Teaching Kids to play with (.)(.) Come in Tokyo (.)(.) since 1998

Had to jump on that open Q slot, beta test required on new toys. Thanks Quiver. 7 pax and no FNGs, just 5 minutes of 2nd F discussing Mojo’s Azul locks before we get started. Warm-up: SSH, Imperial Walker, good afternoon, windmills. Mosey over to this Swaggon Wagon to pick up the toys, then head down to the Coy fish pond, partner up. INTRODUCING Beta Test: P1: AMRAP Bop-its / P2: runs stairs to flags to: [Read More]

Is it Begin or Exercise.... (it's exercise...)

So a little less than 5 Months ago in May, an overweight, really out of shape FNG wandered up to Rush Hour. I was welcomed warmly by Old Maid and Disco Duck, and Riptide showed up to lead the Pax at 17:45. We went to the parking deck and ran the stairs with pain sticks and baked on the top deck of the parking deck. Now I am less overweight and less out of shape so in honor of that work out we would not be going to the parking deck or getting close to pain sticks… [Read More]

Traffic Avoidance Failure

8 PAX, no FNGs and we are off Mozy to BO launch area Warm Up (brief) SSH X 15 Hillbilly x 15 The Thang Run through DTC looking for 5 parking lots or open spaces without much traffic to do the following Full BodyLegsChestCore15Burpees10Squats15Diamonds20LBC210Burpees15Monkey Humpers20Standard25Starfish Crunch315Burpees20Jump Squats25HR30Freddie Mercs420Burpees25Squats30Wide Grip35Starfish Crunch55Burpees10Squats15Diamonds20LBCs Occasionally stopping to do derkins or planks Mary Hammers IC x 30 Announcements Carpex picnic tentatively re-scheduled for Oct 13 [Read More]

Get on them hills

YHC needs hills, the Pax accommodated. Here’s what we did:

Here’s who did it:

YHC, Old Maid, Banjo, Carmen San Diego

Here’s who we saw at the end (after doing their own thang):

Ollie and Mojo

Wake up the next morning and YHC and Banjo got back out there for this:

Solid work men. Looking forward to BroGa on Monday morning.


This PAX is on Fire

Dow Jones wasn’t the only one that had a rough week. YHC was again bit by some sort of bug and two colleagues went down with the flu. So what better way to cap off the week than rising from the ashes at Phoenix? 20 PAX agreed and all 21 of us hit the gloom. Though rain threatened, we stayed mostly dry. A few hearty PAX ran into the AO from various destinations, working to get in some extra miles leading up to various events this Spring. [Read More]

Crunch Time, Boo Yah

Crunch Time, Boo Yah February 6, 2018 AO: Rush Hour Q: Banjo Pax: Aristocrat, Disco Duck, Mojo, Ollie, YHC Banjo During morning mosey to school with youngest 2.0, I was reminded that M will be picking up 2.0 from school. With some new found free time, my cooking dinner responsibilities were last night, YHC pondered ever so briefly on the prospects: post at Rush Hour or Q Rush Hour. Perfect. YHC had a planned scheduled stop at Peak Olive Oil [Read More]

Men at Work

When the M tells you that your plans are canceled and you are able to go work out AND you see that there’s a vacancy in the Q spot. Coincidence or Providence? It matters not because there was work to be done. Warm Up: Jog over to the grassy area and square up. 20x SSH IC 10x GM IC 10x WM IC 10x IW IC Head back over to the parking lot where we line up on the curb for… [Read More]

Saturday lunch bunch

YHC was on the home front on this Saturday morning. With that, YHC put it out there, “any him looking to join for a mid-day beatdown, we’ll launch from SNS at 1130,” and the boom in the gloom saw YHC, Disco Duck, Ollie and Mojo roll out. The entire thang: Run to the lot at High House and Cary Pwy for quick feet, cerkins, quick feet, derkins, quick feet, curb mountain climbers. [Read More]

Fellowship Pain Sticks

Last week at Rush Hour the fountains were frozen, this week we were all wearing short sleeves. Warm-Up Mosey around the parking lot a couple of times then circle up. We often go around the horn during Mary, but why not the warm-up? So we went around the horn doing side straddle hops, imperial walkers, cotton pickers and calf stretches. The Thang Mosey back behind the parking deck and grab a pain stick. [Read More]