The Death Parking Lots

9/5/2017 This was a co-Q with Free bird and Nature Boy today at FOD. Driving into the Q it was apparent we were really close to a full moon, so hopes were high. Upon further review, it was only 99% full on a waxing gibbous. (Full moon on September 6th) I don’t pretend to know anything about the phases of the moon but I knew if that was my intro, some useful facts may be beneficial. [Read More]

"It's Good To Be Alive Today" Early this morning, before YHC laced up his brand-new sneakers, there was a post on GroupMe from the ‘Man’Tan himself, MaBell. MaBell reminded me of my mom, who always would call/send me a message the morning of someone’s birthday/anniversary: “hey sweetie, call ___________, it’s their birthday today”. Anyhoo, MaBell declared that today, August 30, was the official 4th anniversary of CarPex. He went on to praise some of the OGs of CarPex, and remind us to swell their heads for setting a foundation for what is soon to be 14-15 AOs across Cary-Apex. [Read More]

Celebration in the Peak of Good Living

Earhart, sooner, SUEY, Swag, monkey nut, disco duck, Parker, Snots, Lulu, ascot, stove pipe, nature boy, Franklin, goose, blueprint, road rash, blackout, open out, Wilbur, banjo, hotspot, water wings, Crimson, sky blue Babyface, a.k.a., Colin Snyder, led a compelling sermon centered around Jesus his first miracle, John 2:1 to 11, turning water into wine at a wedding reception. YHC cannot find the podcast so you men will need to stretch your imaginations, extend some faith beyond your sensibilities, and trust me on this one. [Read More]

Step by Step

Life is a series of steps. For the first 25 years or so, you are basically pushed down a series of steps. Elementary school, little league baseball, driver’s license, first job, then usually college or in my case, the military. In the Army, every step of your life is controlled almost 24 x 7. My three years in the 82nd Airborne Division were challenging and fun but when I got out, the day I got out, the minute I signed my last form, I was lost. [Read More]

Triple Audible - wait, what?

When: 07/27/2017 QIC: Pet Sounds The PAX: Shank, GTL, Michelob, Sour Mash, Sooner, Hot Lips, Mopar, Qque,PBX, Open Out, Sky Blue, Biner,Parker, Crimson, Snouts, Matlock, Kubota, Whitewater (FNG Kubota’s younger brother), Lulu, Swag, Pickles, Petsounds How is it possible? Yes, one audible is acceptable, two questionable, but three? Who let this guy Q? YHC says blame Out Open, he is one of the site Qs. No way should YHC be held accountable for his complete lack of a solid plan. [Read More]

Hitting and Running for the Cycle

It was so hot, I thought we were at Dante’s Peak….then I realized I only drove 2 mins to the AO….not 20 mins. The Insomnia extra credit boys (Large Mouth, Hermes, Callahan, Pet Sounds and PBX) came running follow my Mr. Rucker (Bartman) as we circled up to get started. Nice work men. 73 degrees, feels like 88, clear, no wind. Theme for today was baseball given the 2nd F Bulls outing on Sunday. [Read More]

Christmas in (almost) July

Dozens of PAX gathered on the grounds of Bond Park this morning for the second installment of YHC’s Q-o-Rama. Most were unaware that between Rip Tide’s being, in, out, in, out, in, and then out again of the Topsail convergence, YHC had pre-blasted a clear clue to today’s theme: Fa la la la la, la la la la. Warmup: SSH and jog to the field Thang: Christmas in June (because YHC is effing busy come July), Days 1-12, and then Days 12-1, all single count (because YHC is cheap) [Read More]

It is all about the trip

25 PAX showed for my first Q in a while. YHC is used to being avoided and “Q Shopped” with all the new AOs and multiple options per day. Before this, it was just fartsacking. Nothing new……… I was delighted to see 48 eyeballs, at least 18 which I have never seen. With my boy McCants wrecking folks over at FWD, YHC was not to be outdone. Warm-up - Jog uphill, all the way to the top parking lot. [Read More]

New Hampshire Sunrise

23 Pax for Shaken Not Stirred,4 Pax for Vesper, 5 Pax for Insomnia Q - Hermes, YHC Insomnia ran about 4.5 miles or so, I really don’t know exactly. I have no idea how far Vesper ran, but they did swing by New Hampshire and they were late for COT, I assume they covered at least 6.5 miles in the 46 minutes. SNS: Run down to trail to parking lot, circle up for some typical warm up: SSH, Sir Farzios, Hillbillies, Good Mornings [Read More]

Time for Deliverance

June 12, 2017 The Twitter machine for today’s FOD workout kicked off early yesterday with a PBX call out for deliverance. Funny how karma works. YHC played along and immediately took the Q spot at #F3RushHour, dueling Banjo Qs in one day. Yes it is time for deliverance. The line has been drawn between the sedate city lifestyle and the unpredictability of the rural margin. Deadly weapons remained at home but the dueling Banjo Qs began in earnest at FOD. [Read More]