All aboard the Middle School Bus

A brisk cool morning greeted the kids waiting for the bus this morning on their way to Salem Middle School. The gathered in the parking lot and waited patiently for 5:30. Apparently, the bus driver (who was their early) wanted to protest the start time so we didn’t get moving until 5:31. Largemouth wondered if he was going to make everyone stand around until 5:45. While it seemed like a good idea…. [Read More]

Go Gos and 2:39

Warm Up - Run to the big parking lot for a reverse Shut In warm up. 25 SSH, 20 Merkins, 15 IW, 5 GM Plyos (all 25 yards): High knees x 2 Butt kicks x 2 Monster walks x 1 Side slides x 2 Karaokes x 2 One leg x 2 Leaps for height x 1 Lunges x 1 Double jumps x 1 Inch worm Merkins X 1 Move to the light poles (50 yards) [Read More]

Chilly Recovery Jog, Yawn. 10-22-18

13 showed up on time for Kryptonite. It was a bit cool at around 37° on the Tundra thermometer. The Warm-up - Jog to the stoplight for some GMs and some Hill Billies. The Thang - Intervals - Run up Ederlee drive, giving 90+ percent for 2 light poles and then jogging for 1 light pole. Repeat till you get to the stoplight. Yes, the one at Penny Road. Yes, all the way up to Penny Road. [Read More]


30+ Pax found a way to get to Bond Park Senior Center today between the hours of 0430 and 0545. Some arrived that early for #TheMaynard, others a little later for #Insomnia, and picking up the 6 were those ready for a #Beatdown or a #Vesper run. For those that couldn’t make it a new(ish) F3 Lexicon word was discovered by YHC during a recent 43Feet podcast. Some guys faced certain circumstances; work, family, scheduling, issues and had to fartsack. [Read More]

One Thang

16 pax came out to do a thang this morning… YHC has never done the Q week thing because…well because YHC doesn’t want to. It’s tiring and it’s a lot of planning and backblast writing. Yet, somehow we got where we are today. 5 b-day Qs this week (day 6 is the Odyssey, aw shucks oh well). As YHC pulls into the lot he sees 4 guys punkin him and running before the workout. [Read More]

Milk Run

33 Pax gathered to celebrate YHC’s 35th birthday… well actually, they gathered to watch what would happen when Frisco drank a half gallon of milk prior to the beatdown. Banjo joined Frisco in the lactose challenge. Surprisingly, they were able to keep it all down during the workout. Pickles and Parker got in some EC merkins and several pax got in an EC fellowship run with Half. Once the new start time of 0530 rolled around, we were off! [Read More]

The Tempest. Or a Martini.

Pre-Blast 23 HIM joined YHC for 2.9 miles of a shaken, not stirred, tempest (or martini) at shaken not stirred. Frisco was not there. Theisman was not there. Neither was Joe Smith. But Term Pappy was. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the big flag (no shovel flag???!??!??) Play Bob Seger. Run to the Community Center. Paint the Lines. 50 SSH 50 slow count Merkins 10 GM OYO Grab an ego rock. [Read More]

Birthday B.O.M.B.S

I"m always leery of the use of the aforementioned especially when on a public school campus in light of where we are as a society. In the case of today, the subject gave reason for concern for all within the immediate proximity but not need to worry about one’s personal safety. Disclaimer, Pledge of Allegiance Warmup The magic number of the day is 42 and we did so for Side Straddle Hop, Mountain Climber, Cotton Picker, Crunch Frog and Merkins. [Read More]

No Mucking Way!

September 17, 2018 YHC was inspired last weekend. He spent Saturday prior running around in the mud in Denver for an MS charity. Knowing he had to figure plan a workout for the old crew on Wednesday AND that it rained a little bit in the area, inspiration quickly took hold. Not knowing exactly WHAT they were going to do, he definitely knew WHERE it was going to happen. There was even a PSA on the site AO days ahead of time. [Read More]

The Clean up Continues

The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry… as did this Q. Having pledged our allegiance we moseyed about 5 lights down for a quick warm up. WARM UP We acknowledged ‘76 once again in the as it was a year that would forever change the course of my parents life. Performed 4 sets of Merkins (20,20,20,16 = 76). Between the sets we Side Straddle Hop, Good Morning, American Hammer, Australian Snow Angel. [Read More]