The Bridge Side-to-Side Catch Me If You Can Exercise?

Rollcall on Insta: Video Here Beatdown on Strava: YHC’s first time running in to an AO. New (temporary) living quarters put me about 1.5 miles away from FWD. Upon arriving at the parking lot a car was already there and the pax was missing. A few minutes later Chipper runs out of the shadows and explains he had a little insomnia so he decided to EC run 3 miles. Whatever floats your boat I guess. [Read More]

No Rip, No Problem

Got an email while I was up late working. No Riptide, sick M. Well Hermes is out of town so I guess I got the Q! What should I do? I’ll think of it in the morning….. I got there and Termpaper was making comments about Rip not knowing it was at 5:30 and might not show. I had to let him know he wasn’t coming. He seemed bummed about not toddler swats or partner merkins. [Read More]

Tank tops and merit badges

I was the Scout Master for Thursday’s Scout Week themed workout. As we do, we started out with the pledge of allegiance. Then we mosey to the bank for some: SSH IC Good Mornings IC Sir Fiazo Arm Circles , forward and reverse IC Merkins, on my down, holding for a 10 count after each set of 5 Warm-up complete, we run over to the pocket park behind Page-Walker where we start working on our first merit badge, Animal Science! [Read More]

Tighten Up

Lots of mumble chatter on social media this week about parts of Carpex that we needed to tighten up. Somebody’s gotta do it, might as well be YHC. Warm-Up Mosey over to the bank and circle up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, copperhead squats, plank jacks and copperhead merkins. The Thang Mosey down to the library and partner up. Partner one will take a lap around the library parking lot while partner two alternates ten reps of two exercises. [Read More]

New Grounds and a Signature Sunrise

Strava: 3 miles Got to nab the Q from Hi-Liter this week. It’s becoming tougher and tougher to get a Q spot if you don’t plan more than 2 weeks in advance. That’s something Carpex can be proud of! Something else to be proud of is to leave the pax breathless at COT and better than where you found them at the start of the day! Let’s see how we did! [Read More]

What do they call it when you dedicate part of a Q to a guy who doesn't show up?

In jest only, as McCants was called to remain on the home front, but YHC did set out to dedicate a portion of the beatdown to the one and only, PJ “McCants” Puryear. On what is the calendar date of YHC’s 1-year F3 Carpex Anniversary, I had to grab the Q spot at Carpex’s premier AO in downtown Cary on a Thursday morning. 22 are here, 20 for the beat-down and 2 with sacks of rice on their shoulders. [Read More]

Ode to the Hate

We had a May the Fourth workout last week… so let’s follow with a May the HATEth workout! It’s all about the Hate today. FNG Check Mosey over to the Kids Together playground for our warmup. Half the pax do figure Hates around the playgrounds. The other half works on cadence GM, Cotton Pickers, and CDDs. Gather up, and Indian Run back out to Thurston. Turn right and head to Cary Parkway. [Read More]

Still doing it Downtown Cary F3 Style

It was a big day in downtown Cary as 24 PAX gathered to celebrate the 4th anniversary of the premier downtown AO in Carpex. It was also conveniently enough YHC’s 4th anniversary in F3. Unfortunately, my co-FNGs on that faithful day, Ma Bell (traveling), Baby Face (moving), and Lab Rat (never to be seen again) were unavailable to join in the festivities. To honor the day and the OGQ Wonk (who did make a rare appearance in the gloom), we decided to pay homage to the first (yet to be named) BO workout. [Read More]

BO 2 Yr Anniversary

BO was my first Carpex post, 4/28/16. MCants had the Q. He was so cool to me and made me feel part of the PAX immediately. 5:45rolled around and off we went, headed to school and did some warms up, 23 Merkins for Gibson. We then did so 4 corners work for Ma Bell, then we did some running work with Mary mixed in, then some dips and squats by the water fountain. [Read More]

A perfectly timed downtown workout (well, except for the ruckers)

After a quick disclaimer to the FNG, 15 Pax departed FUMC at promptly 5:45:01. Three ruckers went on their way. Jogged up to the bank plaza (where the new spotlights can burn through your soul) for a typical warmup (SSH, IWs, etc.), losing Callahan in the process. Jog to the south corner of Academy and Ambassador Loop to partner up. Ascending Burpee Catch-me-if-you-can around the loop to the parking garage. Riptide offered the opportunity to use the sleds, but YHC eased the minds of the concerned Pax by politely declining. [Read More]