Inspired by the recent Octothreat discussions and workouts in both Carpex and Louisville, YHC presents the Decathreat. It’s like the Octothreat, but two more. Why jump right over one more to two more? Because two more is one more than one more, and one more would be called “nonathreat”, which sounds way too much like “not a threat”. Warm-Up Mosey over to the parking lot in front of the shelter and circle up for 10 x 10 [Read More]


BB 18 HIM’s and one @f3_breathtaker joined YHC for a breathtaking #Octothreat at FWD. The Warmup - Pledge of Allegiance at the flag - Weave the pylons on the way to running the circle three times alternating backwards run and both ways karaoke - Circle up for: Good Mornings, SSHs, Sir Fazio/OH Claps, Merkins, Hillbillies - Partner up, run to the shelter The Thang - As a two-man team, complete 80: [Read More]

Back of the Lowes Parking Lot

I got a tip from my coworker that the park was closed this week. A quick check of the park’s facebook page, yeah it has a facebook page, and I knew we needed an alternate location. The back of the Lowes parking lot will work. I didn’t foresee the confusion on the location but Joe Smith is a lawyer so that might be the problem. I showed up and Hermes was already there and Ollie was directing people to our location. [Read More]

I don't think Interstellar is a 311 song...

The title will make sense, eventually… There was chatter of a TTTuesday, so YHC broke out his middle school basketball jersey. Hmmmmm, fits well. Me thinks we wore them baggie… or was I beefy… either way. 18 wide-eyed pax showed up for a rain beatdown w/ 3 FNG’s taboot. After a quick disclaimer, we’re off. Warm up: Mosey to the upper lot Good mornings SSH Ma Bell Merkins (Ma Bell not present) Sir Fazio fronty and backy Merkins again, why the heck not Hold it… Mountain Climbers I’m stealing this from Texas Ranger, to the parking spaces for a rolling 4-pack (as called by the PAX) of Curb Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Plank Jacks, and Quick Feet (x10 each) Thang 1: [Read More]