Helping out your GBB!

Love me some Dante’s Peak! Great group of guys there this amazing morning! It’s the 21st day of my man Flacco’s Murph-a-day in May – wondering how I can help him knock that out and keep it fun for all… here’s what went down…. Smithers brought FNG, we did the mission, bit of a disclosure and then the pledge. Warm-up – moseyed up the hill and down the locked up entrance to the basketball court – good morning, windmill, hillbilly, shoulder stuff, merkin, mtn climber, etc. [Read More]

Cinco de Mayo de Sucko

Goal: Have fun and do some stupid stuff. The stupid stuff started early: The first thing that you should do when you Q is to show up early. YHC made the site Q’s anxious by showing up at 5:29ish - it all started El Crappo. Disclaimer in broken Spanish at 5:31: Buenos dia hermanos Este esse effe tres FNG? No? OK. Yo no es professionale Y yo no tengo dinero [Read More]


Met up at the ‘flag’ with a collection of both new and old faces for measure twice. No headlamps needed. Full moon is tomorrow Measure the First: Run 45 minutes. Covered about 5.5 miles in a brisk pace but not so brisk that conversation was impossible. Enjoyed catching up with Mayflower, Torpedo, One Four and Mr. Safety. Squatter grunted once, so I suppose that’s a win. Back to the ‘flag’ right on time. [Read More]

Second Annie Very Sorry for Schlitz!

Wow. It’s been 2 years (well on Sunday officially). Seemed only natural that YHC jumps on the Q sheet to celebrate. Here’s what went down: Warmup: No FNGs, so a pledge and a mission statement and off we go. Mosey up the hill and over to the basketball court. Circle up for: SSH x 15 IC Good Mornings x 5 IC Sir Fazio Arm Circles x 10 IC Seal Claps x 10 IC [Read More]

Pardner Up!

When: April 20th, 2021 QIC: Earhart The PAX: The Joker, Puddles, Peeping Tom, Sideout, Theismann, Wahoo, Biner, Open Concept, Mr. Safety, YHC Earhart 10 PAX gather in the brisk cool morning for an intro to Cougar Town by Earhart workout. YHC workout started with some EC from the DTP flag to the new site, about 1 mile mosey. I did the EC solo, maybe I should have pre-blasted…lesson learned. Anywho, back to the ME. [Read More]

Wild Wild West Weather

Oh, how I love the weather fluctuations here in the land of Carpex. One week its Winter, a week later Spring and then Fall once again. This morning didn’t disappoint with a solid 48f to start the morning with the traveling “Circus” in tow. With no FNG’s, we started with the pledge. Mozy around large parking lot which included: Karaoke Butt kickers backwards run Back to the flag for warmups which consisted of [Read More]

Double Duty

51 is a lot different than 50 was last year. Just the situation - we are now back to getting after it in groups in the gloom. On April 15, 2020, we’d officially shut down group workouts. But one thing I wanted to keep the same. Do a Murph on my birthday. The day started with a run into Bounty Hunters, which depending on the route I choose is right about 3 miles. [Read More]

Acid for the Children

Roll up with 90 seconds to spare. Plenty of time to put the sneakers on and maybe even lace them up! No shovel flag? No bother. Just pledge to the tallest shovel flag in all of CARPEx over the fire station next door. Mosey over for Warmup in the gravel lot that is the Apex Farmer’s Market. Warm-up Let’s start slow to give me time to come up with something. What’s nice and easy and requires no brain cells? [Read More]


Every year on the Ides of March, YHC has the distinct honor to celebrate the anniversary of his first F3 post. Today on the 6th installment I was honored once again to do so with my F3 Carpex brothers. We gathered outside the open gates* of Apex Community Park, home of A-Team, and noted the peak spring gloom, having endured a full 26 hours of Daylight Savings Time. 3/4ths of the ShieldRuck was on hand, one in a Cubs jersey #oversight. [Read More]

Piranha Park Launch!!

When: March 6th, 2021 QIC: Earhart The PAX: Trike, Triple Lindy, Peeping Tom, Yahoo, Overflow, Red Ryder, Clockwork, Side out, Theismann, Open Concept, Snots, Old Maid, Mr. Safety, Ninjago, Queequeg, Flenderson, Nothing Special, Track Star, YHC Earhart 19 PAX gathered to launch the newest, Saturday AO in Apex, Piranha Park! After 127 days of soft launching, YHC and Peeping Tom finally made it official and 17 others were there to celebrate. [Read More]