Old standby, deck of death welcomed 16 strong

Beautiful morning at Bond Park, at least if you like humidity. But apparently, people do. Good crowd, early crowd, anxious and waiting to roll. Callahan and Old Maid wander in from their separate EC runs. No FNGs and we are off - out of the senior center, right on the road, left on the path - hard left onto trail, left again on the path, right on the road, back in the other entrance to the senior center - a little backward run and side shuffle thrown in and we were back where we started. [Read More]

Traffic Jam

YHC had intentions of bringing a whole BRR team to Rush Hour to show them Cary by daylight. This was to coincide with a “scheduled” team meeting to occur later in the evening. I talked a big game, told Banjo we’d have a HUGE turnout. Turns out we couldn’t all be present, so it was cancelled. Leaving me bringing…me. Anywho-I arrived a few minutes early, to check how many ramps were in the parking deck. [Read More]

Speaking o rising up

18 men rose up from this weekend’s glorious holiday to feel some pain, and speaking of rising, how about we rise up some hills, huh? Mosey Round the loop 20 SSH IC 20 Hillbillies IC 10 GM IC 5 Pikes L/R IC 20 Hackey Sacks IC 11 King David Kicks IC Burpee Count Off - 18 Mosey to Hill for 11’s Top -Squat KDK Bot – Scuba Buddha Wall by Tennis Court Derkin Progression [Read More]


Slow warm up run to start, circle up for some warm up. Merkins, Cotton Pickers, Plank Jacks and Superman. The Thang: 4 Corners, Merkins, Burpees, American Hammers and Carolina Dry-docks. Then short run to Rock Pile, Partner Dory with rock, 100 Curls, presses and squats. Start run and did some more Burpees and Dying Cockroach Finished with some Mary COT FNG’s Punch Down and Chalkboard. Welcome to F3 Great support for these men from the PAX, very impressive. [Read More]

Memorial Day Warm-up

Once in awhile, it is nice to post at an F3 location that has one substantial exercise, or small sets of exercises that repeat for a good 35 minutes. It becomes a sort of moving meditation with your mind becoming the only deterrent. That is the beauty of the “Murph”. For those of you who do not know, this workout is titled after the Navy Seal Michael Murphy who was killed in action during a firefight in Afghanistan in 2005. [Read More]

Site Q Convergence

I was reading over Franky’s BB yesterday and realized, wow. We just had a Site Q convergence at Kryptonite and I didn’t even know it! We had representation from A-Team, FWD x2, Vesper, DZ, DP, Krypto x2, BO, and even Isotope thanks to my man Don Ho with the surprise post this AM while he’s in town! So yeah, we were loaded down with Site Qs Franklin, sorry bruh. Betamax, Open Out, and Waterwings; See me after the backblast. [Read More]

What to Expect When You're Expecting

As a fairly frequent Q and poster to Carpex workouts I feel like I’m a pretty good numbers guesser. This is key when planning a workout. Helps you to pick the right excercises, etc etc. So for this workout I planned for about 12. There were 6 the week before and then average numbers were mid teens. Good guess right? There were 23. And that’s with Open Out fartsacking as I waited out from of his house for a few minutes. [Read More]

Bloody knee and no cape

And so it begins…Kryptonite is in the books and off and running (or racing). Pet Sounds and YHC scouted the site out last Monday while Flouride was running surveillance in Israel (that sounds cooler than KoKa Booth but who asked). We went around the lake and in and out of building parking lots. Kryptonite has many options for the PAX to enjoy. Let’s see what happened today: YHC arrives six or seven minutes prior to the launch. [Read More]

90 at 50

The opportunity for YHC to Q 90-minute Whiplash first came up a couple months ago, and as the saying goes, it seemed like a good idea at the time. What better way to wrap up a milestone birthday week? And, appropriately enough, on April Fool’s Day. As the day got closer though, anxiety continued to grow, as expected. But, I was confident that the grounds of the NC Museum or Art would provide plenty of options to fill a workout, regardless of how many were in attendance. [Read More]

The Old Stomping Ground

YHC gets a bit giddy for a Q at BO. Afterall, it is the very finest AO in CARPex and may well be in the great state of North Carolina. It also has the best site Q’s and site Q emeriti. There really isn’t much negative you can find in this gem and the men that come to this hallowed ground know it. Its been a while since the Ripper has Q’d, as he has allowed the other men to led the PAX here more recently. [Read More]