The Number 34

Sunday was YHC’s 34th Birthday so to celebrate I took the helm for the first time here at FWD! For the second time Qing in Carpex an FNG showed up. Are my workouts too easy? Welcome FNG “The Decision”. **Warm Up **Mosey around the pickle over by the playground and circle up for the following: Hillbillies Windmills Arm Stretches Standard Merkins OMD x34 **Thang One **Mosey halfway to bridge pausing for pickle pounders [Read More]

4x4 the Cary way

Warm-up: Over to the big lot for GM, SSH, Merkins, Calf Stretch, Merkins, Mountain Climbers The Thang: 4x4 in the corners on 5 Carolina Dry Docks 10 American Hammers 15 Ranger Merkins 20 Yogi’s favorite sit up (WWII) … four times through all dat Move the pax to the back side of Koka Booth for 10,15,20 on LRSU, dips and LBC Move the pax back to the lot for a round of AYG with some football starting positions Mary from a trio of the pax and we’re out! [Read More]

Inverted Sunrise at FwD 06-18-19

YHC is honored to Q this morning at my old stomping grounds. It is good to be back. Chipper, Jiggly Puff and YHC followed Oofta’s lead on a 3ish mile EC run launching at 4:55. It looked like a couple others got in a shorter EC run. Circle up, disclaimer, moment of silence for Warchild. The Warmup: Follow me, jog around the pickle, some Good Mornings, Windmills, Sir Farzio Arm Circles and SSH for good measure. [Read More]

Fern lovers afraid of wet asphalt at 6/13/19 BiB

Half, Hermes for a 2ish mile fellowship EC mosey. Its time, 7 pax in parking lot, beautiful chill in the air. - Standard Shut-in Warm Up -Follow me, attack the hill with a vengeance unknown to man, lets keep up the mosey for a tour around the new building and back around to the parking deck out front. Partner up. Dora 2 4 6 – 200 Merkins, 400 Calf Raises, 600 LBCs. [Read More]

A Whippersnapper Steals the Show

YHC turned 50 on 6/7/2019, the date of this workout (yes the Backblast is late). Half a century on this fine earth and feeling all the better for it! After a truncated EC run with a few of the regulars, 26 of us circled up for the pledge and a Birthday Q. Warm-up Quick jog around the lot, then circle up for Good Morning, some Side Straddle Hops, a sloppily Q’d set of Hillbilly’s and some Michael Phelps style arm stretches. [Read More]

D-Day Tribute

December 7th, June 6th, & more recently September 11th are important days for our country and days that I hope are never forgotten. Today at Back in Black, we paid tribute to the amazing bravery that took place 75 years ago today: 75 years ago today, really not that long ago in the scheme of things, 150,000 Allied troops began hitting the beaches of Normandy, France. It was the beginning of largest amphibious invasion ever known to mankind. [Read More]

What no Mary

It was the spring morning we missed in sprint at flirting with disaster with 18 paxs. The exercise started off with a lite run to the park for some warm ups. Side saddle hops Merkins Calf Stretches Runner strectches Imperial walkers Then we did a run toward the bridge stopping at the intersection to some quick LBCs At the bridge Ollie really wanted to bear crawl across the bridge so we did our best. [Read More]


Today is my birthday. I signed up over a month ago for this workout, not knowing what I’d be doing the preceding few days. This was a mistake. In hindsight, fartsacking would have been a great idea. However, I’m not one to back down off a commitment! I said I was going to do it, so I’m going to do it. I will note, however, that my body was in sever protest after yesterday’s 12-Mile ruck, Murph Convergence, and full day of actively working outside in the heat. [Read More]


10 HIMs gathered at Koka Booth for the following: Disclaimer disclaimed, allegiance pledged, and mosey to the biggest, baddest parking lot in all of Cary at 0515 on a Thursday. Warm Up SSHs, Good Mornings, Sir Fazio arm circles forward and back, Moroccan Night Clubs, Calf Stretches, Plank Jacks and Merkins. The Thang Time to play Blackjack. Everything always adds up to 21. Complete 20 Merkins, run the length of the parking lot, and do 1 LBC. [Read More]

Flirtin' with The Murph

Hi-Liter asked me to step in for the FWD Q this week, I was honored! Leading up to the Q, I thought to myself, What would Hi-Liter do? I figured it had been at least 4 or 5 days since his last Murph, so it must be time for another Murph, right?! But the famous Memorial Day Murph convergence is right around the corner. Now FWD is strategically placed .5 miles from Cary’s flagship pedestrian bridge, which is irresistible to YHC with the Q. [Read More]