Burpees and Bear Crawls, Oh My!

23 met in the sticky gloom at TB Park. Warm Up Pledge of Allegiance, disclaimer, and 22 men begin what was supposed to be an easy pace Indian run to the front lot. We’ve got an FNG arriving at 5:47 so Sosa makes sure he gets to the warmup circle. The obligatory 10 burpees commence. Your standard fare of SSHs, Good mornings, Sir Fazio and Hill Billies. Thang 1 Partner up, 100 Merkins, 200 Monkey Humpers, 300 Fluttering Supermans [Read More]

You are looking live

First-ever (to YHC’s knowledge) Instagram story of an entire(ish) beatdown! Watch it here: https://www.instagram.com/stories/f3carpex/ While YHC figures out how to archive that, here’s what we did for Offish BB purposes: Warm-up: Good morning, merkins, sir fazio and overhead claps, quick feet and curb merkins Pearl 1: Rock curls, tricpes, press and rows x2 with a pickle lap in the middle Pearl 2: 7 burpees at Burpee Corner Pearl 3: Kiwanis Pavilion for LRSU, Dips, LRSU, Table Deadlift Pearl 4: Other Pavilion for LRSU, Erkens, LRSU, Derkins Pearl 5: To the beach for Merkins, WG Merkins, Diamond Merkins and a Texas Ranger prayer Pearl 6: At the kiosk for partner Dora 1-2-3 with the hill at the run Pearl 7: Over to the south of NH rock pile for Curls, Triceps, Press and Rows. [Read More]

Midsummer's AMRAP + 1

After what looked to be a great evening of 2nd F on a Midsummer’s eve many of the PAX were operating on High Octane fuel. A fuel they would call upon about halfway through the morning as there were digging deep on an AMRAP + 1. 0520 ECP - YHC, WWW, GTL, Red Rider, Frisco continued our quest to get bigger, stronger and faster at the pull-up one repetition at a time. [Read More]

The Oregon Trail

Today we took a trip back to the Elementary School Library to play the classic computer game ‘Oregon Trail’ 16 of us decided to take on the challenge and travel west in search of a better life. We gathered in Independence, MO to warm up and decide if we should be a Farmer (Sprinkler and Cotton Pickers), a Banker (Good Mornings, I’m assuming a banker would say Good Morning), or a Carepenter (Merkins…there is no tie in, but merkins are always good). [Read More]

We came, we exercised, we relocated rocks, we wrote our backblast

It was good to Q at ol’ FOD this morning - had been a while. A strong crowd of 28 gathered - including Kilmer in a Cabriolet (back in my day - only sorority girls drove those)….. hmmm. Oh well - follow me - YHC said softly and started running up the parking lot through the dark path and up the road to the mailbox. Once there, we circled up for GM x18, IW x 14, HB x 12, SF Arm Circles - 10 each way, 10 seal claps and 10 overhead claps. [Read More]

Heading for the hill

Executive Summary We ran. Bartman gave a 10-count. We ran. Bartman gave a 10-count. We ran. Bartman gave a 10-count. We ran. Bartman gave a 10-count. We ran. Bartman gave a 10-count… Warm-up Started of with the Pledge of Allegiance. As we were about to set off, Clementine pulled in late so the PAX did burpees while we waited for him to get set. Once he joined, we all did another 10 burpees for good measure. [Read More]


Pre-Blast 27 HIMs got wet and got stronger at Phoenix. We were reminded that Franklin is 48 years old. The Warmup - Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. - Mixed run to the West lot. - Circle up for: Supermans, LBCs, SSHs, Freddie Mercs, Merkins. - Small group Indian Run to the community center. The Thangs - Grab an ego rock and a partner. - On the wall, complete AMRAP Australian Nipplers while your partner completes 15 each: rock curls, rock rows, rock tricep ext. [Read More]

Class Participation

Big crowd this morning for a holiday week, lots of familiar faces, some new guys I hadn’t met, and two FNGs. Give the FNGs the Disclaimer (in perfect cadence) and we’re off! Warm-Up Take a lap around the parking lot then mosey over to the lot next to the pavilion and circle up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, prisoner squats, plank jacks, merkins and Good Mornings. Because you can’t Have A Nice Day without a Good Morning. [Read More]

Kicking off USA Birthday Week

As we come up on 241 years as a country, YHC felt it was appropriate to celebrate with a little victory lap. It’s a beautiful lake with wonderful scenery and a typically well maintained Apex trail running around it. The backblasts suggested A-Team hadn’t run a lap in quite some time (YHC found reference to one such effort in ‘16 led by a “McCants”) so here we go. Warm-up: this was sort of done on the run [Read More]

The Spirit of '76

It has been said that the Spirit of ‘76 is a patriotic sentiment referring to the attitude of self-determination and individual liberty made manifest in the Declaration of Independence. That spirit was well-exemplified at Phoenix today as we started looking forward to the 4th of July week with a them of ‘76. WARM-UP The Pledge and 76 SSH, single count, some good mornings, and then we moseyed over to the Phoenix stadium in the grass. [Read More]