50 Challenge Vanilla ... NOT!!!

PAX: Ashbury (hate), Captain Jack, Chipper, EarharT, FNG Fedora (hate), Honeycomb, Joe Smith, Kermit (Hate), Kitty Litter, Meatloaf, Milton Bradley (hate), Sega (hate), Smokey, Staubach, Term Paper, Titanic, Whirlie, WWW My original Q slot was supposed to be last week because Blue Water was not going to get back from his trip until later that day, so he needed someone to step in and Q. I thought I was the first to respond but Riptide was quick on the draw and beat me to the punch. [Read More]

Perfect Timing

YHC rolled into Sovereign Grace Church to notice 2019 HOTY candidate Theisman doing ECP all by his lonesome. Although PAX were gathering in the parking lot, this called for a few ECP to make sure the ol’ QB was not lonely. At 0529 we joined the other 20 in the normal gathering spot for Tortoises. Disclaimer was disclaimed, and off we did not go. Warm Up Circle up, 10 burpees OYO to calm the chatter. [Read More]


Odd title, right? Well, I don’t just mean rival or enemy or generic bad thing. I am going old-school for the classical Greek meaning of the goddess who enacts retribution on an individual suffering hubris, or foolish pride. Or, in the immortal words of Brick Top, “Do you know what nemesis means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an ‘orrible c**t — Apex Nature Park. [Read More]

Running w the Bells

When: 04/1/2019 QIC: Pet Sounds The PAX: Theismann, Sour Mash, Leprechaun, Ashbury, Hottie Tottie,Meatloaf, Intimidator, Billy, Pickles, Romney, Triple Lindy, Kenny, Earhardt, Monkey Nut, The Joker, Justice and Pet Sounds Warm up - run to the circle, Karaoke along the way. Circle up, SSH, Hill-Billy, Merkins, Stretch(s), Pete Paker, recover, head to the flag to pick up our late arrival. 10 Bonus Burpees + 5 more for good measure [Read More]

Tears of Pain

A beautiful, God-given morning greets 18 HIM for an impromptu, Earhart beatdown (get better Riptide). Most of the PAX show-up on time, so quick disclaimer and pledge allegiance then a quick mosey around the big parking lot. Circle up for: Warm Up Good Mornings Combo of shoulder work including arm circle twirlies, overhead claps, behind the back claps Cotton Pickers Windmills The Thang Done with warm-ups, each PAX grab a bell, Sega grab the 15lb medicine ball and head to the back shelter. [Read More]

Traveling 4 Corners

19 strong on a perfect cool spring morning. disclaimer given and we are off 30 seconds early Brief mosey to warm up area SSH x 15 GM x 7 Hillbillies x 10 Merkins IC x 10 Low plank hold 5 count around the circle Thangs Mosey to one of the many office parking lots with increasing exercises at lamp posts HRM up to 10 Star jumps up to 15 *** [Read More]

Back in the Saddle

You ever had one of those moments when that which you once found easy to do is now quite taxing. It has almost been three weeks since I last posted. Many HIMs have reached out to check in on me during this time and I am appreciative. Never the less it was time to get back in the saddle. There’s nothing like putting yourself on the hook to Q to hold you accountable to posting. [Read More]

Just Getting Started!

After some debate on which parking lot we should circle up in we stuck with the standard operating procedure for SWW. After a delivery of the disclosures to our FNG we moseyed over to the back parking lot for some warm-up. SSH x 20 Sir Fazio Forward x 11 Sir Fazio Backward x 11 Seal Clap x 11 Merkins x 15 Calf Stretch Thang 1 Next, YHC had the PAX mosey to the Baseball Field and line up facing the outfield/infield from the 3rd base line. [Read More]

The Leprechaun

May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face. And rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of His hand. Irish proverb With AOs closed on the patron saint of Ireland’s big day (St. Patrick’s Day), YHC jumped at the opportunity to Q Tortoises in order to pre-celebrate all things Irish with a rough-and-tumble group of HIMs. [Read More]

Final Countdown Beatdown

Date: 3/11/19 QIC: WWW AO: Hells Bells PAX: Ashbury, EarharT, FNG House Arrest, Kubota, Meatloaf, Milton Bradley, Monkey Nut, Puddles, Rooney, Sega, Snooze, Triple Lindy, WWW Hells Bells has always been one of my go-to workouts. There are so many things you can do with the KBs and it is defaulted to a limited run AO which is right down my alley. The gloom temp was spot on (balmy 60+ degrees). [Read More]