Ask and You Shall Receive

After wrestling the Q away from Hotspot, picking up Biner and seeing no bat-signal at PBX’s, YHC rolled into a darkened Apex Nature Park. On the way in, we passed a group of runners (the usual suspects) – Hotspot, Michelob, Pet Sounds, and Old Maid. As we gathered in the gloom, Pet Sounds mentioned that he would like something a little run-lite since we’ve logged so many miles in F3 this week. [Read More]

Flood Zone - Carpex version

Some large number south of 40 PAX assembled at the Senior Center for SNS/Vesper on a beautiful dry morning, with no concerns about the park flooding. One FNG care of Moore from Churham and after the disclaimer, we are off. Brisk run through a short greenway path to the Community Center. Warm Up SSX x 20 GM x 10 IW x 15 Sir Fazios x 15 Compass Merkins x 5 at N,E,S,W,N,W,S,E [Read More]

Field of Streams

9 of Cary/Apex’s most committed men and 1 guy who had signed up to Q made their way to Field of Dreams on this wet morning. Given the 48 hour downpour, YHC had to leave a bit earlier than usual this morning in fear of literally coming on 2 wheels. YHC strongly considered a morning of splashing on the turf but for the sake of the town of Cary and possibly a bit of mercy on my brothers, a sheltered morning was prepared. [Read More]

Beat the Funk

YHC has to attest that he went to bed not knowing how the morning would roll. Coming off a week long work-vacation where he had no time for rest (the 3 year construction project will not end), YHC was broken and tired, add in there just in a bad mood. At 5:30am we were off with little shared by YHC, the only thing in the back of his mind was to beat the funk out! [Read More]


Slow warm up run to start, circle up for some warm up. Merkins, Cotton Pickers, Plank Jacks and Superman. The Thang: 4 Corners, Merkins, Burpees, American Hammers and Carolina Dry-docks. Then short run to Rock Pile, Partner Dory with rock, 100 Curls, presses and squats. Start run and did some more Burpees and Dying Cockroach Finished with some Mary COT FNG’s Punch Down and Chalkboard. Welcome to F3 Great support for these men from the PAX, very impressive. [Read More]

Site Q Convergence

I was reading over Franky’s BB yesterday and realized, wow. We just had a Site Q convergence at Kryptonite and I didn’t even know it! We had representation from A-Team, FWD x2, Vesper, DZ, DP, Krypto x2, BO, and even Isotope thanks to my man Don Ho with the surprise post this AM while he’s in town! So yeah, we were loaded down with Site Qs Franklin, sorry bruh. Betamax, Open Out, and Waterwings; See me after the backblast. [Read More]

What to Expect When You're Expecting

As a fairly frequent Q and poster to Carpex workouts I feel like I’m a pretty good numbers guesser. This is key when planning a workout. Helps you to pick the right excercises, etc etc. So for this workout I planned for about 12. There were 6 the week before and then average numbers were mid teens. Good guess right? There were 23. And that’s with Open Out fartsacking as I waited out from of his house for a few minutes. [Read More]

Low tempo but hard work

17 gathered outside the gate and no FNGs in site, so off to the very 1st parking lot on right for warm up. Warm Up SSH x 15 GM x 10 IW x 15 Sir Fazio x 15 Merkins x 56 Thang Mozy to Power line hill and gather at the bottom for 21’s of Plankjacks and LBCs Fairly early audible to skip odd numbers LBCs at bottom of hill while we wait for all PAX to finish up [Read More]

90 at 50

The opportunity for YHC to Q 90-minute Whiplash first came up a couple months ago, and as the saying goes, it seemed like a good idea at the time. What better way to wrap up a milestone birthday week? And, appropriately enough, on April Fool’s Day. As the day got closer though, anxiety continued to grow, as expected. But, I was confident that the grounds of the NC Museum or Art would provide plenty of options to fill a workout, regardless of how many were in attendance. [Read More]


Within days after turning 49 last year, I started hearing questions like, “Are you still 49?”, and “Shouldn’t you be 50 by now?” Contrary to McCants’ accusations, I have not been 49 for 3 years. Well, 49 no longer. 24 PAX showed up at SnS today to join in the 50th birthday Q celebration. It went something like this: Warm up Fellowship jog to lower parking lot 50 Merkins (because 50) 50 Hillbilies, IC 10 Good Mornings, IC 20 Mountain Climbers, IC Thang 1 [Read More]