Celebrating May 24th…on May 23rd

It was another glorious morning at the finest AO in Northwest Cary on a Thursday. While scrambling for a theme last night, I decided it would be fun to quiz the PAX on holidays, history and birthdays that occurred on May 24th. The only problem was, by the time we started our quiz this morning, I was quickly informed that today was not May 24th, but rather May 23rd. Details, details. [Read More]

It looked good on paper

It seemed simple enough. Run around Bond Lake and stop and do exercises every tenth of a mile. I’m just not sure where my calculations went wrong. Was the warm up too long? Was the PAX too slow? Was the rampant Mumble Chatter too mumbley? Perhaps it was the shared fear of tripping over a tree root or coming in contact with poison ivy. Maybe it was having Disco Duck’s recent copperhead snake warning ringing in our ears, trying to figure out who was going to carry Liverpool out of the woods if he gets bit again or was Grease Monkey’s silent protesting slowly spreading through the PAX. [Read More]

Welcome To Camp Frisco

It was a glorious day at Camp Frisco…uh, Bounty Hunters. 56 PAX showed up ready to work. I realized however that Hi-Liter, Pet Sounds, and Red Ryder were probably alone at their sites. After a few rounds of Rock-Paper-Scissors (and two recounts demanded by Cool Beans–TYFYL) 33 PAX were shipped off to other AOs. There would be penalty burpees in store for them, but none of them had contributed to my HIM of the Year campaign PAC so they were quickly dismissed from my thoughts. [Read More]

And now for something completely different......

In the ever brightening gloom as we giddy up toward summer, 15 brave and intrepid men made their way to an outpost in the northernmost western AO in Cary, for an early morning beatdown by Carpex legend Petsounds. Petsounds has other ideas and was thousands of miles away in sunny CA whilst all this was going on, so instead YHC stepped in as a makeweight Q whilst Petsounds googleplexed in Palo Alto…. [Read More]

Pusher among us...

Amazingly beautiful morning at A-Team! Crisp & cool with almost daylight from the start….. 17 HIMs gathered – One FNG. F3 intro given & we started with the pledge. Moseyed around the first parking lot & crossed over to the other for: The Warm Up Circle up for good mornings, windmills, calf stretch merkins, sir fazio, SSH, etc. Mosey over to the greenway trail for: Thang 1 – Straight up vanilla 7’s on the hill – descending Burpees at the bottom with ascending CDDs at the top. [Read More]

The Utes invaded

With little planning put into it, YHC was still feeling some pressure this morning headed to Wolverine, largely because Red Baron was in town and waiting for me at the front door for our 0515 exit. Needless-to-say, we left on time. 22 are circled up (a bunch of Utes rolled out of the Meatloaf mobile) for Wolverine and with that we we took off… out of the perfectly good (albeit dark) park. [Read More]

Brother Bri and the letter B

When scrolling through the Exicon in search for new ideas that have not (to YHC’s knowledge) been executed in/around Carpex and you don’t even get past the letter B… you know it’s going to be a good day. _NMS: YHC was ready for EC this morning, but the old bowels had another idea in mind. EC was skipped for a trip to Harris Teeter and back._ 22 Bros meet up at the Field of Dreams. [Read More]

B-day Q-Week Begins!

As I reflect on the year that has been and prepare to celebrate the completion of my 58th trip around the sun, I busted out the music from the decade of my birth and started the beat downs. Warm-ups The mission, disclaimer, and pledge were recited. There were no FNGs. We ran from the flag to the top right parking lot listening to Aretha sing “Respect” where we circled up. Warm-ups consisted of Side Straddle Hop, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Sir Fazzio Arm Circles, Merkins, and Plank Calf Stretch. [Read More]

Top 40, Baby!

Cool & crisp at FOD this fine morning! Ten HIMs gathered – No FNGs, only familiar faces. F3 intro given & we started with the pledge & moved out to a close-by parking lot. Shut-In let me know that I’m the 39th Q he has graced his presence with this year to date – I’m so honored that I finally make the top-40! With that, we rolled into: The Warm Up [Read More]

Biner Says Wooooo!

Always good to be at Flying Circus. West Cary’s Finest Thursday Morning AO Near Two Schools and a Fire Station (or something like that.) All the regulars were there, I guess. I don’t really know. I’ve only been here like 4 times. We greeted Globe Trotter visiting from Austin, made fun of Nature Boy’s Hi-Liter-inspired ear muffs, a version of the disclaimer was given and we circled up. **Warm Up [Read More]