Sweatin' to the Oldies

Playlist for The Gathering Whipping Post – Allman Brothers 1969 (5:18) Flirtin’ With Disaster – Molly Hatchet 1979 (4:58) Playlist for The Thang Whole Lotta Rosie – AC/DC 1977 (5:32) Merkins x 21 IC = 42 (Rosie’s chest measurements) SSH x 19 IC +1 OYO = 29 (Rosie’s waste) Rosalita x 28 IC = 56 (Rosie’s hips) As the song says, “she’s a whole lotta woman” Rock & Roll Band – Boston 1976 (2:59) [Read More]


Monday night, the un-word “covfefe” was introduced to the world. “What does it mean?” asked the world. Spicey says he knows what it means. OK, Sean, whatever you say bruh. Well, 16 top gun flight commanders cracked the code here at Danger Zone. As 13 of us stretched and exchanged pleasantries, 0545 struck. 3 more PAX came tires a’squealin into the parking lot about that time. Sorry boys, we start on time here in CarPex. [Read More]

Mutual Birthday Q - Can you smell what the ROCK is cookin'

Eagerly anticipating my VQ, I awoke at 4am and couldn’t go back to sleep. Birthday VQ, co-Q with Ma Bell, our illustrious Nan Tan. Rolled in to Bond Park about 15 minutes early to setup cones for the workout in the parking lot; realizing I could just of used the parking lots lines instead. Live and learn. Already waiting for mumblechatter regarding what the cones were for. Got my rocks set up and placed a record sized Weinke under said rocks. [Read More]

1,096 days

The temperature was perfect. The blue sky was bright with sunshine creeping over the treetops. YHC walked slowly toward the typical gathering spot, catching the bizarre yet strangely comforting sounds of MGMT blaring from someone’s car stereo. It was deja vu. -—- Three years ago on a Saturday around 7:58AM, I found myself questioning many of my recent life decisions while trying to vomit as quietly as possible into a pond so that no one else would see or hear me while they did this thing they called “Mary”. [Read More]

Vacation...Paincation, Shooter's Choice

For the PAX that thought they might squeeze in a leisurely extra workout or two before Memorial Day, there was no leisure to be found. It’s officially swimsuit season and YHC wanted the PAX in their best shape. If you’re wondering if the season has started due to warmer weather or the torrential downpours, yes. Regardless, there was enough of a break for 21 PAX, including one FNG, to receive a thorough beatdown [Read More]

Post Most Amazing Workout to Have Ever Happened

Only 9 PAX gathered post Beer Mile. What happened to the 140 PAX from last week?!?! The pollsters told YHC that we would have at least 150-160. The pollsters never get it wrong. I mean YHC didn’t even go to BO or BH on Thursday to campaign, thought there was no need. 150 in the bag for sure. Not Mantan tho, he predicted low numbers and no Burt. YHC prefers quality over quantity, however the king of mumble chatter was alive and well - rolling in, windows down, 2000 era hits turnt up to 11. [Read More]

Inverted Sunrise

Beautiful almost gloomless morning for 13 PAX including FNG - GMO! A disclaimer was provided by our resident counsels Joe Smith, Esquire with assistance from McCants, Juris Doctor And we were off for the Warmup: Jog through the concrete balls, karaoke around the pickle, circle up - SSH x 20 - GM x 15 - Sir Farzio Arm Circles x 20, reverse x 20 - Hillbillies x 16 - Plank Jack x 20 - Mtn Climbers x 20 The Thang: Run to the bridge for silent People’s Chair to watch the sunrise and BTTW to watch the sunrise inverted 11’s - Burpees at the end of the bridge, cadence sumo squats at the center BTTW to watch the sunrise and to let the 6 catch up. [Read More]

#32 at Bounty Hunters

23 men embraced the gloom this morning to join in a birthday celebration at Bounty Hunters. YHC must first apologize to the white Lexus SUV that was forced off of the road this a.m. and to the fine police force of Apex as a calculated and skillful pass was performed on the double yellow lines of our very safe downtown area. YHC then arrived on 2 wheels, responsibly parked my truck in front of a fire hydrant, and jumped out to give the 1 minute announcement. [Read More]

Flood Zone - Carpex version

Some large number south of 40 PAX assembled at the Senior Center for SNS/Vesper on a beautiful dry morning, with no concerns about the park flooding. One FNG care of Moore from Churham and after the disclaimer, we are off. Brisk run through a short greenway path to the Community Center. Warm Up SSX x 20 GM x 10 IW x 15 Sir Fazios x 15 Compass Merkins x 5 at N,E,S,W,N,W,S,E [Read More]

Dora Dora

15 Pax including 4 FNG’s for Explored a new area at Flirtin With Disaster. Gloves were donated to each of our 4 FNG’s. Great work Oofta in bringing out all these FNGs! I think this might be tied for a common era FNG record. The Warmup: Jog to the office park across the Parkway, a little Karaoke and backwards running, plank holding and one-arm merkins along the way to keep us all together. [Read More]