Do you even plan, bro?

A few weeks ago, I realized I had not Q’d a single Monday workout in 2021. Well, that seems to be a problem which needs fixing. Meet up at 5:05 at Wolverine to run some hills with Ma Bell. Return to a parking lot of HIMs at 5:28. Warm Up Run across the street to the pool parking lot. Circle up for Good Mornings, Sir Fazio arm circles, Steve Earles, Runner’s stretch, calf stretch, with a little Pigeon thrown in there. [Read More]

Another Yank safely contained

Last Saturday, YHC moved from Chatham county closer to the center of the Carpex universe, going from 0 AOs* within an EC-able 3-mile radius to approximately half of all the AOs in Carpex (or as HK calls it, the Nation). What better way to move in, meet new Pax, and ensure that YHC wakes up and works out each day instead of sleeping in on a week off than to Q every day at a Cary AO? [Read More]

Shaken by Shakin'

AO: Shaken Not Stirred Workout Date: 07/07/21 I’ve always been confused by the spelling of Shakin Not Stirred on the schedule. Obviously some type of 007 reference for the (James) Bond Park AO. As I tweeted out the night before, I could only think Shakin was an obscure reference to the classic Eddie Money song. You are correct, that does not make sense. I’ve posted Bond Park workouts a few times, but never at the anchor boot camp of Carpex’s former weekly convergence. [Read More]

Soggy but Cool

AO: Wolverine Workout Date: 06/14/21 YHC had some ideas for today, but when site Q Build-a-Bear reached out about a prerun and/or AO overview, I took him up on the offer. I was on the fence about doing the Number of the Beast again. I didn’t want to repeat myself if any Phoenix PAX showed, and I had considered bringing back Rack Em Stack Em. Should we stay in the park, or head over to Davis Drive Middle? [Read More]

2ndF Red Line Overload in the Danger Zone

AO: Danger Zone (duh) Workout Date: 05/21/21 Danger Zone was the first Carpex AO that YHC ever posted, way back in October 2017. I had started posting with my 2.0 BOOM! (7 years old at the time) since he was usually wide awake at 5AM. We ran into Burt at The Forge and he encouraged us to come check out his Q that week at DZ. In preparation for my Q, I dug up Burt’s old Backblast (see NMS) and had a good laugh. [Read More]

Hide and Seek

Today’s Q was in doubt when I jammed up my ankle at #2F-Guys-and-Balls yesterday. But all I did was make the PAX run while I stayed central for the workout. The HIMs were understanding and didn’t rag on me too bad about that…they focused on my sexy new silkies instead. Since I wasn’t hiding any part of my legs in those silkies (totally a photo of me as featured photo), I decided we’d play hide and seek for our workout instead. [Read More]

It's Good to be Home!

Hello Wolverine! Though gloomy as ever, its good to back as I you were my first ever post and where I got the named in perhaps record time. 6 others followed me around this AM, with mumble chatter giving Build-A-Bear the chance to talk about Owls I think? Anyhoo(!).. Loom arriving with the flag and 25 seconds to spare we started and did the following: Pledge of allegiance Mozy to church parking lot warmups [Read More]

Tour de Phoenix

Phoenix has a special place in my heart as it was the site of my first VQ. Had I known that day that it was a 60 min bootcamp, I may have postponed joining Hi-Lighter as it also marked my first 6-pack. What a week that was 2 years ago! Mumble chatter was solid, albeit owned by Tecumseh where we learned a bunch about health insurance. With that 6 others joined YHC for a Tour De Phoenix (Bond Park) and 2 rucked. [Read More]

Speedwork. Loop de LOOM (has wheels)

Several trips around the pickle to warmup. Backwards, side skip, karaoke, regular then warmup This idea is from F3 Lehigh Valley’s UPTOWN GIRL to work on speedwork. Break into groups of 2 groups of 3. On Davis Drive, each group jogs two lights poles while 1 member of group AYG to second light pole, returned to pax and continue to second pole. At pole, 10 leg kick Merkins*. Repeato till Waldo Rood Rd. [Read More]

POTT to Puff

YHC started with two t-shirts and a sweatshirt on this fine March morning, and quickly transitioned to a tank top. When TTT calls, you answer. Just as you do when two of our finest Site Q PAX call - you ANSWER. 9… make it 10 PAX gathered at 5:45 for what on the surface appeared to be a BO-farewell Q for our outgoing compadre Coxswain. Little did we know, there was a secret plan being cooked up for a Passing Of The Torch for the ages. [Read More]