Thinking Back, Looking Forward

Milestone birthday this week leads me to thinking back through the years, and about the important people who have been and will continue to be involved in my life. 22 PAX started the week off right at A-team this morning for a workout based around this theme. Warmup Fellowship jog to front parking lot 49 SSH ID (because not yet) 20 MC IC 20 Diamond Merkins 20 IW IC (with a little Hillbilly thrown in) Small group (3-4) Indian run to the back of the park Plank it out with some Shakira hip dips while everyone arrives The Thang [Read More]

Picture Day

It was Picture Day at Phoenix. Jenn, the FUMC chairwoman for the health ministry at FUMC, agreed to come out and take some pictures for an article she wants to write on F3. It turns out Jenn is also Burt’s spin class instructor. More on that later. With that backdrop, here’s what happeed: Warm-up After a circumnavigation of the parking lot consisting of runs, side shuffles, and backward runs, we circled up for [Read More]

The Circuit is the Thang

A cool, clear morning greeted 18 PAX for a basic run and beatdown workout. No FNGs and everyone there on time, so off we go to the back parking lot. Circle up in the parking lot for: Warm Up 10 Good Mornings 20 Side Straddle Hops 10 Cotton Pickers 10 Windmills 10 Sir Fazio Arm Circles 10 Hillbillies The Thang Count-a-rama before the thang, telling them to remember their number for later. [Read More]

The Old Stomping Ground

YHC gets a bit giddy for a Q at BO. Afterall, it is the very finest AO in CARPex and may well be in the great state of North Carolina. It also has the best site Q’s and site Q emeriti. There really isn’t much negative you can find in this gem and the men that come to this hallowed ground know it. Its been a while since the Ripper has Q’d, as he has allowed the other men to led the PAX here more recently. [Read More]

Full Court Press

30 Men took the hill this morning at SNT 11 of those men choose to Vesper. Two different groups one ran 4 and the other ran 5 today. The ones who went to shaking not stirred got some full court pressure in honor of march madness. High tempo GO workout. Warm up Run to the parking lot 15 x SSH 15 x Good morning 15 x frankensteins 15 x Merkins [Read More]

Insomnia, Vesper 4, and 5

Insomnia: Callahan, Flip Flop, Hermes, LargeMouth, Open Out, Shut In, YHC Vesper 4: Riptide Q +many (to be added) Vesper 5: CK, Hotspot, Michelob, PBX, YHC 7 for Insomnia! Callahan, Hermes, Open Out, Shut In, LargeMouth, Flip Flop, YHC. Large and Flip ran and chatted away while the rest of us brought up the 3 and the 6. Covered 4+ miles in 8:38 overall pace, nice work all. 5 (plus one) for Vesper 5 route today. [Read More]

Monday 3/20/17

Warm up - 2 laps around the circle SSH x 20 ,Good morning x 10, Imperial walker x 20 Mountain climbers - merkins x20 - plank hold 10 burpees 1 lap around the circle Rock pile - Mary? LBC x 20, American Hammer x20, 6 inch leg hold Shoulder press - 10 merkins ,curls - 10 merkins,Triceps extension - 10 merkins - Repeato no merkins 2nd time 9 Burpees Pseudo indian run to the front parking lot by the gate, groups of 4, broken up into fast and slow groups. [Read More]