Exicon ABC

43 in attendance. 3 Ruckers, 16 Bootcampers, bunch of runners including those that ran the Maynard. What a way to start off “hump day”…in the doom and gloom of SNS. I am starting a series called Exicon ABC. We will be using exercises from those three (or sometimes 4) letters of the alphabet until we complete the alphabet. Today was ABC. Warm up Abe Vigoda Alternating shoulder taps in a plank position Annie (Arm circles from a plank position) Thang 1 [Read More]

Rock Webbs Rock?

Arrived at 5:00ish to with my new headlamp to scout out some areas we hadn’t visited in awhile. Amazed that there were already at least 6 cars parked on Laura Duncan with HIMs lunge walking the hill, the Army Physical Fitness testing and EC running. Way to start this week off strong! Warm Up - Good Mornings (SW style), SSH, Runners Stretch Calf Stretch, Sir Fazio, Overhead, Seal Thang 1 - 11s on the hill - Mountain Climbers up top, Jump Squats at the bottom. [Read More]

Surprise, surprise, surprise.

Nothing like taking your phone out of airplane mode at 5:33am to see that “Hey, man, need a favor” text from your favorite jam band loving, stolen truck driving, god of a man Riptide. But that’s what we do, right? Pick a man up when he’s down, take his Q when the M is sick. Being freed to lead means stepping up and doing it. And so, gentlemen and scholars, and Callahan, I arrived at Claymore for the first time ever, ready to do what I do best: bringing the pain and concussive-like symptoms. [Read More]

Friday, Fellowship, and Faith

17 Pax were out and ready for a solid beatdown. Partially true. Their were 17 pax there. But what started out as a fitness test quickly turned into a fellowship-pace-fitness-test-cluster. But that’s what F3 is about. It’s more than a workout and sometimes the workout is secondary to just being out there in the gloom with your bros. We got in a great beatdown, thanks to Callahan’s 3yr old “fitness test” he created but most of all we just had fun. [Read More]

Arms are my thing! We made time for some rounds with Mike Tyson and got Thunderstruck.

Date: 6/11/19 PAX: Blue and Out, Butt Fumble, Chicken Little, Hamm, Hank Williams Jr, Honeycomb, Kid Rock, Largemouth, McCants, Mud Buddy, Parker, Red Ryder, Schlitz, Shank, Short Circuit, Slappy, Sub, Triple Lindy, Two Factor, WWW F3 admin stuff and Pledged Allegiance to Old Glory, Mosey around the pickle x2 and circle up to warm-up. Warm-up: GM, Sir Fazio F&B, Air presses, seal claps, overhead claps, Moroccan Night Clubs, Calf stretches with CFMs, Thunderstruck. [Read More]

Hey There!

Started the morning with an EC run. I can’t remember who I ran with but while we were running a young man on his bike rode by, stopped and then came back to us and asked if we were with F3. Of course we said yes, told him where to go, and headed to the flag. His hospital name is Niko (with an N) and since he had posted in Davidson, his F3 name is “Hey There. [Read More]

Lets see what sticks...

YHC had not Q’d since we sent the guys to Peru so I was long overdue. A cool and clear spring morning brought strong numbers out to Salem Elementary. EC guys rolled in with a minute to spare and after a piecemeal disclaimer we began. Warm Up Good Mornings Windmills Sixty Second Arm Circles (Check out the exicon, I think I did them justice but confusion ensued!) Sprinkler (Another exicon gem, looked more like a Heisman pose or awkward prom dance move) [Read More]

Bunch of Half-Dead Romanians (Friday, May 3rd)

SWW remains one of my favorite AO’s and with the stash of CMU’s (Cinder Blocks) acquired by Bayonne….it’s even more versatile! I try to keep most of my workouts to fairly high-tempo, constant movement type stuff, and I also try to ensure we hit at least one lesser-used muscle group. Today was no different and the targeted lesser muscles were the back and hamstrings. 25 HIM’s showed up to see what was in store, and I’m not one to disappoint! [Read More]

Rocking to the '80's

In the gloom, Girls Just Want to Have Fun! Warm-up With the mission stated, the disclaimer declaimed, and the pledge solemnly uttered, the Pax launched to the upper parking lot to circle up. The tunes were rolling and so were we for 2.5 miles over the course of the workout. It began with Side Straddle Hops Good Mornings Sir Fazio Arm circles forward and back Overhead claps Seal Claps Merkins Calf Stretch Thang One Warmed up, me moseyed to the kiosk for a set of 7’s up and down the hill. [Read More]

A Fine Q by Coney written by Burt posted by TP

Cajun count Klingons at Myrtle Beach KAGS Grooming BO to be renamed Thursday’s with the Captain ?? Biner and PBX looked lost with out @Hi-Liter @McCants was there @Loom delivered some Chat Masala @Press On s tank was too tight. Old school: No pre blast, no EC, no coffee and maybe a BB (ghost written) Solid Q from @Coney covered some ground. @Wonderbread came from Apex and is now moving to DTC. [Read More]