Do, or do not. There is no Try.

Backstory: Several weeks (months?) ago, the M and I were sitting at home on our usual Wednesday night date night when the ad for “The Last Jedi” came on TV. A few clicks of the iPhone and I had tickets for opening night, 12/14. Asked her if she wanted to go, “Not really”. So, 3 tickets for me and the 2.0s. And then a week or two later, the announcement comes out about F3 Carpex Christmas Party. [Read More]

+3 mi Closer to Bethlehem @ SNS

12/6/2017 Warm Up 23 PAX took off for SNS while 6 departed for Vesper. Mosey to the intersection for a selection of SSH, Imperial Walkers, slow/fast high knees to warm up the legs. Thang 1: Community Center Parking lot Count off into three groups for No-Man-Left-Behind Burpee 100. Group 1 starts doing burpees at stop sign entering parking lot. Count burpees as a group, slowest count is the group count. Group 2 starts at the rock pile/wall doing Balls to the Wall. [Read More]

Louisville Don't Know

I pulled in to the parking lot at Salem Pond Park excited about my first Q at Full Metal Jacket. Banjo was there, McCants was there, I knew we had to do some burpees. Warm-Up Mosey across the parking lot and circle up for some side straddle hops, imperial walkers, plank jacks and ten burpees OYO. The Thang Mosey over to the grass hill next to the flag for Jacob’s ladder. [Read More]

WWW x 3 and Largemouth 2.0's B-day

Strong showing Wednesday morning for the birth of Largemouth’s 3rd child. I guess by your 3rd C-section you can tell your wife, “Hey babe, I’m gonna go for a run with the guys and I’ll meet you at the hospital!” We’ll see if she’ll cool with that with his 4th or 5th child… Insomnia had 8 in attendance: YHC, Snots, Shut-In, Pet Sounds, Callahan, Hermes, Largemouth and Michelob (Respect) For some reason Snots thought it would be a great combo for YHC to participate in Insomnia for YHC’s first time the week YHC has 6 Q’s… [Read More]

Freddie Wilt Would Be Proud

Pre-Pre-BB My 68 year old father just crushed six months of chemo and radiation. I cannot say THANK YOU enough to my brothers in F3. You faithfully prayed for dad and my family throughout his whole ordeal. Words fall short, but I’ll use them anyway. I appreciate you all very, very much. In honor of dad’s incredible achievement, we’ll begin with 68 SSH. Pre-BB (excerpted from Wikipedia) Plyometrics, also known as “jump training” or “plyos”, are exercises in which muscles exert maximum force in short intervals of time, with the goal of increasing power (speed-strength). [Read More]


Asystole, Banjo, Blue and out, Callahan, Chinese downhill, Fred Sanford, GTL, Half, Intimidator, McCants, Parker, Pickles, Snots, Water Wings, Wilbur, 15 pax for a Chilly FMJ. No FNGs and we’re off to the front of school to warmup. SSH, Willy Mays Hayes, windmills, imperial walker, Sir Fazio arm twirlies, mtn climbers, merkins ARM ROASTER: bear crawl to opposite curb, 1 merkin, bear crawl back, 2 merkins, ….. continue to 11 merkins [Read More]


Shakin’ Not Stirred was the first place YHC posted with F3, and it’s always felt like home to me, so I was very excited to Q here for the first time. Warm-Up Mosey over to the community center parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, merkins, plank jacks, imperial walkers and burpees (at this point YHC really was just trying to get warm). The Thang Mosey over to the shelter at the boat house to find that there were more PAX and less room than YHC expected. [Read More]

Shop Local

Granted, YHC hasn’t been to Bounty Hunters in a while. Typically it’s “fartsack day” but of my most recent posts there the pax have left the park only to return to COT. This set the scene for this morning’s beatdown. We were going to shop local. 12 studs rolled out of bed, some confessing as late as 0530, for a workout YHC preblasted on the Twittersphere. The claim was high tempo, lots of stops, low mileage. [Read More]

The 1%

In past wars, the war effort was a national effort. The entire country got behind both world wars and in Vietnam, the draft touched families across this land in all economic groups. For the war or against the war, the war effort was front and center at family dinner tables coast to coast. That was then. For my time in the military, the 80’s, who knew that was relative “peace time” for the American military. [Read More]

Bayside High School Is Awesome

I love @jeremyfoland sending out the weekly “Who’s Qing” tweet because about every 4th week or so I look and say, “Oh, I’m Qing this week.” And speaking of Hotspot, we’ll get back to him a little later. Good crowd of 21 PAX today, including 2 FNGs from out of state. The FNGs came with Grease so I knew they’d be athletes and were probably use to being in action. Gave the disclaimer and we were on our way. [Read More]