12 Wolverines

Conned Zip Drive into posting with me early on his Winter break (after a late night out for us all Thursday night), then conned him into trying his hand at a little bit of the Q. We planned to cover about 2 miles on the run, with a 12 Days of Christmas countup. Little surprise for #12. We arrived a little early and put out some course navigational aids. Warmup Run around the pickle CCW, high knees, carioca, buttkickers. [Read More]

After Christmas Recovery

A group of 13 HIMs arrived at FOD for some after Christmas recovery. Crimson and YHC decided that by signing up to Q the day after Christmas was the best way to ensure we’d be up early. We had expected 8 HIMs at most but we’re presently surprised by a strong showing! At 5:45 plus a few seconds (we gave a few seconds to allow Grinch to join us) we were off towards the top parking lot for: [Read More]

MINI Death Star - SNS

Twas a gloomy morning with rain in sight. 50 degrees. Cloudy YHC had just finished the EC Insomnia run with Flip Flop and Shut-IN. Flipper shared words of concern to the Q, as running insomnia sometimes causes loss of memory for the later workout. Words from a HIM were accepted and we moved on. Shouts of “1Min” occurred, although it did not seem to phase the hungry PAXs as the MC continued. [Read More]

Merkin Mile and Special Ops at FMJ

YHC will hit the road on Friday not to return until New Year’s Eve, so with that, one more chance to Q a beatdown and to FMJ for the work. Sgt. Kitty reporting for duty (he said duty). A group of HIMtastic men joined for some EC at 0505. Ma Bell, Parker, Snots, Water Wings and Old Maid, you were there. Tclaps for ensuring we checked the correct mileage to and fro the track. [Read More]

Do, or do not. There is no Try.

Backstory: Several weeks (months?) ago, the M and I were sitting at home on our usual Wednesday night date night when the ad for “The Last Jedi” came on TV. A few clicks of the iPhone and I had tickets for opening night, 12/14. Asked her if she wanted to go, “Not really”. So, 3 tickets for me and the 2.0s. And then a week or two later, the announcement comes out about F3 Carpex Christmas Party. [Read More]

Cocked, Locked and Ready To Rock!

15 PAX got to experience YHCs best effort FMJ soundtrack. Warmup Surfin’ Bird (is the Word) - One lap (most of the way) around the Salem Pond Lap around parking lot Walk This Way Aerosmith - Circle for SSH x 30 (IC), Imperial Walkers x 25 (IC), Hillbillys x 20x (IC) Good Mornings x 20 (IC), Mountain Climbers x 20 (IC), Plank Jacks x 20 (IC+Increasing speed) Mozy to playground and school (ALERT - HOTSPOT Sighting! [Read More]

A Tortoise Leads the Hares

It’s 05:20 and I’m pulling into Regency Park wondering what have I gotten myself into? I’m a tortoise, I’m a clydesdale, I got no business posting at Kryptonite, much less Q’ing. Is this going to be a huge success, like the Titanic movie? Or a huge disaster, like the Titanic boat? Let’s find out. Warm-Up Take a left on Regency and mosey down to the parking lot on the left, circle up for side straddle hops, then find some curb for quick feet, curb plank jacks, curb mountain climbers and curb merkens. [Read More]

12 Days of Burpees

Warm-Up (read more about the real warm-up at the bottom) Hello Kitty leads the men down to the lower parking lot for Side Santa Hops, Cranberry Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Sir Fazio, Quick Feet and Curb Erkins. The Thang YHC takes over and leads the men through the Disco Kitty version of 12 Days of Christmas. Here’s the last verse. On the 12th day of Christmas my Q love gave to me [Read More]

Shutty 5K

Let’s give credit where credit is due. I did not get a chance to write this up yet but here’s our Flyby! https://labs.strava.com/flyby/viewer/#1306614821?c=dnrghqme&z=H&t=1QAcqu&a=JVzhTeli4U1NgOFN About 2.5 miles in there was chatter about whether or not we were running a 5K. So we did. Warmup - Run around the greenway Thang: Mile 1. Shelter work with a lap, rinse repeat x 3 Mile 2. Shelter work Lazy 11s (top shelter) Mile 3. Light pole work and the last . [Read More]

Hello Flacco

With a week of travel in front of many PAX, Hello Kitty alerted the Carpex region via GroupMe that there were prime Q spots open all week. A true HIM, Flacco stepped up for his VQ with Kitty close in tow to help along the journey. And with that, it was time for a Hello Flacco butt-whipping. PAX gathered for a gloomy SNS post. Insomnias back in from their jaunt, and a small group of Vespers heading out, it’s time to get after it. [Read More]