MJ Stands with The Commish

Pre-Blast 31 HIM (not including MJ) at Phoenix for The Commish’s co-VQ with YHC. This also marked a 6-Pack for Mr. Silver! Such a strong start…it’s no wonder MJ Stood with The Commish. The Warmup (Hi-Liter) Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Mixed Run to the Community Center into extended Paint the Lines. Circle up for 25 each: SSH, Mt. Climbers, Hillbillies, Plankjacks, Imperial Walkers, St. Merkins, SSH. The Thang 1 (Hi-Liter) [Read More]

Four Fantastic Floundering Fish

A wonderful rainy day for Back in Black with four Pax. I guess the other 3 did not know who was the Q, even the Site Q’s were smart enough to stay away. Start off with a brief run in rain to find some shelter from the rain. When that failed we just stopped under and over hang and did some warm ups: 10 xGood Mornings 10x Side Saddle hops [Read More]

I would have stayed in bed, but...

It was a brisk, dark, chilly morning at Flirtin’ With Disaster. One stalwart HIM, Chipper, got in a little EC run while the rest of us slowly made our way to the parking lot. Well, most of us were slow, one of us were late. Everyone loves that late guy! It’s 5:30 AM and we slow mosey out of the park across the street and into the large Lowes parking lot for: [Read More]

F3 Dads - Pierogi & Co edition

Will keep this brief as YHC wants to get back to enjoying his Saturday but had to get this down, ASAP. Thank you all for the awesome morning today. I loved it, my kids loved it and I hope all of you did as well. Boone and Rosie have been wanting to Q for months and am glad we finally did. It’s awesome to think that when we first came out, Rosie didn’t want to even say her name at COT and now she’s out there throwing down a beatdown. [Read More]

Leg Day at Back in Black

Where did this cold weather come from????? I much prefer the 47-55 degree band and look forward to getting back there! Several Pax know I somewhat regularly hit the gym after F3, and today was supposed to be leg day in the gym. My original plan was to hit F3, then go lift. Unfortunately, I’m slammed with all-day meetings and did not finish my presentation yesterday, so I need the time to do that. [Read More]


Phoenix, January 5, 2019 Pax: 1-4, Angry Elf, Banjo, Bluewater, Callahan, Clementine, Earhart, Everready, Frisco, Gap Year, Hello Kitty, Hermès, Jiggly Puff, Lite Brite, Ninjago, Ollie, Pierogi, Pigeon, Pivot, Smokey, Snots, Term Paper, Texas Ranger, Theismann, Traffic Cone, Water Wings, Yoga Mat Today was to be Karma Chamelion’s virgin Q, Karma has busted his knee and will be out indefinitely. Prior to starting, YHC invited all pax to consider joining in on the Healing Transitions weekly Saturday 0800 run at Umstead, Harrison entrance. [Read More]

A Q-versary Murph

Last night during dinner I was explaining to my 2.0s what the workout for the next morning was going to be and why. As I read to them the heroic account of Micheal P Murphy and his ensuing death I became immediately convicted of why I called the Murph for a workout. While physically it is quite a challenge, my hope is as we endeavor to complete such a feat that we are taking a moment to remember the all the great men and women who risk their lives everyday in defense of the United States of America. [Read More]

24 - 16 (now)

32 including 1 FNG (Liverpool’s brother) PREBLAST: Kentucky vs UNC this evening at 5:15 pm on CBS, Kentucky and UNC have met 39 times since 1924. UNC leads the series 24 wins to Kentucky’s 15 The series between two of the most victorious college basketball programs of all-time, Kentucky (1st) and North Carolina (3rd), as of the writing of this preblast. WARMUP: SSH x 24 Kentuckys (similar to Imperial Walkers) x 15 [Read More]

Double 11’s and a Distance Record Taboot

Pre-Blast 7 HIM joined YHC to set a distance record at BIB: 3.51 miles. Repeato was the lone site Q, but he was not alone. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the…no shovel flag to be found. Run to the parking lot next door, find a hill, circle up for: GM, Windmills, SSH. ****The Thangs 11s on the hill with burpees at the top and bottom. 11s on the hill with dying cockroaches at the top and crab cakes at the bottom. [Read More]


My M had a hair appointment after the babies’ bedtime last night… which offered the perfect opportunity to knock out some laundry and catch up on podcasts. Last week’s call that was on the F3 Nation podcast featured Olive’s testimony. As I was listening to that, I saw Pet Sounds’ call for a Q-sub. Having navigated that course last week - and having vision cast from a recorded phone conference - I quickly saw a plan come together. [Read More]