The double Convenience Store!

I know Burt doesn’t like themed workouts so I kept my mouth quiet from the start. Warm Up - Jog to the school for the SSH, Good Mornings, and Planks Jacks. Enough of that. Large requested distance so we needed to start the Thang 7s - Merkins and Jump Squats to the light pole and back Jog to recover. 11s - Jump lunges and spiderman merkins Jog to the basketball court. [Read More]


Pre-Blast 14 Him joined YHC for 2.12 miles of Burpaliciousness. We sang Hail to the Victors too. Michigan beat UNC last night. That is all. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run a one mile warmup stopping for 20 Burpees OYO in honor of late PAX. Circle up at the skate park for: GM, Windmill, Sir Fazio AC/Seal Clap/OHC/MNC/Sir Fazio, 84 SSH (Michigan’s point total last night). Partner up. [Read More]

Help an Old Guy Out

It’s been a little too long since my last Q so I need to get myself back in the rotation. 16 strong at FMJ this morning to help get things fired up again. Temps are trending cooler so the plan was to keep everyone moving as much as possible. Things went pretty smoothly until COT when YHC realized readers are needed in order for me to see the Voice Memo app icon on my phone, because I can’t remember 16 names on my own. [Read More]

Thankful (especially for FNGs on Thanksgiving)

YHC is thankful for many things; my loving family, a full table this Thanksgiving, and a purpose-driven career. But, above all things, I’m thankful for the blessings of FNGs on Thanksgiving Day. More to come, but first: The annual Thanksgiving Convergence means the men of Carpex descend upon the finest AO in all the land, Bradford’s Ordinary, and this year the weather right-perfect for a proper beatdown. EC run waves launched at 0600 and 0630 (psst, Frisco showed up at 0538 texting YHC, “um when are we starting? [Read More]

Cherry on Top

YHC has driven past North Cary Park many times on the way to various destinations. However, this is the first post. Luckily Google maps gives some very detailed satellite photos of what is rumored to be the premiere site in Cary on Fridays. There is cluster-Q potential with this one, after YHC sees the collection of HIMs who have decided to post. Nineteen, in all. Warm Up Standard fare of SSHs, Cotton Pickers, Sir Fazio, BURPEES, Plank Jacks, and Merkins (and my down AND my UP). [Read More]

Class Participation

Big crowd this morning for a holiday week, lots of familiar faces, some new guys I hadn’t met, and two FNGs. Give the FNGs the Disclaimer (in perfect cadence) and we’re off! Warm-Up Take a lap around the parking lot then mosey over to the lot next to the pavilion and circle up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, prisoner squats, plank jacks, merkins and Good Mornings. Because you can’t Have A Nice Day without a Good Morning. [Read More]

Is that a phone in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

12 HIMs met in the not-so-gloomy, yet balmy 80 degree / 85%RH morning. Aiming to be a responsible Q, I let the Pax know I was carrying my phone in the event of any emergencies. Never one to be shy, McCants jumped at the opportunity to ensure is presence was welcome and enjoyed by the Q! This heat and humidity can easily cause mild heat exhaustion or worse. Stay Hydrated, folks! [Read More]

Flag Day Fun

June 14, 2018 – Flag Day YHC Bayonne was honored to host 19 other men (including two F3 HIMs’ sons) for his first “real Q” (not counting a last-minute stand-in for McCants at FWD 5/29) on a glorious sunny Flag Day morning in the Peak of Good Living, USA. Today’s magic number was 14, in honor of the day. Tank Top participation was mediocre, with YHC and 8 other HIM’s sporting some form of non-sleeved attire (Red Ryder and Disco Duck being among the best dressed). [Read More]

A Cool June Morning @ FMJ

When: June 12th, 2018 QIC: Earhart The PAX: GTL, Shank, Intimidator, Pet Sounds, Freebird, Nerf, Worley, Rooney, My Little Pony, Snots, Wonderbread, YHC Earhart A cool, drizzly morning greets us as we make our way out of our cars and circle around the flag at FMJ. 12 PAX wander out of the gloom and are ready for an Earhart beatdown, sort of. Must have been the 5:30 start because the PAX were quiet for a change. [Read More]

Memorial Day Tribute

On a day set aside to remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice 57 HIMs made a statement of gratitude, respect and admiration for the fallen by way of sweat, tears and even a little blood. First things First: 10 brave HIMs participated in an EC Murph at 0600. Pierogi, Hermes, Oofta, Ollie, Banjo, Old Maid, Squatter, Captain Kirk, Joe Smith, Tecumseh, WWW, Sky Blue and Michelob. Excellent work gentlemen! [Read More]