F.O.D. (Finally On-site, Da*#it)

Despite Bartman setting the bar pretty low for Site Qs (here), I still think I manage to limbo it more than hurdle it. Having missed the past two weeks at FOD due to illness and fartsackiness, I was on the hook for the Q today. Since, as the site Q, I was my own back-up, I kinda sorta had to show. I think there is a lesson here… Beaker’s Beginnings (The Warm-Up) [Read More]

Inclined to sprint

Warm up Twas a chilly morning and YHC knew there would be some tight hams around so elected to pledge then go for a longer warm up jog than the customary pickle and a half: Out of the car park, left on Norwell, left on NW Cary, left into the trees (lights on), immediately left up the steps and then along the little used, slightly dangerous, trail back to the bottom of the car park. [Read More]

Teaching Ponies Some New Tricks

Preamble Good thing Kittibonz posted the Q sheet on Slack Sunday or I might have forgotten I had the Kryptonite Q. Once reminded, I was all in pre-blasting my intention of throwing some blue collar beatdown on these one-trick ponies that gallop around the AO. Not to worry; I know these thoroughbreds gotta eat. That said, methinks they were all a’skeered they weren’t going to get their miles in - which is why the parking lot was unusually full of cars and devoid of PAX when the West Cary clown car arrived. [Read More]

Curing a Case of the Mondays

YHC was reminiscing a bit with some of the PAX who were around for the launch of the AO known as Hell’s Bells. Back in the day when this site was just barely beyond a twinkle in the eyes of Earhart & Monkey Nut, there were times when the site Qs posted only to do a 2 man workout. Back in the glory days when the gates at Apex Nature Park always opened well before 0530. [Read More]

Lazy Ass Hofberg

There were a few HIM who got after some EC running. YHC and Banjo tackled 5.5 and we saw the Mother of all Bells show up for some, but as I went to press I did not know how far he ran or who joined him. But if you did you know who you are and what you did. 0545 No FNG No reason for Disclaimer No time for the pledge. [Read More]


22 men decided to start their week off right at Wolverine, where we attempted to force our collective Garmin watches to register some anaerobic benefit of a workout while logging few miles for my recently-post-long-run knees. And we succeeded with a custom-built Tabata-timed work out featuring only ONE thang, repeated three times. Each exercise was 45-seconds AMRAP, with 15 seconds to transition onward. Hand-release Merkin Flutter Squat Australian Snow Angel [Read More]

The Great Triumphant Return of Napster, and other February Birthday (not mine) Shenanigans

Does anyone really know how many PAX post at the original weekly convergence known as Shaken Not Stirred? Or is it Vesper? Or is it Insomnia? All YHC knows is you pull into that parking lot off of Maury O’Dell drive, and there are likely to be cars and PAX scattered about. With the rapid growth of Carpex, there was some concern that opening new Wednesday sites could detract from the nostalgic allure of SNS. [Read More]

Do It Again

No this is not a backblast inspired by the popular Chris Brown/Steven Furtick worship powerhouse. And no, that is not the same Chris Brown. Come to think of it, there are some theme ideas cooking there. Maybe we’ll see those come out in the next couple weeks. Probably not though. 7 PAX joined YHC at the darkest AO in West Cary on a Monday morning… and per Sub’s assessment, it was at least 6 degrees colder than in Raleigh. [Read More]

2020 Krispy Kreme Challenge

So it doesn’t happen in F3 unless there is a Back Blast. My stomach lining would disagree with that after a dozen donuts. It might even make its own “back blast” all over your shoes. But rules are rules so… This morning 15 HIMs showed up for a pre-race Murph. I was glad when Old Maid read a short piece about Lt. Michael Murphy and the sacrifice he, his team, and the teams who tried to extract them made in that battle. [Read More]

A great start

I’ll be the first to admit that I did loose some sleep night before, I did end up rewriting my workout ideas multiple times, I did have some anxiety. And once we got rolling that morning I did suffer a bit from my winke. Mumble chatter was prominent, for certain. But I was warned. Despite all that after all was said and done it sure did feel good. What a great start. [Read More]