10 and 6 in the Deck

It was raining and windy as pax converged at the flags planted by the EC runners at NCMA. Fava, like a pro, ran us to the parking deck where he clearly had a beatdown ready to throwdown. The Thang: We did a Beast, We did 3 sets of 7 by 7s (Chad had difficulty) We did wind sprints with a burppe ladder We did a ladder up the deck stopping for knee tucks and star jumps [Read More]

HSP Running Circuit

Nice temperature break in the mid-40s for 20 PAX at Hunter Street Park today. Lots to do in the park and throughout downtown Apex at this AO, but the half-mile loop around the athletic fields is a must-do. Here’s how we made use of it. Warm-Up Short jog to parking lot and circle up 20 SSH, IC 15 Hillbillies, IC 20 MCs, IC 20 Wide-grip Merkins 10 Windmills Circuit Run counter-clockwise around 0. [Read More]

The Making of A Champion

The idea for this workout just fell into my lap. On Tuesday, there was some debate on Slack about what it takes to be a champion. Some would posit that showing up and staying makes you a champion. YHC would posit that deciding to get up at butt crack of dawn to attend a workout and sticking around is laudable, but is just a prerequisite to becoming a champion. Since YHC is the QIC, YHC gets to decide what constitutes a champion. [Read More]

12 Days of Christmas - FMJ

When: Dec 18th, 2018 QIC: EarharT The PAX: GTL, Imp, Parker, Wonderbread, Callahan, Old Maid, Largemouth, Chanticleer, Shank, Khakis, Rooney, Sub, YHC: EarharT Rolling Stone: Bartman, WWW, Freebird, McCants, Katniss A crisp morning greeting 18 HIM for the next round of holiday cheer and of course a beatdown. 5 HIM peeled off for Rolling Stone while the rest of us headed up and down the street. Where is Camp Gladiator? [Read More]

Pick up the S(t)ix

Pre-count off to form Red, Green and Yellow groups. 18 present and no FNGs Thang 1 Brisk mozy to start of the greenway heading back to SWW with Warm up GM x 8 and merkins x 20 along the way. Glow sticks strategically placed on the greenway. When you arrive at your color – 10 merkins (total of 10 stops per color) If you see a blue, bear crawl to the next stick. [Read More]

Fired up for some Turkey!

Wednesday morning’s are always a high energy affair with Insomnia runners coming in and the Vesper and SNS crowd ready to kill it. Add to that the pre-holiday excitement, temps near freezing and anticipation of Kitty’s upcoming Thanksgiving extravaganza, New Year’s Eve in Times Square had nothing on the 34 gathered at the Senior Center this morning! At the crack of 5:45, the Vesper’s headed out to explore new trails and the SNS crowd got after it. [Read More]


Pre-Blast 11 monsters for 2.57 miles of deconstructed burpee rack-em-and-stack-em on the track at #ao-tues-fmj with 305 standard merkins taboot. Great to have Zinfandel from Charlotte. Welcome FNG, Butt Fumble! The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run the long way along the road, invade CG’s former? stomping grounds. Paint the lines, mixed run. Circle up for: Good Mornings, Windmills, 51 slow count merkins. Mixed run on the way out of the lot. [Read More]

Test Drive the New, Sell the Old

15 pax loosely gathered, sprinkled throughout the parking lot. Most had never been to this site, include one of the site Q’s who shall remain nameless. Ok, it’s me. I have been a total slacker as a site Q. I learned it by co-site Qing with the king of slacker Site Qs…who will remain nameless. Ok, it was Callahan. But you already knew that. Everyone converged in the middle of the parking lot after the flag was finally planted. [Read More]

Cadence Count Cluster warm up followed by flawless Thangs

The morning may have gotten off to a rocky start but we finished strong by doing over 2 miles and honoring our beloved Bojangles Warm up 10 Good mornings, followed by 20 or so SSH’s followed by a failed attempt to do imperial walkers in cadence Thang 1 - Moseyed down to the lower parking lot and did Bojangles with Blueberries. 3 laps around the pickle with 5 burpeee’s after lap 1, 10 burpee’s after lap 2 and 15 burpee’s after lap 3. [Read More]

Battle Buddies Unite!

Monday was the gloomiest of the gloom. About 50 degrees and pouring down rain. This is the time of the year that really shows a PAX true grit and determination to be a HIM. TBH, if I did not have the Q this morning, then I would have been a RHC to the Fartsack….. Anyways, as I stood under the largest tree to stretch and somewhat avoid the rain, I see a few of the PAX arriving from an EC run. [Read More]