Do Your Best!

YHC was serving as Senior Patrol Leader today. As with F3, Scouts is a volunteer organization. Specifically, Boy Scouts is led by youth, giving them their first taste at organization, service, leadership, and sometimes humility. Today was a lesson in all four for YHC. It felt like herding cats to get the group to start moving, not unlike any Scouting activity. Trouble was finding four volunteers to serve as Patrol Leaders. [Read More]

You can do a lot with an extra 15 minutes

I was glad to finally have some “approved” extra time for my workout this morning. I had been struggling with finishing on-time all week, so if I couldn’t bring this one back home in time, I may need to seek help. But since 60 minutes just isn’t enough for some people we also had two groups of EC runners. At 5:45 YHC, Snots, Hi-Liter and Chipper for a 4 miler and at 6:05 Disco Duck, Texas Ranger, Yoga Mat, Liverpool and Air Supply for 2 miles. [Read More]

The Hills have Ayes

19 HIMs took on the challenge at the versatility that is A Team. We started with the Pledge, then the disclaimer for our lone FNG, and circled up for a bit of: SSH Good mornings Hill Billies Cotton Pickers Sir Fazio 10 burpees because BURPEES!!! Thang 1 Mosey from the parking lot, stop by the picnic area for some quick Dips and L/R step ups x 15. Continue mosey to bottom of Hill 1. [Read More]

what happened to a low key AO?

What the heck, Darn near 30 pax at FOD! PROBLEMACTIC - Addition by Division? May be time… Nonetheless was an epic morning so let’s get after it! Go Time 0545 Jog down across to other parking lot around the pickle and back past the flag SSH x 25 (IC) Merkins x 15 (IC) Peter Parker x 15 (IC) Plank Jacks x 20 (IC) Parker Peter x10 (IC) The Thang: Partner up Partner 1 BTTW, Partner 2 LBC Repeato 3x Bear Crawl, Crawl Bear, and sideways crawl to past the flag The Thang Duo: Partner back up with same partner for Rocks and Squats Partner 1 rocks to failure, Partner two run 3 yards do squats/return Curls, Press, Skulls, Row Repeato 2x The Thang Tre: Same Partner Pull ups 5x each Repeato 2x Mary J Lo x20 (IC) LBC x20 (IC) Announcements [Read More]

You never forget your first time

…that’s kind of true, but when in doubt just reference the backblast. On May 10th, 2017 a dude named Dice showed up to SNS on the invite of his buddy Jamie. It was weird because all the guys were calling him “Repeato,” never the less, on a brisk (to me at the time) 54 degree morning I logged my first Carpex beatdown at the hands of a one “Earhart.” Hello Kitty was born and I’ve mildly gravitated to F3 activities… [Read More]

Phoenix 4/28/18 -- 2010's

24 PAX came out for this workout that arose for the ashes like the AO’s namesake. Cary’s Spring Days limited access to all the places YHC wanted to use. After the Warm-ups, everything else was an improvisation. We jogged off to our usual warm-up spot which was now named the Purple Parking Lot. Nicki Minaj, Rihanna, and Beyonce among others started out with us. Unfortunately, the Respects in the group were not impressed. [Read More]

Shakin' not Stirred 4/25/18 Day 3 -- The '80's

The week of Smokey continues with the music of the ‘80’s. Joining us in the gloom were artists like Kenny Logins, Def Leppard, and Bon Jovi to name a few. 36 PAX were there for Vesper and SnS. 28 actually got to listen to the music. We began with a quick run around the parking lot to warm up in front of the senior center. Warm Up SSH Imperial Walkers [Read More]


Here’s some maths knowledge for y’all - and why on Earth we would do anything as stupid (completely, utterly…?) as incorporate a Fibonacci sequence into a workout. For those of you who have been at this awhile, you may have experienced the Nautilus, a workout that starts at the center of something and spirals outward. A nautilus is a natural embodiment of the Golden Ratio, a mathematical expression that refers to the ratio of two addends to their sum and each other. [Read More]

A-Team 4/23/18: Day 1 -- The 1960'S

The week of Smokey begins with the music of the 1960’s. Aretha Franklin, The Beach Boys, Johnny Cash, Jimi Hendrix, and many more joined us in the gloom for a sand bag work out. We started with a brief run up to the parking lot for warm ups. Apparently, YHC was filled with Q-drenaline and Hot Spot had to catch up with him on the run to let him know he had left everyone else behind. [Read More]

Jump Set Spike Rock

As Friday morning rolled around and my soreness from the SNS Q still sang its sweet chords up and down my quads, glutes and hamstrings, I realized that today may not be a good day for excessive leg work. A few of my fellow SNS PAX quickly agreed - thanks for the nudge Liverpool and Chanticleer. Luckily I was not without any ideas having pre-blasted some volleyball action at the DZ sand court. [Read More]