96 Miles to Bethlehem

Fifteen HIM gathered today for a warm winter morning beat down at Phoenix. Some of you may have heard or participated in the Walk to Bethlehem challenge put out by Ma Bell and Term Paper to accumulate 96 miles (the estimated distance from Nazareth to Bethlehem) in any activity over the 21 days of Advent. As a tribute to the 96 miles that Joseph and Mary traversed, today we focused on the number 96 and the Christmas story. [Read More]

MINI Death Star - SNS

Twas a gloomy morning with rain in sight. 50 degrees. Cloudy YHC had just finished the EC Insomnia run with Flip Flop and Shut-IN. Flipper shared words of concern to the Q, as running insomnia sometimes causes loss of memory for the later workout. Words from a HIM were accepted and we moved on. Shouts of “1Min” occurred, although it did not seem to phase the hungry PAXs as the MC continued. [Read More]

Disco Wolverine

Seven PAX met in the gloom at the gloomiest AO in Carpex, but YHC was hoping for even numbers so we could partner up. At the last minute there’s Napster, coming in hot. Let’s roll. Warm-Up Mosey over to the middle school parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies, plank jacks and Sir Fazios. The Thang Mosey over to the front of the school and partner up (made sure we put the two guys recovering from the Carpex Crud together) for Dora 1-2-3. [Read More]

Ode to Ollie with 7x7 Light Pole Routine

Brisk morning for a workout but 9 HIMs and 1 2.0 made it out to take on my challenge. Started with a mosey around the senior center to knock off some of the brisk temperature. Circle up for some warm-up. Started out warming up the shoulders in anticipation for the pain about to be administered. Sir Fazio 15 count IC Sir Fazio 15 count IC reverse OH claps 15 count IC Good mornings 15 count IC Plank extensions until YHC got tired [Read More]

Flying V Meets Flying Circus

Warm-Up Mosey around the pickle and circle up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, cotton pickers and Sir Fazio. The Thang Mosey over to the bleachers next to the track and partner up for Dora 1-2-3. 100 derkins, 200 dips and 300 squats while your partner runs to the fence and back, then flap jack. Mosey over to the stairs for Jacob’s ladder with star jumps at the top (in honor of the absent Site Q Goose). [Read More]

12 Days of Burpees

Warm-Up (read more about the real warm-up at the bottom) Hello Kitty leads the men down to the lower parking lot for Side Santa Hops, Cranberry Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Sir Fazio, Quick Feet and Curb Erkins. The Thang YHC takes over and leads the men through the Disco Kitty version of 12 Days of Christmas. Here’s the last verse. On the 12th day of Christmas my Q love gave to me [Read More]

Monday morning (super moon) lights

YHC had planned for a 45-minute DICE themed Q, because you know, my friends call me Dice. But, with the big reveal of the College Football Playoffs yesterday, YHC called an audible… OMAHA! As the Pax gathered in the gloom under the light of the Super Moon, YHC headed to the big field to plant the flag. YHC headed back to the Pax. Some mumble chatter under their belts the Pax were ready. [Read More]

Not Insane

11 of NW Cary’s finest HIM gathered on 11/30 at what is arguably the best NW Cary AO on a Thursday that ever existed. With all the hoopla over at BO, one would have thought the second coming was happening. I mean, there was surely a star to the east of us right over DTC. We are also pretty sure we heard a little drummer boy. Be that as it may, the 11 chaps left behind were just there to put in a day’s work before 0630. [Read More]

Deck Move

33 degrees. Clear. Dark. No Wind. 14 Dudes. 6 Headlights. 52 Cards. Warm Up Jog to the Field SSH, Merkins, Plank Jacks, Burt Jacks. Good Mornings, Flutter Kicks, Hand Release Merkins….done IC, 15-20 count. Thang. Deck of Death. 52 cards. 4 Moves. Jump Squats, Burbees, Hand Release Merkins and Plank Jacks. 1, 2, 3, 4,….13 random reps for each of the 4 moves. Run 50 yards out and back between every 4 / 6 cards. [Read More]

High-Tempo Molly Hatchet

17 of Carpex’s finest entered into the brisk gloom, 16 from automobiles and 1 from a bicycle. After auctioning off the Kryptonite Q yesterday, YHC still had the urge for a high tempo Q. Plans were made known via GroupMe (like by Hello Kitty and WKRP within 15 seconds) so YHC was guilt-free. And there was no need for guilt with this set of PAX, they all crushed it (as the kids say). [Read More]