Leave the Park! 11/3/17 SWW

YHC was honored to lead these Stallions in a little belated b-day workout. Maiden Q for me for this AO. Many many great options.. The Warmup: In honor of the best Tuesday AO in all of Carpex, the first activity is to… Leave the park Jog to the Bocci restaurant shopping center, down around back at the bottom of the stairs, Mime in a Short Box while we wait for the 6. [Read More]


BB YHC hails from Generation X. Gen X?! We tried to name ourselves…colossal failure. Remember when George Costanza tried to name himself, “T-Bone?” Bad idea, “Co Co the Monkey.” Kobe, “The Black Mamba?” Really?! We received a key reminder today at FWD - #Don’tNameYourself. Let’s start that trending… Oh - we also learned about teamwork. EveryTHANG we did today hinged upon working together and cheering on our teammates. We are better together. [Read More]

Autumn Arrives

YHC was excited for my first Q at Flirtin’ With Disaster and arrived early to scope things out. Some plans had to change when I realized how incredibly dark the park is. And after what seemed like two weeks of sauna like weather it finally starsted to feel like October. I may have been the only one out there who prefers the sauna like conditions. Warm-up - Mosey over to the park parking lot and take an extra lap just to get the blood flowing, followed by side straddle hops, imperial walkers, merkins and plank jacks. [Read More]

Everyone needs a little encouragement!

So I found out on Monday that 9/12 was National Day of Encouragement and that Chinese Downhill needing to switch so I had the Q! Must be God’s providence. Woke up to rain so plans changed a little. 8 guys started out and we headed up the Cary Parkway hill to the covered parking. Now for a little encouragement! My favorite verse on exhortation is Hebrews 3:13. “But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. [Read More]

Moderately Slippery When Wet

19 PAX showed up for the inauguration of SWW on 09/01/2017. Must have been the promise of some good ol’ Midwestern casserole that brought them in. But it was the surprise bagels and lox that really won them all over. As an added bonus SWW lived up to its name (I knew it would) with a very tolerable occasional sprinkling of rain. Here’s how the morning went: Jog to shelter parking lot (farthest lot from houses) for warm ups: -Good mornings -Side Straddle Hops -Hello Dollys -Flutter Kicks (Low Slow Flutters) -Freddie Mercurys -Homer to Marges -Std Americans – I mean Merkins [Read More]

Flirtin' With a Double Dribble

On Wednesday, August 22nd, the Carpex Fighting Fish PAXetball team meet at Marla Dorrell park, the home of Carpex Court, for an early morning practice. 27 members of the team, YHC included and an FNG from New Jersey (lifelong friend of YHC) met at the hardwood (or pavement), because as YHC’s tweet pointed out, “Hard bodies are made on the hard wood (pavement).” And with that, practice was under way: [Read More]


YHC was super pumped up with Q-Drenaline for his VQ. So pumped up that he initially got into the car this AM without his running shoes. So pumped up that he drew up a 2-sided weinke in 4-point font that was entirely unreadable in the early gloom. So pumped up that he was nearly made late for his own VQ while waiting for “Gonna Fly Now” from the Rocky Soundtrack to download, so that YHC could get into the proper mental/emotional state on the drive to FWD. [Read More]

A Bridge Too Far

I arrive at AO I normally don’t visit that often (I tend to go to FOD) but I do enjoy this site and the options it brings. 22 PAX show-up on time ready for another beat down. Welcome FNG Kyrie! Q starts by getting the guys to grab some curb and do a round of quick feet, a good way to warm up before the warm up. We head out running slowly around the corner for: [Read More]

Hills for days (or at least 45 minutes)

17 men showed up on the least gloomiest of mornings in hopes that their Q shopping choice would pay off. But let’s be honest, when your choices are Largemouth or YHC, it’s not pretty either way. Warmup: Quick jog around the pickle to the wee-man’s basketball court. Homer to Marge out the gate (Yoga Mat’s gotta a date week with M), 51 SSHs (HBD CD), 10 penalty burpees (as YHC missed CDBDQ), hackey sacks (never again), GMs (just because), and FMs (YHC loves random Mary). [Read More]

Going Down...

A couple things you should know before I start telling you about the workout. I completed the workout with my M and she approved. Also, I am a fan of christian rap and had this song in my head when planning the work out: Link (Lecrae (ft. Trip Lee & Swoope) - Falling Down) WARM UP Fast feet and lines - find a line, 10 secs on, 10 sec rest for 4 mins. [Read More]