Snip-pery When Wet

Fifteen PAX made it out Friday morning in the gloom to Slippery When Wet for a Snip-led workout. At 545 AM (and some change), we kicked it off with the Pledge, and off we went. Warm up Warm up run to the Conduent parking lot. Good Mornings Sir Fazio Arm Circles (Forward + Reverse, Small + Large) Side Straddle Hops Calf Stretch (both sides) First » DORA FLORA (DORA’s older sister) Mozy up the stairs to the parking deck, grab a partner, begin the following while running around the corner and back up the stairs: [Read More]

Modified As Necessary

YHC signed up over a week ago to Q Slippery When Wet and had my greatest Q to date, planned…then Thursday happened. A slight miscalculation on the cruiser bike sent me flying. A primarily upper body workout quickly transitioned to an all leg workout less than 15 hours from launch. Moving on….H.D. Ritter Park was open for business, the ECers came in, we get started with the disclaimer (most of it, I think) because there is an FNG present, the pledge was pledged and 19 of us took off for some new parking lots (for me, at least) on Crescent Green Drive. [Read More]

Tribal 11's

It was another great steamy morning in Cary at the place in south Wake we call Waverly Place. There’s all sorts of good restaurants over there to choose, Enrigo, Tazikis, Gonza, Shake Shack, Chick-fi-La, but we didn’t come to eat. We showed up to run, at least I did. We had two FNG’s even join us for the fun. On time start, mission, principles, disclaimer, pledge of allegiance, and let’s mosey! [Read More]


QIC: Riptide. Big crowd for a muggy Riptide Q. Just as we’re about to launch, a car screams into the parking lot. It’s the triumphant return of Joe Smith. Mosey to Koka Booth parking lot for the warm up. Mosey to the rock pile, partner up, and grab a rock. Mosey to American Tower. Thing 1: Partner rock work. Partner 1 stays with the rock for 8-step rock-your-body. Partner 2 runs up the American Tower hill, does 2 burpees, runs down the hill, crawl-bears back up the hill, 2 starjumps, runs back. [Read More]

The Notorious K.I.M

YHC rolled up to Carpex’s AO known as Point Break, with 2 minutes to spare, to see 20 men raring to go. There were about 4-5 dudes in full sweat from the pre-run. Also, thrilled to see CarpEXers Khakis and Peeping Tom. Then I couldn’t believe my eyes………standing there like fishes-out-of-water…….3 Raleigh punks……and 1 SouthWake punk S’Midget For Life. I friggin’ hate those guys!!!—sorta. After botching yet another disclaimer, we were off for a short jog to the backside of Cinebistro for some warm-ups of: Invisible Jump Rope, Sir Fazios –> GM –> Phleps, Merkins –> MC, AirForceOnes, and Saturday Nite Stretch. [Read More]

No... I said fist sized

Apologies dear Reader – it’s a short one today. It’s late and YHC is making a trek to the Land of Oz tomorrow, where everything is wonderful, taxes are high, grades are always B+ and Duke really is the devil. Churham here we go! But let’s stick with Flirtin’ for a minute. The pre-run here is no joke. About ten showed up and at 0500 we were off. And I mean like a flash. [Read More]

Happy Trails

About a year ago, Hermes led the PAX on a now-legendary Q down a narrow dirtbike trail that runs parallel to Highway 1. Hermes took the group all the way south to the Dairy Queen on Ten Ten. I got to thinking: what happens if you headed north on that trail instead? I saw the Q slot was open for Kryptonite, so I grabbed it. I ran the route twice over the weekend. [Read More]

High Tempo Euphoria

18 came to workout, a day after a much needed slap on the old wrist from the Nant’an, so with that a heightened sense to get the Pax working out, but also spread ’em out a touch, YHC designed a high tempo beatdown with that in mind. High tempo warm-ups and lightening quick Good Mornings. Y’all need to chill about these Good Mornings. Hell, we can’t even count and do seal claps properly anymore. [Read More]

The Very First Timeā€¦

It was my first Q and it was 5:10. I saw headlights start streaming into the parking lot and I started feeling a bit nervous. Just recently through Hermes Q School, I knew I was prepared. Fourteen PAX and one FNG Sunshine (son of Intervention) assembled by the flag. I mumbled the disclaimer, mission and then we recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Off we went with a short mosey across the street to the far end of the parking lot. [Read More]

Snip'n with Disaster

Twenty PAX (I missed a few names above…) made it out to FWD for a VQ to be remembered. As a recent graduate of HQS (Hermes Q School), I felt mentally and emotionally prepared for the twists and turns that could spring upon a Q on a Tuesday morning in the FWD gloom. Kicked it off on-time with the Pledge and off we went. Class Picture Warm up Jog the hill up and around to the Lowes Food parking lot: [Read More]