Snitches Get Stiches

When: January 30, 2018 AO: FOD QIC: Biner Arrived at FOD Tuesday morning to see the Cary police questioning several PAX. Nantan arrived and handled the situation. Read the rest of the story on the carpex-news channel. Warm Up One lap around the parking lot and across the road to the soccer field parking lot. 10 good mornings followed by 7 or 8 dirty birds*. *shuffle in place, Q calls “turn” - turn right then back and keep shuffling Q calls 2nd “turn” - turn left then back and keep shuffling, Q calls “down” - hit the ground and back up and keep shuffling, Q calls “jump” - jump and keep shuffling. [Read More]

Flying BLIMPS, Double Dora

First off, I just want to thank Half for getting a wicked sty so I could quickly snag a last second Q! You’re the man! (get well soon) Secondly, I want to thank Goose and Sky Blue for welcoming YHC with open arms this morning. Their hospitality is unbeaten. It really, truly is the greatest AO in northwest Cary on Thursdays! My last Q was about 6 weeks ago. I’ve been itching to lead again, but never took the time to actually open the Q sheets to sign up. [Read More]

Officially-sanctioned, Nantan-endorsed, non-Russian-doped, F3Nation-approved 2nd F

Guys, I have about 6.5 minutes to write this, so I’m going bullet-point, rapid-fire style. What follows is the general direction the flow of (great) conversation went during the Official NW Cary 2ndF (TM), I think you’ll see a definite trend. Given the sophomoric nature of the mumblechatter at Flying Circus this morning (looking at you Nantan), I’m surprised we started as elevated and cerebral as we did. What would you expect walking into a joint called White Oak Coffee & Tea? [Read More]

Birthday Extravaganza and January 26 History Lesson

YHC’s birthday fell on a Friday this year so of course I was planning to Q the best AO in Carpex, on Friday, in North Cary. To my delight, Saban has the same birthday and the same plans. The Co-Q fix was in. 14 arrived, one was a FNG - 13 on time, Flip flop was late. Come on bro, as a future site-Q, you are going to have to tighten up. [Read More]