Running vanilla

This was YHC’s 1st ever post at FMJ, though he’d been onsite for many workouts. YHC figured he stick with what he knows. Strap on those running shoes, here we go. Run towards the track, stopping on the way for a whole lot of mumblechatter and 10 SSH (IC) 10 Imperial Walkers (IC) 10 Good Mornings (IC) 10 Hackeysacks (IC) 10 Cossak Stretch (a.k.a Hey Hey Willy) (IC) 10 Calf Stretch 5L, 5R (IC) [Read More]

The Real Sumo Squat

Pre-Blast 21 for 3.2 miles of pearls on a string at Krypto The Warmup & Thang Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Turn left out of the lot onto Regency. Run up to Enderlee pausing six or so times to knockout ~fifty exercises at each stop. Left on Enderlee. Run down to Regency pausing six or so times to knockout ~fifty exercises at each stop. Run to the parking lot hill pausing six or so times to knockout ~fifty exercises at each stop. [Read More]

Miles and Merkins

Preamble Last time I signed up to Q Gran Torino, there were some shenanigans. I felt bad about pulling the wool over the PAX’ eyes with that masterful switcheroo in our annual Ninja Q Swap. So when I saw the opening on the Q sheet right after New Year’s I jumped on it to make amends. The pre-blast was apparently just ominous enough that a couple of PAX decided to ruck instead. [Read More]

Closing out DTP and 2019 with a VQ

With an impending night of debauchery in store for most, an impressive 28 rolled out of bed for a VQ by YHC to close out 2019. I must say, I couldn’t tell at first if I was honored to have that many show up or to pity them for what might be a disaster first Q (probably both). Either way, after going over the F3 mission and core principles with the FNG (nailed it btw), we headed out for what I was hoping to be an “END THE YEAR BEATDOWN. [Read More]

12 Days of Schlitz-mas

Are you looking at my Weinke? 20 HIMs were kind enough to show up on this glorious day to see what YHC had in store for them. Full disclosure, I signed up for this Q before this AO went high tempo and really just to get that Q-zie. Parker mentioned last week that his wife was Qing at FIA and doing the 12 days of Christmas as a theme for her workout and that sounded like a great idea so let’s go! [Read More]

Release The Hounds

16 for the main event and 8 for the pre-run on what started out as a pretty normal Monday morning - 40ish degrees in December, a plan to cover some ground with a few exercises thrown in, and Burt yelling my hospital name before we even left the parking lot. But we eventually got into the Regency neighborhood where someone released their pair of attack dogs as we were doing hill repeats in front of their driveway. [Read More]

Re-evaluating Life Decisions

Early this morning, YHC, Wrench, Flenderson, Two Factor, Jiggly Puff, and some random Maynard participants gather at the Cary Senior Center. For some crazy reason YHC decided to join in on the EC festivities offered by Wrench on Slack last night. We started the morning at 5:30 setting out for a 5 mile loop. 54 minutes and 5.51 miles later YHC arrived back to the senior center for the ME. I was beat and clearly questioning my life decisions at that point. [Read More]

5 Years............and Counting

Hit the PAX with a challenge to post at Kryptonite on the Slacks. And a special request to the 8 other Pax that attended my first workout, 7 of the 8 were there (Burt - Q, Wonderbread, Denali, Hotspot, Michelob, Franklin, and MaBell). Surcharge was unable to make it, although I am not sure he received my request. Anyways, 27 total showed up to see if I learned anything in the past 5 years…………. [Read More]

OK, Boomer

Google it, if you have to. I did. Hint: it has nothing to do with Oklahoma. 19 PAX + 1 for EC only showed up at a damp and gloomy FMJ as Carpex Respect Week rolls on. Seems like an appropriate week for one of our Respects to ask, “Hey! Can you just tell me what ‘OK Boomer’ means so I don’t have to look it up?” In the meantime, we did do some exercises: [Read More]