Park Day

With project weeks coming at me at breakneck pace, I’m having to fit posts in where I can. Seeing an open Q at Rush Hour Tuesday afternoon, I had a chance to squeeze in a workout between work at work and work at home. As you know, I lean toward covering some ground. TOC has some real estate that I hadn’t seen before, so a consult of Google Maps helped me plot a course. [Read More]

Good Enough

YHC garnered an early spot on the BH Q sign up just hours after the Red Carpet event and still had to wait till today. Despite homestead proximity, YHC was nevertheless reduced to recon mode looking for those undiscovered nuggets of pain. As the Q, YHC is not a fan of the typical and ordinary but rather that ever exclusive diamond in the rough [though some may see it more as a hidden but disturbed rattler that, well, should be left undisturbed]. [Read More]

Mutual Birthday Q - Can you smell what the ROCK is cookin'

Eagerly anticipating my VQ, I awoke at 4am and couldn’t go back to sleep. Birthday VQ, co-Q with Ma Bell, our illustrious Nan Tan. Rolled in to Bond Park about 15 minutes early to setup cones for the workout in the parking lot; realizing I could just of used the parking lots lines instead. Live and learn. Already waiting for mumblechatter regarding what the cones were for. Got my rocks set up and placed a record sized Weinke under said rocks. [Read More]

Sometimes you have to get a little dirty...

…at Dante’s Peak. After stepping outside about 5:15 a.m. this morning, YHC realized that he lucked out with good temps and dry conditions for his VQ day. However, it turned out that it wouldn’t stop the PAX from needing that towel in the trunk for their drive home. 23 PAX were ready to roll this morning - no FNGs and everyone on time, so we were off. Warm-up Quick jog to the basketball courts, by way of the hill. [Read More]

The Best Cure for Three Days Travelling...

…is absolutely not 100 lbs. of blueberries. It’s that little smile that creeps unbidden to your face when you realize that you have the Q the following morning and can unleash the pent up fury and frustration of three days of - driving, lines, bad eating, a flat pillow, and a 2-year-old that more closely resembles the Banshee from Darby O’Gill and the Little People than the adorable baby you once knew - on an unsuspecting PAX. [Read More]

Getting ready for Speedo season

Fifteen PAX gathered in the ever-brightening gloom at Carpex’s oldest AO this morning. Based on his job gallivanting across Europe, YHC decided some extra core and lower body work was needed to get the PAX ready for the Speedos they will obviously be wearing at the beaches this summer in the European style. After some Burt mumble chatter about the Nan’tan’s lack of knowledge about Apalachicola oysters, the PAX set off on a customary opening jog around the pickle and a brief standard suite of warm up exercises along with 10 penalty burpees for a tardy Smoky. [Read More]

I've Got Those Beer Mile Blues

22 PAX (23 if you count someone who joins up at 6:27) including 2 FNGs gathered this morning at scenic Apex Nature Park. No shovel flag, no site Qs, but those in attendance came in anticipation of seeing a little merlot spillage from YHC. Not to be. Disclaimer given and were off. Extended Warm Up (as promised) Merkins x 10 SSH x 15 Merkins x 9 LBC x 15 Merkins x 8 GM x 10 Merkins x 7 Freddie merc x 15 Merkins x6 IC IW x 15 Merkins x 5 IC Sir Fazio x 10 Merkins x 5 IC (Whoops) Mountain Climbers x 15 Merkins x 3 IC Plankjacks x 10 Merkins x 2 IC Merkins x 1 IC [Read More]

Agility City

A perfect Wednesday morning for a Shakin-not-Stirred workout: temps in upper 50’s and mild+ humidity. There were a lot of F3 men milling about the shovel flag by 5:40 a.m., many of which were covered in sweat after the 5:05 a.m. F3 Insomnia run. By 5:44 a.m., men had split up into Vesper running group and the classic SNS bootcamp group. There was a singular flip flop that someone tossed in the center circle of the classic SNS bootcamp group, then I stepped into the middle which added another singular Flip Flop in the center circle. [Read More]

Flood Zone - Carpex version

Some large number south of 40 PAX assembled at the Senior Center for SNS/Vesper on a beautiful dry morning, with no concerns about the park flooding. One FNG care of Moore from Churham and after the disclaimer, we are off. Brisk run through a short greenway path to the Community Center. Warm Up SSX x 20 GM x 10 IW x 15 Sir Fazios x 15 Compass Merkins x 5 at N,E,S,W,N,W,S,E [Read More]

Hitting the ground running

First time over at the fairly newly minted Kryptonite and decided to see what all of the fuss was about. Stallions that’s what. These hombres want miles, speed and whatever you can throw at them. Varsity team need only apply….non of that Thursday night JV stuff, no sir. That being said, YHC didn’t want to bring down the mean, especially after having spent all weekend with Denali at Y Guides Spring Outing. [Read More]