Four-Alarm Fire

BB 20 PAX stamped their passports and journeyed ALL THE WAY to DP on a misty, unseasonably-warm morning. YHC kept hearing something about it being a “first Friday,” and therefore cause for an “easier” workout! Yeah, right. Let the beatdown begin. The Warmup - Pledge of Allegiance at the Shovel Flag - Jog to the end of the parking lot, painting the lines along the way, run past the “field closed” sign onto the field, circle up. [Read More]

Take me to the other side

Twenty HIM showed up on a cold morning for YHC’s second Dante’s Peak Q. For my first Q we stayed on the main side of the park and did burpees. Lots and lots of burpees. More than once I was reminded that there was more to the park than the baskeball court. Today I decided we should stretch our legs and make our way over to the other side. Warm-Up [Read More]

10 10 Road of Hard Knocks

When: Oct 20th, 2017 QIC: Free Bird The PAX: GTL, Sour Mash, Ascot, Hot Spot, Malpractice, Kabota, Grease Monkey, Khakis, Monkey Nut, Bogo, Snots, Franklin, Blue print, Nature Boy, Red Ryder, PBX,Wilbur, Old Maid, Free bird When I posted the twitter pre blast warning of “devastation”, I thought it would just be another Twitter scare tactic. Then, when pulling into Dante’s 10 minutes before start, no one was around. I thought to myself, “wow”, everyone took that Tweet seriously last night. [Read More]

CARPEx Odyssey 2017

PAX: Angry Elf, Aquaman [Greenville], Ascot, Bartman, Beaker, Bogo, Build-A-Bear, Callahan, Chef Tell [Churham], Disco Duck, Earhart, ET [Churham], Etrade [Raleigh] , Farva [S. Wake], Flacco, Flip Flop, Franklin, Freebird, Frey daddy [Raleigh], GTL, Hello Kitty, Hermes, Hi-Liter, Jiggly Puff , Kermit , Khakis, Largemouth, Lulu , Malpractice, Mississippi , Monkey Nut, Nightshift [Churham], Old Maid, Ollie, Open Out, Pierogi, Repeato, Riptide, Saban, Shut-In, Skyblue, Sooey, Sooner , Sosa, Soul Glow [Raleigh], Sour Mash, Tecumseh, Texas Ranger, Water Wings, Wilber, WKRP RESPECTS: Banjo, Biner, Burt, Coney, Crimson, Double D [SWake], Goose, Grinch, Kilmer, Michelob, Pickles, Term Paper, Yogi [Read More]

Happy Birthday Dante's Peak!

When: Oct 13th, 2017 QIC: Earhart The PAX: Wilbur, Bocephus, BOGO, Parker, Crimson, Freebird, Sooey, Shut-In, Malpractice, Monkey Nut, Hot Spot, GTL, Snots, Water Wings, Imp, Sooner, Spitvalve (Raleigh), YHC Earhart Can’t believe it has been a year since Shut-In and I launched Dante’s Peak. It took me a while to get the site going as it was the first site where we doubled up with Danger Zone. The PAX were resistant to adding another site, dividing Carpex on the same day, but I am glad we did. [Read More]

It's a numbers game......

Numbers here, numbers there. We are inundated by numbers. How fast were you driving, what was your GPA, how much did your house cost, what is your income, how much did you pay in taxes, how many times have you posted, how long have you been doing F3. Numbers are everywhere and some are good and some are not so good. Today was a celebration of numbers for Crimson. The first number of celebration was 19. [Read More]

9/1/17 Dante's Peak Hill Repeats

11 Stallions including YHC met up in the gloom on a damp morning. YHC needs to finalize his BRR training and since we are in the Peak of Good Living - we must do some hill repeats. -Warmup - jog over to the basketball court 30 SSH - and then 10 more and a result of some early mumble chatter 10 Good Mornings, some hillbillies, some mtn climbers and some calf stretches. [Read More]

Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Tube Man

It was a surprisingly, yet welcome, coolish morning as 25 super-studs gathered up at Apex Nature Park. YHC was making my way around the PAX for the customary hand-shakes, fish bumps and, in today’s case, one FNG disclaimer. Glancing at the watch, it was 05:44:45. Let’s get after it. No time for 1 minute warning. Let’s get to work! First exercise is… Warm-up Salute merkins x 15 IC facing the shovel flag. [Read More]

Rude Awakening

I was awoken by the 2.1 at 4:38am and after a quick diaper change I decided to look up who had the Q of Dante’s Peak this morning. Boy was I surprised to see that YHC had signed up (likely during another sleepless night). Time to rise to the occasion and make somebody sweat. 27 pax arrived for an early morning tour of Apex nature park. Warm-Up Hold that thought as 5, yes 5 pax arrived late. [Read More]

Celebration in the Peak of Good Living

Earhart, sooner, SUEY, Swag, monkey nut, disco duck, Parker, Snots, Lulu, ascot, stove pipe, nature boy, Franklin, goose, blueprint, road rash, blackout, open out, Wilbur, banjo, hotspot, water wings, Crimson, sky blue Babyface, a.k.a., Colin Snyder, led a compelling sermon centered around Jesus his first miracle, John 2:1 to 11, turning water into wine at a wedding reception. YHC cannot find the podcast so you men will need to stretch your imaginations, extend some faith beyond your sensibilities, and trust me on this one. [Read More]