum Yosh thing is gone. I guess you get what you pay for. Alas, i think 2 were there for the EC run and 17 were there for the main event. [Read More]

This Q reeks of BO

Let’s get things out of the way from the start. This was as thrown together a Q as I’ve pulled in a while. Was there an idea going into it? Sure. Did it involve more than “we’ll probably have a DORA”? Um… It all started about 14 minutes till 5. With intentions of meeting Coxswain for EC at 5:15, I was taking my sweet time preventing a Pet Sounds. Too sweet a time. [Read More]