Hills and Rock Music

Well, another great day with the Bounty Hunters is in the books! YHC made sure to get there early, as I had to set up for an elaborate plan I had working for the latter half of the beatdown. More on that later. Back at the starting point, the 4 pax doing the Apex Hill runs were already long gone, which brought the Pax number for the bootcamp to 11! Confirming there were no FNGs, we did the Pledge, and then we were off and running down Hunter St! [Read More]

Hill Work- 2.6 Miles

Disclaimer, Intro, No FNGs, Pledge Run from entry of park to parking lot Warm-up Good Mornings Side Straddle Hops Mountain climbers Runners Stretch The Thang I came early and set up some cones on Laura Duncan for us to use as markers We started at the park entrance and ran up Laura Duncan with 3 stops. Working up and down the ladder with following movements: 1st stop: 10 Merkins 2nd stop: 10 Merkins, 20 Squats 3rd stop: 10 Merkins, 20 Squats, 30 LBC’s … (No back down the hill) 4th stop: 10 Merkins, 20 Squats 5th stop: 10 Merkins Plank hold at top and bottom of hill to wait for everyone to join back up. [Read More]

BackBlast(s) Beatdown

So last week I had a brutal beatdown planned to end my one year anniversary week, but some unforeseen circumstances prevented that. Luckily Wrench is a true HIM and stepped in and even luckier the Q was open this week so I had a second chance to bring some pain. EC For those who don’t know, Wrench’s DES this year is to run the Maynard and then do a murph and I’m guessing probably a triathlon in the afternoon. [Read More]

Four Corner Burnout

It twas a great morning in the downtown part of Apex as (lucky number) 13 pax, including an FNG, showed up for a beatdown! YHC made sure to get there a few minutes ahead of schedule to make sure Google maps was still all it was cracked up to be.. as well as my memory.. So after the disclaimer was given and the pledge was recited, we were off! Warm up: [Read More]


YHC picked up the Q slot for Bounty Hunters and did not have much of a plan so let’s just roll with the basics. A solid group of 9, no wait 10 PAX were off at 5:30 sharp towards Thales. Side note: Frisco first posted at BH in May 2018. YHC had a HC that Frisco was going to attend this morning so a repeat of his first day at Carpex was planned over at Thales. [Read More]

Merkins and Burpees

Signing up to Q is a good way to ensure that you’ll show up to the workout. YHC took the DAC Q spot this week to help prevent the Friday fart sack. Here is what we did: 5:30 time for the pledge and we were off! Warm up: Jog around the front parking lot and circle up. Had to switch it up from Monday! SSH Good morning Windmills Imperial walkers Merkins Mountain Climbers Thing 1: [Read More]

No Squats, No Booty???

Apparently this is a thing? When Carpex was set to re-open for business this week, YHC figured he better get on the Q sheet this week. What better AO than Dazed and Confused? Then we realized that the gates remain locked at Apex High School so the decision was made to move to the site of A-Team right down the road. Where YHC Qed on Monday. Hey, at least it was fresh in the mind! [Read More]