49 Feeling Fine

The scheduled Q, Sooey led with Disclaimer and Pledge. He then explained that YHC reached out 2 weeks back indicating a BDAY and requesting the Q. The gift was given. Follow me: mozy parking lot near baseball fields Warmup: 4 Good Mornings 9 Prisoner Squats 49 side straddle hops At the Baseball fields: 9 of Diamonds (9/18/27/36) consisting of merkins, lbcs, starjumps, homer to marge Partner up for suicides. Partner 1 balls to the wall. [Read More]

Stand By Your Man

YHC doesn’t post at 0515 workouts every week - the times I have, the numbers have been, shall we say, non-problematic. However, on this particular Halloween morning there are 17 PAX, including 2 FNGs, up and at ’em at Koka Booth. Time to move. Warm Up Mosey to the big parking lot, circle up and warm up. SSHs and some other stuff, finish off with 5 CF merkins. The Thang Partner up for Tammy Wynette intervals: Partner 1 completes 20 Merkins while Partner 2 completes 20 squats, then flip flop. [Read More]

One Year - You get a clock!

One year ago I showed up to Apex Nature Park on a Monday and asked some guy named Disco Duck if this was the “workout group.” A couple of days later I’m running laps next to a dude with a monkey taped to his crotch. To try and sum up even just one year of highlights and memories would be a muggo sized feat. The current task at hand is to provide a worthy beatdown to the 32 PAX that chose to grace FOD on a beautiful Tuesday morning. [Read More]

Wolverines at Wolverine

We are in the final two weeks before YHC moves out of Carpex and over to Raleigh and so I decided to Q as much as I could before I leave. Stop number 1 on the farewell tour was the darkest AO in all of Carpex and also an AO that YHC had only been to 2 previous times. My tiredness from just running the Tuna 200 Relay over the weekend, the darkness, my lack of familiarity with this AO, and trying to rest the legs keeping this more of a Limited Run style workout, led YHC to Q a little bit of a less organized beatdown. [Read More]

Escargot, my car go

I came across a news story Tuesday that the 2019 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame nominees had been announced. I don’t remember how the news came to catch my attention but catch it it did. Start with the fact that two of my favorite bands were on the list (again) and that I hadn’t even heard of a couple others and I got intrigued. An hour or so later, not only had I created a little Spotify playlist to listen to at home, but an idea for a Q was developing as well. [Read More]

A surprise in every corner

YHC, Michelob and Largemouth for a 4 mile “Hope we don’t get lost and it turns into a 9 mile” EC run. It’s been awhile since I stepped out of the corn stalk onto the Field Of Dreams, so it was nice to be back and see all the smiling faces…and Banjo. No FNGs so off we went. Quick run around the lower parking lots and circled up. **Warm Up [Read More]

Parking Lot Tour

20 PAX gather in the gloomy and humid morning for a flashback Q for YHC. I have many fond memories of posting and Qing in this great site and was excited to bring some new faces some of my old-school, vanilla beatdown. Disclaimer and pledge done, we head around the parking lot and down the dark path to the street where we oval-up for: Warm Up Good Mornings Sir Fazio [Read More]

People actually showed up

As it was the Friday of the BRR, and having not seen much activity on Slack for people planning to show up for the Rolling Stone workout, and knowing there were only moderate SCs for the only official ruck AO in all of Carpex, I really didn’t have much planned out in advance for the crew that was anxiously awaiting my arrival at 0527. That all being said, there was a surprisingly large turnout for Rolling Stone, which in fact, blotted out the Bootcampers at GT by an almost 2:1 ratio. [Read More]

Riptide substitute

As you know, the responsibility of a site Q is to cover when a committed Q can no longer commit…just didn’t think it would happen week 1 as one of the two new site Qs. And where is Sky Blue and Goose? They are nowhere to be found… Welcome FNG Derby! Warm up 20 SSH 10 Good mornings 10 each fazio arm circles forward and backward, seal clap and overhead clap oh…and don’t forget 5 burpees for not counting this morning…except for beaker! [Read More]

Calculated Risks

In the summer of 1993, YHC and his M had just graduated with our respective Bachelor’s degrees from The Dub (UNCW). My dad was a building contractor with a small crew of 2 men, and had just signed a contract to build a house. I was in need of gainful employment over the summer before starting grad school at UNC. So the M and I spent 12 somewhat awkward weeks in the summer of ‘93 living with my parents and spending some weekends at our freshly rented apartment in Chapel Hill. [Read More]