3/15/18: Welcome to the party, pals!

Sometimes things just have a tendency to work out. YHC signed up to Q at BO on Bartmanniversary III, and as it turned out, Rolling Stone was set to be at the same site on the same day. What to do? Panic? Never. Worry? Nah. Adjust and move forward. How about a ruck-friendly workout for everyone? Perfect. Thirteen arrived, three jogged off to get a last taper in before TRHM, and ten set off to do some work. [Read More]

Comfortable Rock

Tuesday, a couple days removed from the clocks “springing forward”, not sure mother nature got the memo. YHC showed up early for an Ice Recon. With no significant ice in sight, YHC circled back to the main parking lot to keep warm in the car. As Grease Monkey likes to point out, I am “Cary Soft”. So what if my car has seat warmers and a heated steering wheel….. PAX assemble around the flag, thanks Chanticleer, 545 and we are off. [Read More]

The Lake is Beautiful this Time of Year (har, har!)

“The lake at Phoenix is beautiful this time of year,” I thought with a sadistic little smirk on my face. Here is how we got there…. YHC didn’t know what to expect at Phoenix this morning with the Mule going on in Raleigh. Hello Kitty planned a 6 mile meander through Cary, as well. But, the parking lot was packed with PAX and one FNG. So, after the initial disclaimer, we were off, running down to the stop sign and then “whoa, curveball” Hi-Liter heads to the right, the traditional Texas Ranger path, but YHC heads left, just keeping everyone guessing. [Read More]

FWD Home of the Inverted Sunrise

Date : 02/27/18 QIC Fluoride The Pax: Hermes, Ollie, Cheddar Bo, Smokey, Jigglypuff, Tofu, Freebird, Netscape, Fluoride Showed up at FWD with shovel flag in hand and time to plant it. Its a crisp morning, but thank God the rain has passed and we have a clear sky above. Someone pointed out the space station which passes directly overhead right at 5:45 to kick off our workout this morning. With temps in the 40’s 9 eager Pax are ready to get moving to stay warm so we head to the circle in front of the park to warm up. [Read More]

Field Trip

Field trip day at Carpex’s premier Friday AO in the 27513 zip code. Little chitty-chat among the PAX to start, “Holy shnikies it’s windy. Is that a tail wind, Coney?” A quick disclaimer to FNG Nick and we’re headed out of the park and on the road towards the Veterans’ Memorial, because YHC has a half a Mary coming up and needs some miles before a LONG run manana w/ @mabellcarpex. [Read More]

'Roid Rage

YHC has been battling some sort of crud for the past 8 weeks, and finally found relief in the form of …STEROIDS! That’s right all you spindly jabronis, can you smell what the doc is cookin’? This mofo is JACKED UP and ready to work out after a 2 1/2 week hiatus. So buckle up, we’re gonna make like a bunch of gym rats and knock out a whole week’s worth of pump in 35 minutes. [Read More]


YHC made a last minute decision to lead Phoenix as a way to be accountable to show up and not fart sack. It is always fun to lead such a strong group of PAX! Nice weather and great way to start the weekend. At 6:30 sharp we were off to the far parking lot near fields 6 and 7 for our warm up. Warm Up: SSH x 15 IC Imperial Walkers x 15 IC Arm circles x 10 IC Reverse arm circles x 10 IC Mountain Climbers x 10 IC Merkins x 20 OMD Thing 1: [Read More]

First Anniversary and Bacon! 2/20

Is they a direct relationship on how long you put off writing a back blast and how good it is? For me, the longer I put it off the shorter it becomes. Probably a matter of opinion if that make it better or not. 1 FNG - Disclaimer by Joe Smith. Nicely done for a lawyer. Run to Chanticleer’s for Warmup - SSH, IW, GM. Merkins+Mountain Climbers+Plank Jacks Run back to the Park parking lot and partner up. [Read More]

A #2 in the Woods is NOT a Double Down!

Nice morning. 63 degrees. Overcast. 15 for insomnia pre-run. Pet Sounds does the Duece in the woods adjacent to parking lot between EC and SNS. All of the ingredients were present. 32 dudes showed up and split into 3 groups. 14 for Boot Camp, 14 for Vespers (further split into two groups) and 4 for Rolling Stones. Gotta love Wednesdays in Bond Park. Pax List includes SNS, Vesper and the Rolling Stone Pax. [Read More]

A Toast to the HIM of Carpex

YHC became Texas Ranger on February 18, 2017 at Bond Park in Cary. Thanks to Ollie for an awesome F3 name, more cool than what I deserve. So, anniversary Q, here’s how it went: Pre warm-up: YHC announced his anniversary Q and invited the PAX to stick around after COT for a toast to the HIM of Carpex, with a little Powerade, water, and um, Scotch (The Glenlivet, my favorite). [Read More]