Changing of the Guard

Due to technical issues, there is not a way to have the QIC list both Beaker and YHC as the QIC but he was in the mix and deserves the glory. Warm-up Beaker led all the PAX from the flag over to the other lower parking lot and back again to get the legs moving. Once we circled back up we enjoyed a few other treats: SSH x 20 Windmills x 10 Slow Count Merkins x 10 Good Mornings x 10 Thang 1 [Read More]

Miles for Merkins

YHC was excited about Gran Torino since it was announced. Not being a hi-tempo kinda guy, posting at this new hi-tempo workout presents a challenge, the kind of challenge YHC seeks. But leading the workout? That’s enough to make even a grizzled veteran a little anxious. The PAX are expecting a proper and thorough beatdown, so at 05:30 (by the QIC’s watch) we’re off. Warm-Up A quick pledge at the flag, and mosey safely across the street to the tennis park parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies, and the Disco Special, 10 burpees OYO. [Read More]

10-20-30-40 + Rocks

It was a beautiful morning. 47 degrees, a bit damp…a good day for F3. I just returned from NYC and was slightly unprepared… though it didn’t stop me. 23 PAX were waiting for me with my on-time arrival with a minute to spare. Banjo was not so lucky…yes, you guessed it, penalty burpies for Banjo’s “not-so” on-time arrival. The Start The Pledge We then jogged (plus side shuffles) up to DDMS in anticipation to find the rock pile along Davis Dr. [Read More]

The Princess Bride

Today the brute squad assembled early in the fields of Florin to enjoy a workout that would include Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles. However the pax wasn’t impressed and responded. “Doesn’t sound too bad. I’ll try to stay awake”, “Oh, well, thank you very much, very nice of you. Your vote of confidence is overwhelming” dread pirate pivot answered back…. A quick warm-up lap around the parking lot and then circle up to meet the characters [Read More]

Fired up for some Turkey!

Wednesday morning’s are always a high energy affair with Insomnia runners coming in and the Vesper and SNS crowd ready to kill it. Add to that the pre-holiday excitement, temps near freezing and anticipation of Kitty’s upcoming Thanksgiving extravaganza, New Year’s Eve in Times Square had nothing on the 34 gathered at the Senior Center this morning! At the crack of 5:45, the Vesper’s headed out to explore new trails and the SNS crowd got after it. [Read More]

The Caterers I Hired Suck!

This morning I hosted (what may have been) the first ever Field of Dreams Welcome Party, which started 15 minutes prior to the workout. Invitations went out to the entire PAX however Ma Bell, Largemouth, Biner, PBX, Katniss, Bogo, Two Factor, Liverpool, Sosa, Crimson & YHC RSVP’d. We gathered in the parking lot and ran over to the shelter near the soccer field, but when we arrived I noticed the food I ordered from the caterers hadn’t arrived yet. [Read More]

Liverpool Loves Dips

Feeling like the ankle is getting back to full speed, and with the Thanksgiving convergence coming up, YHC knew he needed to shake a little bootcamp beatdown rust off. There is no finer AO on a Monday morning at 0530 on Davis Drive than Wolverine, for said beatdown. Oh, but first HIM of all HIMs Build-a-Bear called a 0455 EC run and YHC felt obliged to join. Grizzly Bear Ollie was there to boot and it was a wonderful 3 mile loop. [Read More]

Carpex Triple down

‘Twas a chilly morning for the first annual Carpex Triple Down featuring a Ruck, F3 Phoenix, and FiA Moneypenny. Then there was also F3 Dads to boot (yes, that’s how you spell it; it’s not ’ta boot’ or ’taboot’ or any other of the bastardized versions I’ve seen afloatin’ around the interwebs). But I digress. YHC rolled in at t0 with some B-52s rocking the ol pickup. A few minutes later (we’ll call it t1) 12ish of us embarked on a cluster ruck (Triple Down Part 1) while a few others embarked on some runs. [Read More]

Very Slippery

20 great men got up and came out to SWW. We did a slow jog around parking lot to a warm up, standard 23 Merkins for Gibson, 10 Windmills and 10 PlankJacks. We ran over to Hill on Kildare, we did 5 Carolina Dry Docks on every other light pole. Then we did some hill sprints and some LBC’s, back to picnic shelter for some Frey Daddy Speed Racers. We did 15 dips followed by 1 lap, then 2 and finished with 3 laps. [Read More]

Rocks, Rocks and more Rocks

Was enjoying chatting up the group when suddenly it was time to go - one burpee OYO i called and then follow me. FIrst Moore came up to me and was very concerned about where we were headed as his FNG had not yet arrived. Dont worry i assured him as we rounded the corner to the back of the parking lot as i had every intention of staying in the exact same parking lot for our warm up. [Read More]