Musical Monday with Hanson, Ep. 1

A few weeks back YHC was bemoaning the fact that we have an AO named Hells Bells but rarely have any music. Then I had a revelation. The Q picks the soundtrack. Also, I had been planning to Q more this year. Thus the PAX were stuck with YHC for 45 minutes this beautiful Monday morning. YHC arrived around 4:50 and hit the pull up bars while Revere and Mohawk went for a run. [Read More]

Curing a Case of the Mondays

YHC was reminiscing a bit with some of the PAX who were around for the launch of the AO known as Hell’s Bells. Back in the day when this site was just barely beyond a twinkle in the eyes of Earhart & Monkey Nut, there were times when the site Qs posted only to do a 2 man workout. Back in the glory days when the gates at Apex Nature Park always opened well before 0530. [Read More]

Honeycomb 39th

Beautiful morning, 2 FNG’s showed up



Warm up-

  1. Mosey
  2. Good Morning
  3. SSH
  4. Calf stretch RL
  5. Imperial Walker
  6. Sir Fazio

The thang (partner up)

  1. Pick up coupons
  2. Partner 1 does lunges with coupon down and back, then tags partner
  3. Partner 2 works on 75 burpees, 150 pull ups, 300 squats 
  • Some finished and some did not


  • Pax called it

Named the new guys: Animal and Watson

DaC is back at home!

Date: 2/7/20 PAX: Meatloaf, Ashbury, Sega, Hansen, Mohawk, Badlands, Nature Boy, Snooze, WWW, Honeycomb, Silver Fox, Bubba, The Joker, The Commish, Orphan, Dr. Evil Huge props and tclaps to I Pity the Fool for taking charge and met with his boss to discuss us using the AO. He was able to convince her of our mission and she was all for it … SUCCESS !!! 0530 … No FNG and Pledge of Allegiance done, we head out on a slow mosey up the hill to the second deck of the parking lot to warm-up before getting after it. [Read More]

The Captain's Place - KB EMOM

NOTE: Captain Kangaroo was the Q. Posted on his behalf by Wahoo. **WARM UP **Introductions made, no FNG. Mission and Core Principles read. Sir Fazio Arm Circles x10 IC F/R Imperial Walker x15 IC World’s Greatest Stretch + Merkins x 2 sets of 10 **THANG **EMOM (Every Minute On The Minute). Perform called out exercise(s) OYO and recover for the balance of the minute. So if you do them faster you have longer [Read More]

Dora, Pull Ups, Burpees....

YHC was excited to serve up a post Super Bowl beatdown this morning at Hells Bells. Although I have not Q’d this workout in a while (actually I haven’t put my name on the Q sheet much at all over the past few years, but that will change for 2020) I was looking forward to giving the PAX something to do on this fine Monday morning. Pledge at the flag. No FNG’s and off we go…. [Read More]

Mid-20⁰ Chill In The Gloom. Could I Bring The Heat?

AO: Tortoises Date; 1/22/20 PAX: Ashbury, Bubba, Ezekiel, Intimidator, Meatloaf, Rooney, Sega, WWW, Yogi A pre-blast from my boy Ezekiel letting the potential HIMs know that even with the weather forecast of mid to low-20s, I will bring the heat. That is a big challenge statement. I arrived at the AO and the temp did not disappoint, it was a balmy 26⁰. The day prior before a Disco Duck Q, I had visions in my REM sleep of sugarplum fairies dancing and magically waving their wands filling my head full of routines and exercises. [Read More]

Accountability 2020

The new year brings new goals. YHC has not been very good at stepping up to Q as often as I should. So, what do you do about it? You get an accountability partner and make a pack. So, for 2020, YHC and my accountability partner @Deuce will hold each other accountable to Q at least once a month. In that vain, January kicks off the accountability pack with a Co-Q at Dazed and Confused. [Read More]

Intimidator Birthday Surprise Sans Intimidator

I found out the week earlier that Intimidator had just turned 59, but hadn’t told anyone. Never one to let a birthday go uncelebrated I planned a great Q for intimidator, yet he didn’t show. Oh well. Thang 1: 7’s Did 7’s on the hill next to the strip mall with diamond merkins at the top and jump squats at the bottom Thang 2: Intimidator Man-Makers Since we all want to be like intimidator when we hit 59 we did catch me if you can with man makers. [Read More]

The Lord Provides

The last few weeks at Hell’s Bells has been great as we’ve been pushing 20+ PAX several times. The issue this creates is we are always on the edge of having enough bells, and the site Q’s (Lindy and I) are working on getter more bells (Send Money to Lindy’s Venmo @Joeldangerfield if you can help, $5 goes a long way). Fortunately, the Lord always provides, this time in the form of cinder blocks. [Read More]