Pre-BB It was high time that EVERYBODY at a CarPex AO ALL spelled MERLOT on the same workout. YHC was determined to make that happen today. And so it did. BB 6 highly committed, highly motivated men spelled MERLOT at Wolverine on a nippy January morning. The Warmup - Pledge of Allegiance at the flag - Run to the north field, far corner - SSHs, Good Mornings, St. Merkins, Sir Fazio+OH Claps, Penalty Burpees, Hillbillies, LBCs - Run to the rock pile, grab a “one hand” rock - Run to the shelter with the rock over your head [Read More]

Your mother was a hamster...

..and your father smelt of elderberries! Practice makes…better. So four days into this Q-stravaganza and YHC is still hanging on. Uncharted territory folks. Fortunately (for me) this came during Q swap week, so attendance has been maybe a little bit down in these other AOs compared to what it could be. (Read: less cats to herd). Whatever, I’ve enjoyed my time with all of you. Some of you were subjected to multiple days of YHC, and for that, I’m sorry. [Read More]


Ab-stract: existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence. Fear and Trepidation- Gotta admit it fellas, SNS is like the Holy Grail (okay, wrong AO, that’s Flying Circus) of Carpex workouts (sorry DZ) to me. So much going on here on Wednesday mornings, that over the last 2.5 years YHC has been constantly growing more and more nervous about the possibility of ever Q’ing this site. [Read More]

Wolverine Tour (or how we found our way out of the gloom)

Does anyone else sleep terribly before a Q, especially when it’s an AO VQ? YHC isn’t afraid to admit that he does. This time was no different. At least three times I woke up checking the clock, making sure I hadn’t overslept. Maybe it was just the fact that I hadn’t done much in the way of planning for this Q. After all, what’s there to plan for when you can’t see the nose in front of your face? [Read More]

Stairway to 11's ReMastered Edition

I swear I signed up to Q on a warmer day!? Warm up: Fellowship mosey behind the Vesper Crew. I was secretly hoping to follow them to the park entrance/exit to see if I got any “excited” mumble-chatter. The best I got was a few pax followed them when they headed towards the kiosk thinking they were the bootcamp. Finish the mosey at the intersection 20x - SSH IC 10x - GM IC 10x - Windmills IC 10x - IW IC 10x - KDK IC The Thang: [Read More]

Best Work Out of the Year (so far)

YHC pulled into the parking lot at Apex Community Park bracing for the cold, but as soon as I got out of the car my heart was warmed by the sight of so many of my brothers, smiling and excited to get after it despite the bitter temperature. Warm-Up Mosey over to the gravel parking lot at the top of The Hill and circle up for Side straddle hops x 20 [Read More]

2017 in Review

Pre-BB We absolutely blew up GroupMe on its last official day in action when YHC asked the PAX to share what, in each HIM’s opinion, was the biggest event of 2017. Hilarity ensued. PAX eschewed work and risked loss of employment to contribute. It was all worth it, guys…IT WAS ALL WORTH IT! BB ‘Twas the last workout of the year and all through Bond Park, 20 warriors went a-running through the cold and the dark. [Read More]

FC....Flying-Circus, or, Freezin' Cold?

This morning it was cold. No two ways about it – most definitely “brass-monkey weather” [Northern English colloquialism….Google it!]. We don’t worry too much about such minor discomforts at Flying Circus, so 11 of the strongest, bravest Unicorns ever found (in Northwest Cary on a Thursday morning) showed up raring to go at the premier AO (in Northwest Cary on a Thursday morning). This is roughly what we did…..starting at the Soccer pitches [Read More]

Lets celebrate C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S

12-21-2017 12 pax Banjo, Biner, Gomer, Goose, Hi-liter, Kilmer, Ma Bell, Napster, Parker, Sky Blue, Sooey, Tubeless, Pax asked to share F3 names for those that have not yet met one another. No FNGs. We’re off to the bottom of “Miss Hill” with stop on the way to warm-up: SSH, IW, Sir Fabio arm circles, Mtn Climbers, Merkins Lets celebrate C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S. Run to Green Level Church Rd, 10 of exercise, return, “Penitent Lunges” till the 6 completes 10 [slow knee to the ground lunges, with slightly bowed head. [Read More]

After Christmas Recovery

A group of 13 HIMs arrived at FOD for some after Christmas recovery. Crimson and YHC decided that by signing up to Q the day after Christmas was the best way to ensure we’d be up early. We had expected 8 HIMs at most but we’re presently surprised by a strong showing! At 5:45 plus a few seconds (we gave a few seconds to allow Grinch to join us) we were off towards the top parking lot for: [Read More]