Breathtaker Camo Koozie Q

YHC bid on and won Breathtaker, a 20lb weight vest that is auctioned off for charity each Friday in South Wake, which comes with a 5 post minimum for the week. Not having earned my camo koozie yet, breathtaker made it’s 3rd appearance of the week so far. 32 were witness to what it looks like to Q with an extra 20lbs, in fact Theismann and Pivot both had their own vests as well! [Read More]

How’s Your Grip Strength?

Pre-Blast 9 at #ao-sat-thegreenmile on a glorious Saturday morning in NW Cary for 6.9 miles of solid work. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. 1 mile warmup run around the school to the north entrance. Circle up for: GM, WM, Calf Stretch, ‘Mericans, extended Plank Series. The Thang Esau’s Death March: Form one line. As a team, mosey forward. Last man stops to perform one Burpee, runs taps the last man in line and continues to the front of the line. [Read More]

Exicon ABC

43 in attendance. 3 Ruckers, 16 Bootcampers, bunch of runners including those that ran the Maynard. What a way to start off “hump day”…in the doom and gloom of SNS. I am starting a series called Exicon ABC. We will be using exercises from those three (or sometimes 4) letters of the alphabet until we complete the alphabet. Today was ABC. Warm up Abe Vigoda Alternating shoulder taps in a plank position Annie (Arm circles from a plank position) Thang 1 [Read More]

We Smelled It, But Didn't See It

YHC has missed the 9/11 Stair Climb the last couple of years due to injury, and I’m determined to be there this year, so when the Rush Hour Q was available, I grabbed it, knowing we’d be headed to the parking deck. Warm-Up Mosey over to the bottom of the parking deck and circle up for cherry pickers, imperial walkers, Sir Fazios, copperhead merkins, copperhead squats and Good Afternoons. While two reluctant volunteers retrieve a couple of pain sticks the rest of the pax do LBCs. [Read More]

It wasn’t a Murph

After stressing out for a few weeks about my first Q, it’s now Monday. I ping Peeping Tom, my cousin who EH’d me one year ago, to get some feedback on my plan. Grief is delivered, something about how I’m asking him about this the day before I’m supposed to Q. I attempt to correct him, stating I’m fine, I’ll have all day Tuesday to nail things down. Additional grief is exchanged about how I’ve actually only got 10 hours before the Q. [Read More]

So String Theory says there are multiple dimensions, but nothing about Pearls

“It’s strange how pain marks our faces, and makes us look like family.” - The Green Mile - Beautiful weather this am as the pax roll in. Everyone is early, lots of fellowship. No FNGs but a new face for YHC, well, somewhat new. Hank Williams Jr [hate] was first named 3 years ago at DZ, YHC hasn’t seen him since. Enough reminiscing, grab your gloves, let’s go. 6.25+ mile loop Pearls on a String. [Read More]

Like the first day of school

Like the first day of school, YHC set out clothes, made sure the flag was ready and playlist was primed for the soft launch of HOT FOR THE TEACHER. During my first Q (Hell’s Bells) in October 2018, I created a kick-ass playlist that included everybody’s favorite “Hot for The Teacher” by Van Halen. At one point @discoduck leaned over and said “ This would make a great name for an AO” When we scouted the new Thursday site and first decided on a starting point in the Publix parking lot, HFT was not one of the choices. [Read More]

Lots of Thangs to Do

15 pax looked to start off their Friday with a pep in their step. YHC was looking to push us this morning and keep the pax moving through LOTS of Thangs! Callahan and his dumb online poll showed up. Glad to have him out there. 15 pax in all. We ran the bus loops. We circled to the basektball courts We ran the field hills with wall climbers We ran to the shelter We did shelter work We ran a gym lap with playground exercises We did a lot of thangs. [Read More]

Fun times at Gran Torino and containing the FNG Outbreak

Date: 6/14 PAX: Banjo, Biner, Burt, Chinese Downhill, Disco Duck, Ezekiel, Geek Squad,GTL, Hi-Liter, Largemouth, Liverpool, Ma Bell, Old Maid, FNG Outbreak, Peeping Tom, Shut In, Spit Shine, Torpedo, Two Factor, WWW I have to prepare for this Q because this AO attracts all the runners. Disappointment is out of the question but it does worry me. When you have Carpexrunning legends like Largemouth, Old Maid, Ma Bell, Hi-Liter and the soon to be up and coming you got to put together something that will challenge them. [Read More]

Get a Bowlful

Thanks to the 32 PAX who showed up for my VQ today. I think overall it well. Started with Intro/ Disclaimer… no FNG’s Pledge Follow me down to the Thales School parking lot for warm ups Warm-ups Good Mornings Imperial Walkers Side Straddle Hops Merkins Thang One 2 lines and Indian Run from Thales over to the Town Hall Diamond We did a Plank Hold while we waited on the 6 While still waiting on the 6 we did a squat hold. [Read More]