Shakin' & Stirrin'

Warm & beautiful morning in Cary’s Bond Park for Shaken not Stirred – great group of hard workin’ men too! It was my pleasure to lead such a group & I thoroughly enjoyed it! No FNGs, only familiar faces. Started with the pledge & moved out to a close-by parking lot. The group was informed that this is F3 – modify as necessary! We rolled into: The Warm Up Circle up for SSH, good mornings, windmills, cotton pickers, calf-stretch merkins, mountain climbers, etc. [Read More]

Avoiding Potholes

It rained practically all night, and at 0500 the Steve indicated that Tank Top Tuesday was a real possibility. To that end, an even dozen of Carpex’ finest gathered at the flag at Salem Pond Park. Allegiance is pledged and off we go. Warm Up Mosey around the parking lot and then down the main drag to a street light that was actually on. We’ll forever refer to that as Mistake #1. [Read More]

If You Provide Bacon, They Will Come

22 PAX and no FNGs, disclaimer given (poorly), opening Prayer for those having surgery today and we are off. Warm up mosey through Wake Zone parking lot for a change of pace GM x 5 SSH x 8 Burpees x 5 Diamond Merkins x 8 Plankjacks x 5 Plankjacks x 8 (was supposed to be mountain climbers) Form 4 groups for Indian Run to track, stopping at light poles for various Mary exercises, each group chooses their own [Read More]

Woke Up Without a Plan

When I announced what we were doing this morning I was accused of waking up without a plan. Not true, I knew two weeks ago I was borrowing this workout from Banjo. If it’s good enough for him, it’s good enough for me. Warm-Up Mosey down the road by the pond and circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies, cotton pickers, and because no one except Old Maid was counting loud enough for YHC to hear, 10 burpees OYO. [Read More]

Fellowship Light Poles w/ Some WW2s

One year ago I showed up at Full Metal Jacket not knowing what to expect. Callahan was the Q that memorable day and the first exercise was a partner-carry with Freebird. There was running on the baseball field, BTTW, and bear crawl 7s on a hill. I never thought I’d last another beatdown, let along a full year. In an effort to make a memorable year anniversary Q, here we go… [Read More]

To you Paul, There is Good in Everyday

19 pax: Banjo, Butt Fumble, Callahan, Chanticleer, Commish, GTL, Honeycomb, Imp, Joe Smith, McCants, Michelob, Old Maid, Parker, Shank, Smithers, Stealth, Triple Lindy, Water Wings, miss one Mosey around to front of school to warm up, SSH, wind mills, cotton pickers, imperial walkers, 5 Burpees, calf stretch, runner stretch. Partner up. Round 1: Mosey to the playground. With your partner; P1 runs the circle to the 2nd light pole and back while P2 AMRAPs: 5 pull ups, 10 merkins, 5 deep squats. [Read More]

The double Convenience Store!

I know Burt doesn’t like themed workouts so I kept my mouth quiet from the start. Warm Up - Jog to the school for the SSH, Good Mornings, and Planks Jacks. Enough of that. Large requested distance so we needed to start the Thang 7s - Merkins and Jump Squats to the light pole and back Jog to recover. 11s - Jump lunges and spiderman merkins Jog to the basketball court. [Read More]

The Dutch Skater

The call went out the night before for an EC run at 0500 and the following HIM showed up: Michelob, Chanticleer, Largemouth, Snots, Sub and YHC. Four miles later and with just 1 minute to spare before the bell rang at 0530, YHC asked for FNGs, heard no response and Moseyed to the other side of the school. On the way we enjoyed some High Knees, Butt Kickers and Karaoke. [Read More]

Carpex Challenge 2018 is in the Books

Congrats to the 36 that participated in this year’s challenge. In the end, very few completed all 3 Fs, and in fact, not many were able to post at every AO in 2018. Perhaps I made it too difficult this year, or maybe I didn’t do a good enough job marketing the challenge. But I think it’s more likely a statement of our growth. In the end, it was successful, because I know that it made some number of PAX push themselves a bit more and get out of their comfort zone. [Read More]

12 Days of Christmas - FMJ

When: Dec 18th, 2018 QIC: EarharT The PAX: GTL, Imp, Parker, Wonderbread, Callahan, Old Maid, Largemouth, Chanticleer, Shank, Khakis, Rooney, Sub, YHC: EarharT Rolling Stone: Bartman, WWW, Freebird, McCants, Katniss A crisp morning greeting 18 HIM for the next round of holiday cheer and of course a beatdown. 5 HIM peeled off for Rolling Stone while the rest of us headed up and down the street. Where is Camp Gladiator? [Read More]