Hablo un poco de español

Buenos Dias, Hermanos. When it was announced that Liverpool and Water Wings would share their Chimbote, Peru (or is it Chipotle…) story with the Pax at a bread braking and the Q sheet was WIDE FREAKING OPEN for that day, YHC had to jump on it. Knowing we’d have a squad on hand, I was extra excited (hard to believe I know) for this one. With a resounding Yooooooooooooo at 0544, we got ready to roll out. [Read More]

Bartmanniversary IV

23 PAX turned out this fine morning to help YHC celebrate four years of gloom. That’s right, this week marks 48 months of getting after it, and it’s as if A-Team hasn’t changed a bit. PAX in the low 20’s, rain more often than it should, and a bunch of go-getters ready to hit it. A 2-mile EC led by Disco was the perfect apertif. Mosey to the front parking lot and circle up. [Read More]

For Which It Stands

No shovel flag this morning, but there was a flag draped over a tree limb, so we pledged allegiance to it and then we were off. Warm-Up Mosey almost all the way around the pickle and circle up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, cotton pickers, Sir Fazios (all in perfect cadence) and then Nature Boy led us in the loudest Good Mornings ever. The Thang Mosey out of the park, take a right and head over to the office park next door. [Read More]

Just a little stroll between light poles

Date: 3/4/19 AO: Wolverine QIC: WWW Mosey 2X around the pickle to get the blood flowing. Circle up for warm-up. GM, hamstring stretches, calf stretches with merkins in between, Sir Fazio. Mosey to the stop light on Davis Drive to being our thang. Thang 1: At every light pole for 10 light poles, 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 squats. Hi-Liter asked me after light pole #4 if I thought about the workout. [Read More]

Lion's Den Official Launch

Eighteen PAX braved the unusually chilly March morning to join Red Ryder and Sour Mash in the launch of Lion’s Den at St. Mary Magdalene. The allure of bacon drew PAX from the far reaches of Carpex, including North Cary and even Raleigh. Warm-up: Mosey around the parking lot, backwards run, karaoke left/right, circle-up. SSH, GM, Plank Jacks, Control Freak Merkins The Thang: Partner-up Burp Back Mountain (100 burpees) one partner runs backwards up hill/stairs while other does burpees Apple turnover (100 star jumps) partner 1 - bear crawl 2 spaces, crab walk 3 spaces partner 2 - star jumps Apple turnover (200 CDDs) partner 1 - bear crawl 4 spaces, crab walk 4 spaces partner 2 - CDDs Recover on mosey w/ little Indian run for fun One partner does merkins, other runs around courtyard/stairs. [Read More]

Running in Circles, Picking up Rocks

19 men showed up for some calisthenics at Field of Dreams. What’s there to say?… We did lots of circles around the parking lot. All told, we covered a little over two miles. We also did some creative rock exercises and debated the proper way to do a Dying Cockroach (the Q’s way was correct). And most importantly, we met an FNG. Welcome Kung Pao! The Thang: Mosey up hill [Read More]

Clowning Around the Track in the Gloom

Date: 2/28/2019 QIC: WWW AO: Flying-Circus PAX: Badlands, Beaker, Biner, Ezekiel, Geek Squad, Goose, Kilmer, Lawn Dart, Nature Boy, Silverback, Sky Blue, Trike, WWW, Warm-up: GM (You can’t have a great day without a good morning), hamstring stretches, calf stretches with some CFMs x5 for each leg, Sir Fazios. We mosey top the track for some clowning around. Thang 1: 4 pain stations strategically stationed around the track (backward run btw stations) [Read More]

Happy Burp-day!

Rolling down the road to Tortoises I get a message alert, “Where is everybody? Is Tortoises closed today?” I got to thinking, should’ve I pre-blasted my birthday celebration at Tortoises? I didn’t want to make people choose between a birthday celebration or the soft launch of Lion’s Den. I wanted to ensure the soft launch was a success for Red Ryder and Sour Mash, but did I underestimate the draw that the Lion’s Den would have? [Read More]

Rocks Partner

Or rather Partner Rocks - but had to come some title and a corresponding pic. Beautiful crisp morning and we are 20 strong. Disclaimer given Warm Up Mozy through some cars to alternative parking lot SSH x 15 Hillbillies x 10 GM x 7 Merkins IC x 10 Thang 1 Partner up with and grab 1 good size rock. We stopped 4 times, with one partner doing rock work and the other an exercise, all in cadence and then swap rock [Read More]


3 for EC: Disco Duck, Term Paper, and YHC Honeycomb advised his FNG would be several minutes late, so we proceeded with the Pledge of Allegiance and then off to the first parking lot to warm up. SSH, Imperial walker, good morning, cotton picker. Recover and head back to the gate to pick up Honeycomb, Disco Duck and FNG. 10 burpees and hill billys. Recover, share disclaimer, head off into the park. [Read More]